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Career Counselling: Current Trends in Research and Theory
The main aim of this paper is to analyse the current trends and tendencies within career counselling research and theories. The author summarises existing career counselling studies as well as makes the case for using A. Giddens’ theory of structuration in career counselling analysis.
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The main aim of this presentation is to discuss issues pertaining to socio-cultural contexts of the role of career counsellor. I will start with the general statement that career counselling is a learning process. According to Tom Luken career learning itself is a lifelong learning process 'by which people develop a career identity and the abilities to guide their own learning and vocational life'. (Luken, in print, Meijers 2009) Nowadays, in the shadow of the economic crisis, rising unemployment rates and dismantlement of the welfare state in many countries around the world, the European Commission has appointed career counselling to be not only one of the most important ways of supporting people in the process of career constructing but also one the crucial factors contributing to the community (or society) development. (EU, 2010) It is because career counselling should counteract the
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The aim of this study is to find out the factors on counsellor's effective skills towards the effects obtained through students' career guidance. Data from Secondary High School Department (DIKMEN) were analysed to investigate the mediation effect of counsellors' counselling skills to career guidance by applying SPSS 18.0. There was continual increase of self-efficacy regarding to students' satisfaction with the skilled career guidance counsellors. This study investigated the long-term stability of the positive effects obtained quantitatively done by the counsellors with improved effective counselling skills on students' career guidance. The result of the study showed that there are seven factors which become the key factors to effective counseling skill to improve the effective counseling skill and the effectiveness of individual counseling namely; attending, leading, reflecting, summarizing, interpreting, confronting, and informing/ advising. By acquiring those seven skills, the counselors contributed significantly to improve the effectiveness of individual counseling towards career guidance.
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A recent national study of career and employment counselling in Canada showed that evaluation typically receives little attention. Encouragingly, meta-analyses conducted in the United States have indicated that career counselling produces positive effects and that these are, on the average, of the same magnitude as those brought about by well-developed psychological, educational, and behavioural interventions in general. Additional evaluative research is needed, however, to clarify the central questions of why career counselling is effective, with whom, underwhat conditions, and on which outcome dimensions. To encourage the investigation of these issues, selected process-oriented and outcome-oriented evaluation strategies described in the recent literature were presented. Illustrations of their application were drawn from the author's research and that of his students. Résumé Selon une étude nationale récente du counseling de carrière et d'emploi au Canada (Conger, Hiebert Sc Hong-Farrell, 1994), on se préoccupe peu de l'évaluation. Des méta-analyses américaines encourageantes ont suggéré que le counseling de carrière produit des effets positifs et que ceux-ci sont, en moyenne, du même ordre d'importance que ceux produits par des interventions bien développés de caractère psychologique, éducatif, et comportemental, plus généralement. Il faut d'autres recherches évaluatives, cependant, afin d'expliquer pourquoi le counseling de carrière est efficace, avec qui, sous quelles conditions, et sur quelles dimensions. Pour promouvoir la recherche sur ces questions, des stratégies axées sur les processus et sur les résultats du counseling de carrière furent décrites. Afin d'illustrer l'application de ces stratégies, des exemples tirés des recherches de l'auteur et de ses étudiants furent présentés.
The article analyzes the current status of student counselling in vocational education institutions, contextualizes findings on this problem and discloses contradictory points of counselling. It is justified that vocational education institutions normally view professional career counselling as the processes of dealing with and solving students' internal conflicts within professional self-determination. Career centres are positioned to be the implementers of the ideas of student career counselling. However, such research methods as theoretical analysis, comparison, pedagogical observations and logical generalization made it possible to specify some typical problematic aspects of career counselling within professional development of the modern personality, which are mostly reduced to the inconsistencies of the ideal and real images of the chosen career, subjective perception and ignoring of value orientations in relation to professional success and career growth in a market environment, irrelevant self-assessment of individual and personal qualities, etc. The authors of the research suggest some promising ways of solving the problematic aspects of student counselling in vocational education institutions, which are conceptualized in the mechanisms of a productive innovative interaction between scholars from the Institute for Vocational Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (NAPS) of Ukraine and the teaching staff and are implemented in the framework of introducing the system of professional career counselling in vocational education.
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This article reports on the change in the career adaptability of participants exposed to an intervention programme characterized by career and selfconstruction principles compared to the change in participants who participated in standard, traditional career counselling lessons. Convenience and purposive sampling were used to select two groups (experimental and comparison of Grade 11 learners). Intervention occurred in both experimental groups. A mixed methods, quasi-experimental, pre-test/posttest comparison group design was used to gather data. Pre-and post-test scores obtained on the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS) were analysed. The quantitative results suggested that the intervention programme did not improve participants' career adaptability compared to standard, traditional career counselling lessons as measured by the CAAS. Future research should include the use of measures of self-reflection and meaning-making to test the direct effects of experimental interventions.
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Nov 12, 2019 · PDF | On Nov 12, 2019, Andreas Hirschi and others published Career counseling | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
In this research paper, the ... Counseling is part of an extensive sector of applied psychology, ... The interest test results were very useful in student career counseling with professors (n=53). ...
Career Psychology describes the theory, science,and practice of career counseling, a field that serves as thefoundation for career planning, occupational explor...
Jan 1, 2013 · The main aim of this paper is to analyse the current trends and tendencies within career counselling research and theories. The author summarises existing career counselling studies as well as ...
In today's complex, changeable, and often chaotic world, work continually gets redefined to meet contemporary conditions. Conceptions of career as vertical movement through a sequence of positions within an organizational workplace now give way to notions of career unbounded by such limits. Organizational structures in constant flux require people to be adaptable, self-regulating, and self ...
Second, the research articles represent a wide array of methodological approaches, and researchers have made wise research design choices for their areas of inquiry. Third, there is a true professional responsiveness to the needs of the world.
Keywords: career counseling; competencies; contexts; life design counseling; work Introduction The careful examination of work-related topics reveals that – in the Greek sense of ἔργον (ergón), an action that carries out an inner desire, similar to the Latin labour – and career counselling as a means of addressing
Counseling Process and Outcome, Counseling Psychology, Child abuse and neglect, Career Guidance Counseling Research on the effect of career counselling on career decision making of young adolescents A long thirty years of experience as a teacher and career counsellor for the high school and higher secondary students was the inspiration behind ...
Mar 15, 2023 · The primary aim of this paper is to make a contribution in the field, providing a synthetic overview of contemporary research findings regarding the effectiveness of narrative and mixed career counseling approaches with a special focus on university students.
Journal of Counsellogy 2013 ISSN 2299-4971 Anna Bilon University of Lower Silesia Career Counselling: Current Trends in Research and heory he main aim of this paper is to analyse the current trends and tendencies within career counselling research and theories. he author summarises existing career counselling studies as well as makes the case for using A. Giddens’ theory of struc‑ turation ...