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Essay topics.
All first-year applicants will complete a few Yale-specific short answer questions. These required questions are slightly different based on the application platform an applicant chooses. The 2024-2025 Yale-specific questions for the Coalition Application, Common Application, and QuestBridge Application are detailed below.
Short Answer Questions
Applicants submitting the Coalition Application , Common Application , or QuestBridge Application will respond to the following short answer questions:
- Students at Yale have time to explore their academic interests before committing to one or more major fields of study. Many students either modify their original academic direction or change their minds entirely. As of this moment, what academic areas seem to fit your interests or goals most comfortably? Please indicate up to three from the list provided.
- Tell us about a topic or idea that excites you and is related to one or more academic areas you selected above. Why are you drawn to it? (200 words or fewer)
- What is it about Yale that has led you to apply? (125 words or fewer)
Applicants applying with the QuestBridge Application will complete the questions above via the Yale QuestBridge Questionnaire, available on the Yale Admissions Status Portal after an application has been received.
Applicants submitting the Coalition Application or Common Application will also respond to the following short answer questions, in no more than 200 characters (approximately 35 words):
- What inspires you?
- If you could teach any college course, write a book, or create an original piece of art of any kind, what would it be?
- Other than a family member, who is someone who has had a significant influence on you? What has been the impact of their influence?
- What is something about you that is not included anywhere else in your application?
Applicants submitting the Coalition Application or Common Application will respond to one of the following prompts in 400 words or fewer.
1. Reflect on a time you discussed an issue important to you with someone holding an opposing view. Why did you find the experience meaningful?
2. Reflect on your membership in a community to which you feel connected. Why is this community meaningful to you? You may define community however you like.
3. Reflect on an element of your personal experience that you feel will enrich your college. How has it shaped you?
How to Write the Yale Supplemental Essays: Guide + Examples 2024/2025
How to Write the Yale Supplemental Essays TABLE OF CONTENTS
What are the yale supplemental essay prompts.
- How to write each supplemental essay prompt for Yale University
- Prompt #1: "Why major" essay
- Prompt #2: "Why us" essay
- Prompt #3: Short answers
- Prompt #4: Multiple options essay
While Yale was founded in 1702, it didn’t become part of the Ivy League until the 1950s … because the Ivy League didn’t exist until the ‘50s, when it was created as an NCAA sports division, though people frequently think the term simply refers to an elite group of schools. Which Yale also definitely is.
The Yale supplemental essay prompts offer an opportunity to show many of the different, complex facets that make you both an interesting human being and a good candidate for acceptance. You’ll want to take advantage of that opportunity by carefully considering your responses and using them to show variety.
If you want to get a clearer sense of all that Yale is looking for, you can explore an extensive, by-the-numbers look at its offerings, from enrollment and tuition statistics to student life and financial aid information, on its Common Data Set . And for insights into how the university envisions itself and its role, and how it wants to grow and evolve, read its sustainability plan and global strategy . Reading through these will give you a strong idea of what Yale values.
Yale Supplemental Essay Prompt #1
Tell us about a topic or idea that excites you and is related to one or more academic areas you selected above. Why are you drawn to it? (200 words or fewer)
Yale Supplemental Essay Prompt #2
What is it about Yale that has led you to apply? (125 words or fewer)
Yale Supplemental Essay Prompt #3
Applicants submitting the Coalition Application or Common Application will also respond to the following short answer questions, in no more than 200 characters (approximately 35 words): What inspires you? If you could teach any college course, write a book, or create an original piece of art of any kind, what would it be? Other than a family member, who is someone who has had a significant influence on you? What has been the impact of their influence? What is something about you that is not included anywhere else in your application?
Yale Supplemental Essay Prompt #4
Applicants submitting the Coalition Application or Common Application will respond to one of the following prompts in 400 words or fewer. Reflect on a time you discussed an issue important to you with someone holding an opposing view. Why did you find the experience meaningful? Reflect on your membership in a community to which you feel connected. Why is this community meaningful to you? You may define community however you like. Reflect on an element of your personal experience that you feel will enrich your college. How has it shaped you?
How to Write Each Supplemental Essay Prompt for Yale
How to write the yale supplemental essay prompt #1.
This is a standard (but very short) “Why Major” prompt. For a larger guide to the “Why Major” essay, click here . Below is a condensed version.
One possible approach:
Think of this as a quick origin story.
Step #1: Imagine a mini-movie of the moments that led you to your interest and create a simple, bullet-point outline.
Step #2: Put your moments (aka the “scenes” of your mini-movie) in chronological order, as it’ll help you see how your interests developed. It also makes it easier to write transitions.
Step #3: You’ll likely want to include a specific thesis that explicitly states your central argument—in this case, what you want to study and why. This thesis can come at the beginning, middle, or end of your essay.
Once you have those pieces, you have a few structural options:
A. A quick hook that thematically sets up where you’ll take us, and, ideally, shows an aspect of your intellect/personality (If you do this, it can be stylistically effective to bookend—to end the essay by linking back to what you opened with.)
B. An initial moment that sparked your interest
C. Your thesis
Body (but to clarify, this essay can be a single paragraph if you choose)
The moments of your mini-movie, illustrating both the development of your interest and some of your core values
One option: Go narrower—perhaps link to specific aspects of Yale that will help you continue on your path toward a future goal.
Another option: Go wider—name the road you hope to follow (for example, career path, organizations you’d like to work with, the greater value/implications of studying what you want to).
And last, a quick tip: Be sure this essay is consistent with your personal statement if you’ve mentioned aspects of your major/career there.
Here’s a nice example essay (written by Luci Jones), written when the prompt had a shorter word count—so you’ll have more room for your essay.
Storytelling has shaped me. At four, I read The Lion King until I’d memorized it. I’d snuggle in bed as my dad read Wilderness Champion or Tom Sawyer. Later, I found audio and visual storytelling, mesmerized by This American Life and Whiplash. Now, I create my own stories through newspaper satire, podcasting, and locally-broadcasted radio. My major at Yale would be the next chapter in my life of storytelling. I’d explore past narratives and how they can be digitally innovated. Whether exploring media’s disfiguration of truth, developing screenplays, or analyzing mise-en-scene, I hope to pioneer new networks of connection. (99 words) — — —
Tips + Analysis
(Quickly) hook the reader. The first line performs a few functions here. First, it pulls us in and makes us curious about what exactly she means by claiming that storytelling has shaped her. Second, it gives us a sense of a core aspect of her identity and values.
Show the development of your interest through moments that connect to core values. She packs a nice amount of detail into 99 words. The details she includes point toward her values and identity, as do her interests in newspaper satire, podcasting, and local radio. The details in the second paragraph show some nice depth and development.
Describe how Yale can help with the next steps. She links her brief origin story to how Yale can help her on her path, and how it will help her develop both her understanding and her values.
How to Write the Yale Supplemental Essay Prompt #2
What is it about Yale that has led you to apply? (125 words)
This is a standard but really short “Why us?” prompt. Because it’s so short, you’ll want to find a few specific reasons that set Yale apart from other schools you're applying to. As the following guide explains, you’ll want to be sure to think of this as a “Why us?”—as in you + the school, and why you’d be a great fit together, and not simply “why them.” One way we sometimes joke about this is to think about the essay as though you’re helping the school understand why your online dating profile and its online dating profile are perfect for each other, and how you’d probably make great partners.
For a complete guide to “Why us?” essays, click here . Here’s a condensed version:
Six Common Mistakes Students Make on “Why Us?” Essays
Mistake #1 : Writing about the school's size, location, reputation, weather, or ranking
Mistake #2 : Simply using emotional language to demonstrate fit
Mistake #3 : Screwing up the mascot, stadium, team colors or names of any important people or places on campus
Mistake #4 : Parroting the brochures or website language
Mistake #5 : Describing traditions the school is well known for
Mistake #6 : Thinking of this as only a "why them" essay (as mentioned above)
So, if those are things you shouldn’t write about, what should you write about? Here are some steps to figure that out.
Step #1 : Do your research.
Spend 1 hr+ researching 10+ reasons why Yale might be a great fit for you (you’ll only use a few of them, but try to find more than you’ll need for the essay so you can choose the strongest).
Step #2 : Use this chart to map out your research.
Step #3 : Decide on your approach.
Approach #1: The “3-5 Unique Offerings” Strategy
Find 3-5 opportunities that are particular to the school (i.e., available at no other school or no other school you’re applying to) and connect each one back to you.
Approach #2: The “One Value” Strategy
How it works: Identify one core value that links you to the school and tell a story. Like so:
1. Find a way in which you and the school are deeply aligned.
2. Take your time crafting the essay.
3. Find a way to be vulnerable.
Could I create a hybrid approach by focusing on a central theme, but still listing a few reasons?
Here’s a nice example essay (written by Luci Jones).
My life is the epitome of “and.” I have Chinese roots and am a proud North Carolinian. I am a team player and a leader. A bookworm and a backpacker. A creative thinker and logical problem-solver. I bridge divides. Like me, Yale embraces “and.” While Yale has the resources of a large research university, its approach to academics fosters the intimacy of a liberal arts education. I could research abroad in Rabat and prepare for post-college work at CIPE, but also engage in small group discussions about world cinema and take an interdisciplinary class connecting creative writing, psychology, and digital media. Yale is a place that closes the gap. A place that offers a whole new world of “and” to explore and create. (123 words) — — —
(Quickly) hook the reader. As with the first essay, the opening line here pulls us in and makes us curious what exactly she means by this claim. This is a quick way to stand out from the rest.
Get really specific about the school + you. The second paragraph gets into some nice detail regarding what the school offers, with the contrast between the details illustrating a connection to a core aspect of how she sees herself (an embracer of “and”).
Bookending. With any essay, but especially one this short, bookending (using the final line to link back thematically to where the essay opened) can be a nice way to create a sense of closure while allowing you to devote most of your word count to details about the school and yourself.
Prompt 3 is a series of four short answer questions. For a more detailed guide, click here .
As you approach these, keep in mind that each offers a chance to show the reader a new piece of yourself. Get really specific with your responses in ways that counterpoint nicely with other elements of your application. And along those lines, try not to repeat things that appear elsewhere.
How to Write the Yale Supplemental Essay Prompt #3
- What inspires you?
- If you could teach any college course, write a book, or create an original piece of art of any kind, what would it be?
- Other than a family member, who is someone who has had a significant influence on you? What has been the impact of their influence?
- What is something about you that is not included anywhere else in your application?
These short answer questions can present a nice opportunity to show your personality, and allow for some juxtaposition against one another to demonstrate depth and complexity.
Here’s some advice on how to approach short answer questions like these.
The examples below each do a nice job of showing values, intellect, and personality, and often contain a touch of humor.
Short answer 1: What inspires you?
(200 characters; 35 words max)
Podcasts. Ira Glass and This American Life. Stories that hook you with the small moments, but leave you with the big lessons. Listening to voices and feeling connected to a radio network of humanity. (199 Characters) — — —
Tips + Analysis
Think about the things people tend to be inspired by. Sunsets. Popular quotes. Songs. Then don’t write about those things.
Instead, find something that is as specific to you as possible, and that allows you to share a new side of yourself. And get really specific with the “why.” Plenty of people are inspired by podcasts, but the reflection and focus are what helps us feel like we know this student.
Short answer 2: If you could teach any college course, write a book, or create an original piece of art of any kind, what would it be?
You’ve got fun options to be creative and show interests and personality here.
Here’s a longer guide for writing a “create-your-own-course” essay . While it won’t apply as much here—since you’re basically answering in just a few words—it may inspire you.
And the same principles apply to the “write a book” or “create an original piece of art” options.
Here’s a nice example.
Tweeting on the Golden Toilet: A Historical Look at the Social, Political, and Cultural Implications of Fake News in America (20 words) – – –
Tips + Analysis
We like that, in just a few words, we get a feel for the author’s sense of humor, her intellect, and her political and social values.
The structure here—an interesting, amusing course name, followed by a description that shows us values and intelligence—works nicely.
Short answer 3: Other than a family member, who is someone who has had a significant influence on you? What has been the impact of their influence?
Michael Wildes, my mentor, who humbly carries the big flashy name, has inspired me to become an immigration lawyer who sees the human in each person rather than the money they can pay. — — —
Short answer 4: What is something about you that is not included anywhere else in your application?
This one is wide open, for a reason. Rather than guide you with a more specific prompt, Yale is curious to see what you’d add here that you haven’t had a chance to share yet. So look at it as one more chance to make your application profile stand out. Don’t be daunted by the tiny word count. Sometimes, less is more.
Here are three examples that prove that out.
Late nights working on the Katana ZERO fan game I started; coding, writing, drawing. The best part is posting in #daily-progress at 2am about what I accomplished. Logging in the next morning and seeing updates from my team members, I’m encouraged to keep working on our collective passion project. (49 words) – – – Falafels. Construction Work. Wave-Particle Duality. These describe my train ride for two hours every Saturday to attend the Columbia Science Honors Program. One side of my brain ponders the inception of subway route-optimization while the other side empathizes with the little kid tugging on his mom’s jacket for more candy. (50 words) – – – In July of 2018, I analyzed supersaturation in polymers, measuring their weight change, and combined my experiment with another researcher’s nanoparticles project, investigating whether nano-patterned polymers more effectively filtered water. By expanding the experiment, results have the potential to provide clean water to developing countries and revolutionize current filtration techniques. (50 words) – – –
Use the opportunity to flex a different value. Along with the opportunity to share an activity Yale hasn’t seen yet comes the chance to show a different value. Do the Values Exercise , if you haven’t already, and examine the rest of your application. Which of your values aren’t showing up or aren’t coming through as much as you’d like? Either choose an activity that allows you to express that value best, or find a way to write about it to show that value with intention. The first example here shows curiosity and persistence. The second is sprinkled with humor and adventure, while the third has geeky pursuit-of-knowledge vibes.
Show how that activity or experience demonstrates one of your best qualities. Zero in on one particular moment or aspect of your activity or experience that shows a positive quality about you. Notice, we say SHOW. Don’t just write what that quality is—help your reader visualize it. For example, the author of the first essay reveals a commitment to passion projects by sharing details about his #daily-progress posts. The author of the second essay talks about a train ride but shows an intellectual curiosity about the world around her. And the author of third essay talks about an academic research experience but demonstrates knowing how to apply scientific research to real world problems.
How to Write the Yale Supplemental Essay Prompt #4
- Reflect on a time you discussed an issue important to you with someone holding an opposing view. Why did you find the experience meaningful?
- Reflect on a time when you have worked to enhance a community to which you feel connected. Why have these efforts been meaningful to you? You may define community however you like.
- Reflect on an element of your personal experience that you feel will enrich your college. How has it shaped you?
Let’s break that down …
Option 1: Reflect on a time you discussed an issue important to you with someone holding an opposing view. Why did you find the experience meaningful?
(400 words or fewer)
There’s no doubting it. Yale is one of the most intellectually rigorous communities in the world. And this essay prompt asks you to reflect on a moment that shows you welcome the growth that comes from weighing different viewpoints. Since this prompt is deeply connected to Yale’s core values and mission, it’s important to spend time and intention on your response.
Here’s a great example written for a very similar Princeton prompt.
A racist culture pervades my small town of Maryville, Tennessee. To outsiders, we seem complicit in this racism through our mascot: the Rebels. In August, my school voted me as Mrs. MHS: awarded to the student who contributes the most to the school and community through extracurriculars, academics, and community service and embodies the “Rebel spirit.” I was grateful for the award, but appalled when the latter label was bestowed upon me. So, the girl who embodied the Rebel spirit rebelled. “Whether you like it or not, our mascot has foundations in racism. Changing the mascot is the bare minimum that we owe to the students that have been affected by the racism this mascot fuels,” began my (now infamous) social media post. My post was reposted, sent in groups, and met with intense hatred. “The snowflakes won’t let us have anything these days. It’s literally a mascot,” read the most popular comment, insinuating that I was being overly sensitive. The student who wrote this, leader of a group called “Save the Rebels,” ensured that I was alienated as one of the few local supporters. I messaged him and transformed an argumentative discourse into a healthy, multiple-day discussion about the roots and depiction of the mascot. We researched each other’s sources and began to understand the opposing side’s perspective. Yet, as we made progress, his friends pulled him away from breaking the barriers of polarization with me. Incorporating the lessons I learned from this experience into future dialogues, I believe it would be increasingly impactful for the defenders of the mascot to hear the testimonials of students of color to substantiate my claim that the mascot brought about pain. I would also want to create a safe space where individuals can exchange differing perspectives and attempt to understand each other’s position without fear of social pressure. At Princeton, I hope to contribute to an environment free of judgment, where I can use the tools that I’ve gained to pave the way for a more effective, respectful dialogue. – – –
Find a unique angle. Never forget that your goal is to stand out and say something memorable when writing any college application essay. So, try not to choose to reflect on a moment that could have happened to anyone (e.g., arguing with someone in the comment section of a YouTube video). Instead, pick a moment that brings the reader into a unique angle of your life. Notice how the author of this example essay also gets to share information about her role as “Mrs. MHS.”
Weigh the opposing viewpoints. Show you’re capable of analyzing both sides of an argument. You can do this by discussing your beliefs about the particular issue and then showing your process for attempting to understand the opposing viewpoint. The author of this example shows her commitment to understanding the other side by talking about how she not only reached out to discuss the issue with the leader of “Save the Rebels,” she and her conversation partner also took the time to research “each other’s sources and began to understand the opposing side’s perspective.”
Share the lesson and how you plan to apply it. How did you grow from your experience? That’s what Yale’s admission officials really want to know. So, end your essay with a clear explanation of what you’ve learned from having your ideas challenged and the more nuanced understanding you now have of the issue. Then, wrap things up by discussing how you can continue to apply the lessons you gained from the experience. This student devotes a whole paragraph on how she’d apply the lessons she’s learned, exposing the defenders of the mascot to perspectives of those who’ve been hurt by it, but also creating a safe space for all to share their opinions. That’s just the kind of maturity and self-reflection Yale (and Princeton) is looking for.
Here’s another great example, also written for that Princeton prompt:
The past few years have demonstrated a rift between perspectives present throughout the nation, and my Spanish class perfectly demonstrated this. Once during a group discussion, someone shared a cartoon in which a certain elected official with a certain style of hair who lives in a certain house was drawn as an infant. This led to a heated argument. Some of us found it relatively humorous, while others were offended, claiming the political caricature was a form of bullying. As the quarreling continued, the focus on the image waned. Insults were being thrown in broken Spanish and it soon became clear people weren’t listening so much as forcing their beliefs and expecting agreement. For a while, I just attributed this to differences of opinion. But once members of the group began avoiding each other, I noticed the resentment over who had or had not chuckled at the simply-drawn lines of the cartoon had led to another drawing: that of deep divisions between friends. There seemed to be a lack of ear-lending and little fact-based explanations shared as to why others were perceived as wrong. When we revisited this incident in our next discussion, I realized education is different from indoctrination. Explaining something to demonstrate why a certain belief is not a fact is different from forcing someone to change their beliefs by belittling them. Though I considered myself a neutral party in this particular argument, I had taken a side internally. In the future, if I were to find myself in a similar situation, the first thing I would do is limit my bias by attempting to hear the rationale behind both sides before concluding that one is worse than the other. – – –
Option 2: Reflect on a time when you have worked to enhance a community to which you feel connected. Why have these efforts been meaningful to you? You may define community however you like.
This prompt is a slight variation on the standard Community Essay. You can read this step-by-step guide (with some great examples that we also analyze) on that type of essay . Unlike the typical prompt that asks you to define a community you’re a part of, this one goes an important step further by asking you to talk about how you’ve “worked to enhance” that community.
Here’s a great example essay that does just that.
1-7-7-6. The lock clicks and the rusty gate opens. I trudge through wormy mud in my rubber boots and twelve sheep turn around. Food? Herding sheep while volunteering at Washington Crossing Historic Park let me consider what the animal world has to teach us. Collaboration is key to productivity: how else does one steal feed? But, in the presence of wealth, they adopt an unstated policy of “every sheep for themselves.” And when an issue affects everyone—evaporating drinking water, withering pastures, muggy air—they become lethargic, unproductive, and powerless. Sheep also feel the effects of climate change. But, unlike us, they have no control over their destiny, and have every right to feel despondent. We do have control—over our destiny and the destinies of nearly 9 million species. Wanting to fulfill my obligation to at least some of those species, I got involved. I joined the Garden Apprenticeship Program and tended to our school’s hens, and as a member of EnAct, I organized a state-wide climate change conference. Now, as a leader in my school’s Service Learning committee, I connect my fellow students to their own passions. (186 words) — — —
Show new sides of yourself that the reader hasn’t seen elsewhere in your application. Use this essay to show another, deeper side of a previously mentioned community or (even better) to discuss a community you haven’t had a chance to explore extensively. And, as we mentioned above, take advantage of the opportunity to express new values you haven’t shared yet. Got a goofy side that hasn’t been explored yet? Have fun with the writing! Or maybe you’ve spent much of your space on academic work—then use this essay to show your love of family or free-spiritedness.
Try to think outside the box. Which of your communities might help you stand out among other such essays? Being part of a “community” can take a lot of different forms. Don’t limit yourself to a narrow definition. Like talking about herding sheep—Yale may see lots of climate change essays here and in other prompts, but it’s highly unlikely it’s read one that views the issue through the animal kingdom’s eyes quite like this one.
Discuss the impact of your contribution. This is an important aspect of this prompt, as we noted above, and what differentiates it from some other community essay prompts. It underscores how important it is to Yale admission officers that they set a sense for how you’ve contributed to your chosen community and why that contribution matters to you. This student talks about how they got involved—by tending to the school’s hens as a member of the Garden Apprenticeship Program and organizing a statewide climate change conference—but because this essay was written for another prompt, they didn’t emphasize why that involvement mattered as expressly as they would have if writing to this prompt. Make sure to do both.
Details! Be specific. The more visceral details you can give about yourself and the community you’re discussing, the more you distinguish yourself from all the other applicants. Use memorable language and evoke unique images that will stick with the admission officers. Like this, which makes for a fun opening: “1-7-7-6. The lock clicks and the rusty gate opens. I trudge through wormy mud in my rubber boots and twelve sheep turn around. Food?”
Here’s a bonus example that also works well (and makes that “why the efforts have been meaningful” point even stronger).
“Well, they seem like normal people, I guess.” Putting down his phone, my dad conceded. How much this moment means to me is difficult to describe. As a volunteer at the Beijing LGBT Center, I’d shot and edited a video entitled “I Don’t Want to Work in the Closet”, exposing the discrimination queer Chinese employees face in workplaces. Aiming to raise funds for the center and create reverberation among employers, I scrutinized every detail in my video, from the subtitle fonts to the background music. Reorganizing the clips, I created an emotional arc providing a call for action. The video was eventually published on Chinese social media. As the number of views rose and supportive comments emerged, I was proud to have made an impact. But I didn’t feel the weight of my contribution until I showed the video to my dad, who, despite his love for me, was unaware of my queer identity, largely disdained my work at the center and (as far as I know) the entire LGBT population. Now, my dad’s comment let me know the video had altered his perception, even if just slightly. Using my directing and video-editing skills, I was able to help humanize the Chinese queer population. My dad is far from being supportive of the LGBT movement, as are many other Chinese people, but fostering a willingness to accept differences was already a significant step. I produce videos to magnify the underrepresented voice of my LGBTQ community because, to me, diversity matters. — — —
Option 3: Reflect on an element of your personal experience that you feel will enrich your college. How has it shaped you?
This is Yale’s version of the fairly common “how will you contribute” prompt. Here, Yale wants to understand how your life experiences have prepared you to contribute to their diverse student community. Let's break down the key components of the prompt to guide your approach.
Which of your life experiences have had the most impact on your personal development? This essay offers the opportunity to delve into specific experiences that have shaped your perspective on life, education, and more.
How will you contribute? Make sure your answer to this question is clear. How have these experiences positioned you to make an impact at Yale? What do you bring to the school and community (in ways that maybe others don’t)? While it doesn’t have to be truly unique, it’s great to aim in that direction: the best response will highlight a contribution that only you (or maybe you plus a few other applicants) would think to make.
Here’s how to brainstorm possible essays:
Again, one important aspect with this prompt is its focus on your contribution to the Yale community.
Another detail to note is Yale’s encouragement to show where you come from—the people, places, and things that have shaped who you are today. This is your chance to connect your unique upbringing, in a very broad sense of the word, with what has helped make you unstoppable. So take it.
While there are many things outside of “community” that might fit this prompt, if you’re looking for a way to brainstorm ideas, that’s a good place to start. (Especially since “community” and “identity” tend to overlap a lot. But keep in mind that you’ll want to include some “how will you contribute” details in your essay—this isn’t just a “tell us about a community” prompt.)
For a full guide to “community” essays , head there, but here’s the short version:
Create a “communities/identities” chart by listing all the communities you’re a part of. Keep in mind that communities can be defined by...
Place: groups of people who live/work/play near one another
Action: groups of people who create change in the world by building, doing, or solving something together (Examples: Black Lives Matter, Girls Who Code, March for Our Lives)
Interest: groups of people coming together based on shared interest, experience, or expertise
Circumstance: groups of people brought together either by chance or external events/situations
You’ll find detail on the BEABIES Exercise + a chart you can use at that link.
You’ll want to offer a few specific ways that show how the experience/s you’re discussing in your essay will allow you to contribute to Yale. The easiest way to do this is to do some “Why Us”-like research and find ways you’ll engage with and contribute to the Yale community.
Step 5: write a first draft.
Here’s a nice example essay written for a similar prompt from Colgate University:
Aside from my inherent love for bagels, my Jewish background has led me to become more embedded in my community, joining Jewish activists and building a website on Holocaust education. In the 1930s, 36 members of my family were lost to the Holocaust, and that fact has led me to carry on the memory of my ancestors through tradition—with my Bar Mitzvah—as well as with an educational lens—teaching others about the Holocaust and about specific stories of survivors. Feeling disconnected from Jewish activism, I decided to become an educator on the Student Leadership Board of the Seattle-based Holocaust Center for Humanity last year. Each week, we met to discuss present-day instances of oppression and discrimination across the world, and finished the year by building a website to share the story of a Holocaust survivor. Being on the board connected me to a network of other passionate Jewish activists, and helped me to channel the pride for my culture and ancestors into visual media that reaches many viewers. At Colgate, I hope to find myself surrounded not only by like-minded Jewish students, but by a diverse group of people with whom I can learn and make connections. (196 words) — — —
Highlight a core identity. In the example essay, the applicant highlights their Jewish heritage and the profound impact it has had on their life choices and commitments. This is a great way to approach this prompt—think of communities/identities that you claim, pick one that Yale isn’t seeing elsewhere, and show how that aspect of you + your experiences will allow you to contribute to the Yale community. Similarly, for the Yale prompt, ensure you shed light on the aspects of your background that have shaped your identity. This could be cultural, familial, or personal attributes that have molded you into the individual you are today.
Provide concrete examples of impact. Just as the sample essay vividly narrates the applicant's journey in Jewish activism, so you’ll want to offer specific instances that exemplify the impact your background has had on your decisions and pursuits. Whether through personal experiences, engagements, or projects, share specific moments where your background has led you to initiate meaningful actions. In short, show us .
Connect to Yale's community. The sample essay could be stronger if the writer reflected even more on how they might continue to nurture their identity at Yale. How can you do that? Address how your background, values, and commitments align with Yale’s vision and how you intend to extend these connections on campus to foster learning and shared growth. For example, perhaps you plan on joining (or creating?) relevant student clubs, volunteering at a local museum, or finding innovative ways to connect with students who share a similar background.
And here’s an example written for UVA that could be adapted and expanded to work well for Yale.
I was in 4th grade when I saw Syrian refugees on the side of the highway in Istanbul. There was heavy traffic as usual, so I was able to really take in the scene. There were generations of them: babies held tightly by mothers, siblings holding hands, and elders taking one step at a time along the highway. I could tell they had gone through hardships, but I was too young to understand the complexities of it. Over time, I’ve learned that the refugee situation is getting worse throughout the Middle East. But I’ve also realized that there is a lack of knowledge about what is really going on. So many people correlate the Middle East with terrorism, but most people forget the impact that terrorism has on civilians. In order to combat this, I started the Middle Eastern Student Association at my predominantly white high school, where Middle Easterners are the smallest percentage of the population. We don’t only educate people on the refugee crisis, but also Middle Eastern culture, and more specific human rights violations like the detaining of Iranian environmentalists. I am now also the co-head of my school’s Senior Diversity Committee, so I can focus my efforts on a wide range of issues as I address our senior class. This will strengthen our class’s understanding of equity and inclusion, ranging from socioeconomic status to diversity in thought, and improve civil discourse. At UVA, I plan to continue my work with this community by joining Middle Eastern Leadership Council under Turkish Student Association. I’d love to take it even further and start a Queer Middle Eastern Club to provide a space to talk about the complexity of how the culture that we celebrate can clash with being true to ourselves. — — —
Special thanks to Ameer for writing this post.
Ameer is a freelance writer who specializes in writing about college admissions and career development. Prior to freelancing, Ameer worked for three years as a college admissions consultant at a Hong Kong-based education center, helping local high school students prepare and apply for top colleges and universities in the US. He has a B.A. in Latin American Studies from the University of Chicago and an M.A. in Spanish Linguistics from UCLA. When he’s not working, Ameer loves traveling, weight lifting, writing, reading, and learning foreign languages. He currently lives in Bangkok, Thailand.
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6 Awesome Yale University Essay Examples
What’s covered:.
- Essay 1: Immigration Reform
- Essay 2: Artificial Intelligence
- Essay 3: Shaping Education Systems
- Essay 4: Biomechanics
- Essay 5: Why This Major
- Essay 6: Why Yale
- Where to Get Your Yale Essays Edited
Yale is one of the top universities in the country, and a member of the prestigious Ivy League. Earning a spot at this highly coveted university is no easy feat, but having strong essays is one step in the right direction.
In this post, we will share six essays real students have submitted to Yale. We will also be covering what each essay did well and where there is room for improvement. Hopefully, you will have a better idea of how to write your Yale essays after reading through these!
Please note: Looking at examples of real essays students have submitted to colleges can be very beneficial to get inspiration for your essays. You should never copy or plagiarize from these examples when writing your own essays. Colleges can tell when an essay isn’t genuine and will not view students favorably if they plagiarized.
Read our Yale essay breakdown to get a comprehensive overview of this year’s supplemental prompts.
Essay #1: Immigration Reform
Prompt: Yale students, faculty, and alumni engage issues of local, national, and international importance. Discuss an issue that is significant to you and how your college experience could help you address it. (250 words)
A chaotic sense of sickness and filth unfolds in an overcrowded border station in McAllen, Texas. Through soundproof windows, migrants motion that they have not showered in weeks and children wear clothes caked in mucus and tears. The humanitarian crisis at the southern border exists not only in photographs published by mainstream media, but miles from my home in South Texas.
As a daughter of immigrants, I have heard countless stories of migrants being turned away by a country they desperately seek to love. After seeing the abhorrent conditions migrants face upon arriving in the U.S., I began volunteering with Loaves and Fishes, an organization that shelters and provides necessities to undocumented immigrants. This year, my experiences collecting donations and working at pop-up soup kitchens have made me realize that the communities in South Texas promote true American values of freedom and opportunity. The U.S. government, however, must do better.
During my university career, I aspire to learn how our immigration system can be positively reformed by considering the politics and economics that shape policy-making. Particularly, classes such as Institutional Design and Institutional Change will prepare me to effect change in existing institutions by analyzing various methods to bolster the economy.
Additionally, I hope to join the Yale Refugee Project that volunteers at the southern border and prepares asylum cases for court. With the numerous opportunities offered by YRP, I will be part of a generation of activists and lawmakers that builds a more empathetic immigration system.
What the Essay Did Well
This essay draws its strength from its roots in the applicant’s personal experience and its connections to Yale-specific opportunities. Here, we learn a bit about the applicant’s story, values, and fit for Yale, all well-encapsulated within the 250-count word limit.
The essay starts off with a fantastic imagery-rich anecdote, a strong way to draw your reader in. The student quickly establishes not only the problem’s dire extent but also a personal connection; this issue resides in her own backyard. Here, she establishes that immigrant mistreatment is more than a faraway crisis to her, offering crucial background behind her passion for it.
Her attitude towards getting things done is evident through her concise writing. She succinctly describes the steps she has taken like “ volunteering with Loaves and Fishes ” and “ collecting donations and working at pop-up soup kitchens. ” She then goes on to plainly explain the classes and organization at Yale that closely align with her goals, making it quite easy to imagine the role she would play on campus. Being concise and intentional with your ideas maintains the reader’s interest as they grow to trust that each sentence will carry interesting content that differs from that within the sentence before it.
This essay is wise in that it honed in on very specific opportunities at Yale that align perfectly with the student’s passions. Notice how YRP’s mission mirrors that of Loaves and Fishes in their shared goal to better southern immigrant communities. YRM’s opportunities for helping immigrants through the world of law offer an almost “grown-up” version of the work this student has already completed; here, she shows a willingness to build upon her experience and to push herself even further.
What Could Be Improved
If there is one area of this essay that could be strengthened, it is the conclusion. As the word count is tight, this student doesn’t have space for an entire paragraph, so at the moment she used this sentence: “ With the numerous opportunities offered by YRP, I will be part of a generation of activists and lawmakers that builds a more empathetic immigration system. ”
This sentence is more a conclusion for her discussion about the Yale Refugee Project, although alluding to a “generation of activists and lawmakers” and building a “more empathetic immigration system” suggests a forward-looking conclusion statement. That being said, it could be made stronger by separating the conclusion from the Yale Refugee Project and possibly tying back to previous ideas like the situation at the border or her call for the government to improve.
Essay #2: Artificial Intelligence
Prompt: Think about an idea or topic that has been intellectually exciting for you. Why are you drawn to it? (250 words)
Her name is Sophia. Described by many as compassionate, sexy, and a witty twitter icon, Sophia embodies success and holds a level of intelligence humans can only dream of. Sophia is not your average girl. In fact, she’s not a girl at all. Created in an artificial intelligence lab in Hong Kong, Sophia is the most famous android in the world.
When I first read about Sophia the Robot and its apparent ability to feel emotions, I was intrigued yet perplexed. For years, A.I. has revolutionized technology, enabling tasks to be performed rapidly and skillfully. But the single characteristic I long believed separated humans and A.I. was humans’ ability to express emotions. Today, with emotional A.I. undergoing expeditious development, I find myself wondering what actually makes us human. Can only humans have a mind with consciousness and thought? Will machines be able to imitate the human mind or can they perceive emotions only through algorithms? How do humans learn to feel emotions? What is the mind?
As a philosophy enthusiast, I am fascinated by the potential for A.I. to recreate the human mind. From Descartes postulating that the mind is identified by a self-awareness to early monists arguing that the mind is a purely physical construct, philosophical theories seek to understand the mysterious minds of humans that science cannot fully explain. In college, I hope to study the Philosophy of Mind and Artificial Intelligence in order to better understand our minds and the technology that is increasingly resembling them.
This is an amazing essay because not only do we see this student’s fascination with AI, but we see the effect it has had on their outlook on the world. By the end of the essay we are left wondering “what is the topic that intellectually excites this student?” Is it AI or the philosophy of the mind? Seamlessly intertwining these two topics is quite impressive.
So how did this student convince us of their fascination for two ideas? They showed us. Although they tell us “ I was intrigue d” about AI, we see their interest in their discussion of Sophia. Describing Sophia as “ compassionate, sexy, and a witty twitter icon ” makes the AI appear on a pedestal. Using cliche phrases like “ Sophia is not your average girl ” emulates a discussion you would have about a real person you are in love with, which becomes all the more humorous when we are told right after Sophia isn’t human.
While this student employs descriptive writing, humorous cliches, and subverted expectations to demonstrate their fascination with AI, we see their interest in philosophy through the use of rhetorical questions. Similarly with the topic of AI, the student plainly states their interest in philosophy by referring to themself as a “ philosophy enthusiast. ” But we see that enthusiasm jump off the page when they ask four consecutive philosophical questions. Bringing the reader into their head is such an effective way to convey your inner-most thoughts without losing the reader’s attention. We are a part of this inquiry and suddenly become just as curious to the answers as the student is.
Through these varied writing techniques—another way to keep your essay interesting—both of this student’s fascinations are well-represented. The last line brings everything together in a neat package, explaining how they can explore both topics as one in college.
There is honestly very little this essay needs to improve upon, but one suggestion would be to include Sophia in the latter half of the essay. Since Sophia epitomizes the fusion of AI and the human mind, this is such a perfect symbol for this student. Adding a rhetorical question about Sophia (ie “ Does anything separate me from Sophia? “) or referencing their hope to understand Sophia’s role in humanity after a Yale education in the conclusion would be easy ways to keep the idea sustained throughout the essay.
Essay #3: Shaping Education Systems
Each time we handed homework back, our primary school students would anxiously start counting and comparing the number of corrections. The warning that “ a mistake on the Gaokao will cost you thousands of places to your dream university! ” had already been drilled into their heads.
The combined efforts of generous government spending and unreserved sacrifices of parents have guaranteed education for most Chinese children. After two summers of teaching English in rural Chinese schools, I’ve realised that the problem isn’t funding, but a redundant system.
My friend and I founded Project Take Flight to propose learning driven by curiosity rather than pressure, earned by exploring rather than memorising. After two weeks with quirky essay prompts, vocab games, improvised debates and a lesson titled ”How to Fail”, students’ creativity flowed and the stigma of making mistakes seemed forgotten.
But there’s a limit to the impact of two high-school students; education systems around the world need nation-wide policies that do not just provide the resources but also ensure they are used effectively. Putting students in school might equip us with the skills necessary in the “world of tomorrow”, but education at its best – the type I hope to experience at Yale – enables us to have a say in what that world will look like. I want to understand the processes of curricula development and policymaking through taking courses in Educational Studies alongside my major so I can contribute to shaping an education system where every student can learn for causes greater than themselves.
The prompt asks for an issue that is significant to you, and this student certainly did that! Although education reform is a fairly general topic on its own, the focus is on the work this student has done through the club they founded and the problems they have observed because of their hands-on experience. This is a good example of making a broad idea personal and therefore successful.
The student is able to show the difference between the traditional education system and the innovative approach they implemented with concrete examples. The mantra they include about every mistake affecting your chances of college echoes the sentiments of stressed high school students, but the fact it has been adopted by kids in primary school is this student’s way of demonstrating how broken the system is. They contrast the old with the new by showing how they made learning fun and stress-free with “ q uirky essay prompts, vocab games, improvised debates and a lesson titled ‘How to Fail’ .”
Although this essay hints at how this student wants to reform the education system, we are largely provided with very little about their actual plans. We have seen their ingenuity at starting Project Take Flight in high school, but we want to know how they will expand on their passion with a Yale education.
Rather than telling us “ I want to understand the processes of curricula development and policymaking through taking courses in Educational Studies, ” this student should have 1) included more resources at Yale and 2) described their idea to improve the education system. Admissions officers know you are young and can’t accomplish much yet, but they also know you have dreams—tell us about them!
Something like this would have accomplished both point more effectively: “ I want Project Take Flight to spread its wings and touch students all over the globe. Through the course Money in American Politics I will learn the tools needed to lobby Congress to adopt a student-focused curriculum. Working under Professor Nancy Close, I will acquire an expertise in child psychology to reform my proposed curriculum to best suit the needs of children from the New York city public schools to the rural villages of China that started it all.”
Essay #4: Biomechanics
Prompt: Yale’s extensive course offerings and vibrant conversations beyond the classroom encourage students to follow their developing intellectual interests wherever they lead. Tell us about your engagement with a topic or idea that excites you. Why are you drawn to it? (250 words)
My heel strikes the pavement, calf muscles flexed to brace for the mechanical load of the impact. As my weight shifts forward, I imagine horizontal velocity vectors extending directly ahead. The angle created by my knee increases as I hit the propulsion phase of my stride, and with a final drive of force, I push off from my forefoot.
I discovered my fascination with sports biomechanics in the USC Biomechanics Research Lab. In my research project, I apply scientific principles to running to prevent stress-induced injuries in athletes. By analyzing video frames of PAC-12 athletes in motion and linking them to force plate data, I seek to understand the forces behind running. Comparing these conclusions to the data of athletes after a stress fracture, I can deduce the tangible differences that increase susceptibility to injury. To accomplish this goal, I have learned to use Python and MATLAB to sync the video and force plate data to create graphs for analysis. I have also used sports analysis programs to identify the locations of joints in individual frames and create videos overlaid by force vectors. Through this work, I hope to use my passion for sports biomechanics to improve the health of athletes.
My interest in sports biomechanics also extends outside of the lab, where I see my knowledge in motion. Neighborhood runs are scientific feats where I analyze my movements with principles of physics. With every step, I seek to improve my performance, putting sports biomechanics into action as an athlete.
This is a very detailed essay that is able to convey complex academic ideas in a manner that is easily understood by the reader. Not only that, but the high level of detail also demonstrates the passion this student has for sports biometrics.
Right off the bat, the hook at the beginning brings a high level of energy and excitement to the essay: “ My heel strikes the pavement, calf muscles flexed. ” However, the introduction isn’t just for sheer shock value; they introduce the intellectual aspect of running. Details about “ horizontal velocity vectors ,” the “ angle created by my knee ,” and the “ propulsion phase ” immediately demonstrate the depth of knowledge this student has.
Their intellect only grows in the second paragraph with the multitude of details they use to describe their research project. Breaking down their process step-by-step allows the reader to appreciate all this student has accomplished, even if we know nothing about sports biometrics. We walk away from this essay blown away with this student’s abilities and a clear understanding of their intellectual vitality.
This essay does an excellent job explaining how this student has explored their passion for sports biometrics, but a key detail is missing: why are they passionate about it.
They tell us about how their goal of pursuing sports biometrics is to “ prevent stress-induced injuries in athletes, ” but how did this become this student’s purpose? Maybe this student sustained an injury when they were younger that prevented them from playing for two seasons and made them feel like they had lost a part of themselves. That would have made a great introductory anecdote. Or perhaps organization is a cornerstone of their personality which led them to fall in love with charts and data analysis and sports biometrics allows them to combine the thrill of sports with their detail-oriented side. Whatever the reason is, this essay needed to include details that demonstrate why this student chose sports biometrics.
Essay #5: Why This Major
Prompt: Why do these areas appeal to you? (Biomedical Engineering; Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology; Neuroscience) (125 words)
Tearing past layers of wrapping paper, I blink twice at the box in my hands: The Squishy Human Body. Little did I know that this strange seventh birthday gift would inspire a curiosity in biology and a desire to pursue medicine. Snapping open the plastic head, I would seek to understand the brain’s inner workings. Squeezing the rubber heart would turn into countless questions about the molecular properties of its tissues. Using the tweezers to remove the small intestine, I would perform my own surgeries, each time with improved equipment that I designed to fit the patient’s needs. I hope to continue my exploration of biology at Yale, working to understand functions on a cellular level while applying my knowledge to the field of medicine.
While this essay is short and sweet, it works! Focusing on a singular moment in time, a singular object, allows this student to tell us a lot about their passion for biology and medicine in a very limited amount of space.
The reader is taken on a journey through the human body—via the toy—and at each stop along the way we learn another detail about the student. This is a clever way to convey information, especially when you are tight on words. Using symbols and giving each sentence a specific focus helps the reader quickly take away the main point so we finish the essay feeling like we’ve learned a great deal about what this student wants to learn and do with their degree.
Additionally, this essay is a breezy read because of the use of action verbs keeping the reader in the moment. The repeated structure of beginning sentences with -ing verbs (“Tearing,” “Snapping,” “Squeezing,” “Using,” etc) suggests that these actions are currently taking pace. This is a nice trick to draw your reader in without wasting any space.
This essay could be even better if it told us more about this student in detail. Using the head, heart, and intestine as symbols for what they will learn and do in the future good, but including concrete details would make it great. We could see research projects they conducted, volunteer work at a hospital they engaged in, or clubs that they joined at school to demonstrate their hands-on experience with medicine. The whole point of The Squishy Human Body is to give kids hands-on experience, so let’s see it!
Reworking sentences to be more like these would have made the essay stronger: “ Snapping open the plastic head, I found the brain I performed countless CT scans on to locate tumors. Squeezing the rubber heart, I see my report on addressing high rates of female cardiovascular disease.”
Essay #6: Why Yale
Prompt: What is it about Yale that has led you to apply? (125 words or fewer)
Coin collector and swimmer. Hungarian and Romanian. Critical and creative thinker. I was drawn to Yale because they don’t limit one’s mind with “or” but rather embrace unison with “and.”
Wandering through the Beinecke Library, I prepare for my multidisciplinary Energy Studies capstone about the correlation between hedonism and climate change, making it my goal to find implications in environmental sociology. Under the tutelage of Assistant Professor Arielle Baskin-Sommers, I explore the emotional deficits of depression, utilizing neuroimaging to scrutinize my favorite branch of psychology: human perception. At Walden Peer Counseling, I integrate my peer support and active listening skills to foster an empathetic environment for the Yale community. Combining my interests in psychological and environmental studies is why I’m proud to be a Bulldog.
A strength of this essay is how it acts like this student is actively a student at Yale, subconsciously tricking the reader into thinking that they belong. While many students in a “ Why School? ” essay say things like “ I want to ” or “ I would “, being quite literal in the sense they are viewing attending Yale as a future possibility. However, this student employs present verbs and specific locations to make Yale a current reality, for example: “ Wandering through the Beinecke Library, I prepare for my multidisciplinary Energy Studies capstone. ” While this approach requires more confidence, it can help you stand out from other applicants who approach Yale as a hypothetical.
Another positive aspect is how this student explains what Yale resource they are taking advantage of and how they will benefit from/contribute to it. Incorporating both of these is what gives your “Why School?” essay meaning. Admissions officers need to see you have done your research and found opportuniites that relate to you, but they also want to see what you will do on campus and beyond. This student applies this method of description to a class, professor, and organization to thoroughly demonstrate how Yale uniquely aligns with their goals.
One issue with this essay is it tries to cover too much, ultimately leaving many things unsaid. Take the introduction for example. While the notion of embracing “and” not “or” is a good way to demonstrate all the possibilities they can pursue at Yale, this student shares details about themselves that pique the reader’s interest, but unfortunately aren’t expanded on. We want to know about their coin collection and their Hungarian and Romanian roots, but they are never referenced again.
Although the Yale opportunities are slightly more focused around the idea of the environment and psychology, the essay lacks a clear link between the two topics until the last sentence. This makes the essay feel disjointed and overwhelming for the reader because we can’t process how all of this information relates.
To overcome this issue, the student could present the idea of the environment and psychology as their end at the very beginning, cutting out the other identities they present. Not only would this make the entire essay more streamlined, it would make the second paragraph far more manageable because the reader would go into knowing this student’s two interests. Yes, some interesting facts would need to be sacrificed, but when you only have 125 words you need to prioritize the main idea of your essay.
Where to Get Your Yale Essays Edited
Do you want feedback on your Yale essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays.
If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!
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How To Answer Yale's 2023/24 Supplemental Essays: Tips & Insights
What's New in 2023/24
What Are Yale's Essay Prompts?
Answering the Short Answer Questions
Answering the Short Essay Questions
General Guidelines
Dive into Yale's 2023/24 supplemental essay updates, grasp the intricacies of each prompt, and garner insights on penning standout answers with our comprehensive guide, enriched with expert advice and links to exemplary Yale essay samples.
Yale’s 2023/24 Supplemental Essay Updates: What's Changed?
Securing a spot at Yale University , with its acceptance rate between 3-4% , is undeniably challenging . In such a competitive landscape, your supplemental essays become instrumental in distinguishing your application.
Every academic year, elite institutions like Yale refine their application process to ensure they holistically understand their applicants. For the '23/24 admissions cycle, Yale University has introduced some significant changes to its supplemental essay questions .
Previously, applicants were posed with questions about hosting a guest speaker in Yale's residential colleges and suggesting a title for a new Yale course they envision teaching. These have now been replaced.
The current cycle invites you to highlight personal academic interests and directions, and share unique insights into who has inspired you or influenced your personal growth.
The longer essay section appears designed to help Yale see how you engage with campus and community life. While this section retains two past themes — discussing opposing viewpoints and community involvement — a fresh prompt has been added. This third option encourages applicants to reflect on personal experiences that would enrich the Yale community .
These modifications underscore Yale's ongoing commitment to understanding its applicants' personal narratives, values, and potential contributions to a dynamic university environment.
What Are Yale’s Supplemental Essay Prompts for 2023/24?
For the 2023/24 application cycle, Yale University has introduced specific supplemental essay prompts to delve deeper into the profiles of its applicants in tandem with the Common App or Coalition App questions. These prompts are designed to uncover your academic interests, personal insights, and your unique connection to Yale.
Short Answer Questions — Academic Interests & Motivations
All applicants are required to address three core questions: one asks you to identify three academic disciplines of interest, another is a short essay about a topic of interest related to one of those academic disciplines, and the third is about your reasons for choosing Yale. The word limits are 200 words for the second item, and 125 words for the third item.
- Academic Exploration: Students at Yale often evolve their academic directions. As of now, which academic areas align with your interests or goals? Please select up to three from the provided list .
- Topic of Interest: Discuss a topic or idea related to one or more academic areas you selected above that genuinely excites you. Why are you drawn to it? (200 words or fewer)
- Connection to Yale: What aspects of Yale have motivated you to apply? (125 words or fewer)
Short Answer Questions (Common & Coalition App Applicants)
For those using the Coalition or Common Application, additional short answer questions are capped at roughly 35 words or 200 characters. These questions probe into personal inspirations, potential academic or artistic contributions, influential figures outside of family, and unique aspects of one's identity not mentioned elsewhere in the application.
- Inspiration: What inspires you? (Approximately 35 words)
- Creative Endeavor: If you could teach a college course, write a book, or create an original piece of art, what would it be? (Approximately 35 words)
- Significant Influence: Other than family, who has significantly influenced you, and how? (Approximately 35 words)
- Unique Aspect: What's something unique about you not mentioned elsewhere in your application? (Approximately 35 words)
Short Essay
Lastly, in the essay section, Coalition or Common Application users will select one of three prompts , responding within a 400-word limit . The options in this section include discussing opposing viewpoints, reflecting on community ties, or narrating a personal experience that you believe will help you enhance the college community.
- Discussing Opposing Views: Reflect on a time you discussed a vital issue with someone holding a contrary view. Why was this experience significant to you?
- Community Connection: Reflect on your membership in a community that resonates with you. Why is this community meaningful?
- Personal Enrichment: Reflect on a personal experience that you believe will enrich your college community. How has it molded you?
These prompts provide you an opportunity to present a comprehensive picture of your personality, background, values, and aspirations — ensuring Yale gets a multifaceted view of who you are.
Seeking some inspiration? Explore these Yale essay examples to understand what makes an application stand out!
How This Student Got Into Yale
How to Answer Yale’s Supplemental Short Answer Questions?
Three short answer questions about academic interests.
- Academic Exploration: Students at Yale have time to explore their academic interests before committing to one or more major fields of study. Many students either modify their original academic direction or change their minds entirely. As of this moment, what academic areas seem to fit your interests or goals most comfortably? Please select up to three from the provided list .
Short Answer Question 1
“students at yale have time to explore their academic interests before committing to one or more major fields of study. many students either modify their original academic direction or change their minds entirely. as of this moment, what academic areas seem to fit your interests or goals most comfortably please select up to three from the provided list. please select up to three from the provided list. please indicate up to three from the list provided.”, academic exploration — choosing one to three disciplines from the list provided..
Yale's reputation for academic rigor and intellectual engagement is renowned. The university fosters an environment where students are encouraged to explore various academic interests before settling into their major(s) . This flexibility is a testament to Yale's commitment to producing well-rounded individuals who are not just experts in their fields but also possess a broad knowledge base.
Be genuine when deciding whether to indicate one, two, or three disciplines from the list. There’s probably little to gain from selecting a discipline if it won’t tie into responses to other questions or essay prompts and doesn’t have any connection with academic interests and motivations you want to emphasize.
You may want to preview the other two questions in this section, as well as the remaining short answer and essay prompts — making sure to select a discipline from the list if you anticipate talking about it in other responses.
Short Answer Question 2
“tell us about a topic or idea that excites you and is related to one or more academic areas you selected above. why are you drawn to it”, - 200 words or fewer.
The subsequent question offers an opportunity to delve deeper into a specific academic topic or idea . This is your chance to demonstrate genuine passion. Instead of providing textbook answers:
- Discuss unique perspectives or insights you've developed about the subject.
- Share personal experiences or projects that have enriched your understanding.
- Reflect on contemporary issues or debates within the subject and where you stand.
1. Unveiling Your Academic Passion
Yale's second short answer question is a direct invitation to showcase your academic passion. The university, renowned for its intellectual vibrancy, seeks students who are not just academically competent but also deeply passionate about their chosen fields of study .
2. Diving Deep into Your Chosen Topic
This question is your space to "nerd out" and demonstrate genuine enthusiasm for a specific topic or idea. Reflect on:
- Personal experiences or projects that deepened your interest in this topic.
- Contemporary debates, research, or developments in the field that excite you.
- Unique perspectives or insights you've developed about the subject.
Avoid merely regurgitating textbook knowledge. Instead, offer a fresh take or a personal connection to the topic.
3. Connecting Past, Present, and Future
While the previous prompt may have focused on your broader academic interests, this question allows you to home in on a specific topic . You can:
- Draw connections from past experiences or studies that ignited your interest in this topic.
- Discuss how your current engagements (like readings, projects, or discussions) have further fueled this passion.
- Envision how deepening your understanding of this topic at Yale will benefit your future aspirations.
Yale's second short answer question emphasizes depth over breadth. It's an opportunity to delve into the intricacies of a specific academic topic that excites you . You can convey to the admissions committee why this topic resonates with you and how it aligns with your academic journey at Yale by showcasing genuine passion, thoughtful engagement, and a clear understanding of the subject.
Short Answer Question 3
“what is it about yale that has led you to apply”, - 125 words or fewer, 1. decoding the "why yale" question.
Yale's third prompt is a classic " Why this school? " question, albeit phrased with a twist. It's not just about why you want to attend Yale but what specific aspects of Yale resonate with your aspirations and interests .
2. Beyond the Generic
Avoid generic answers that could apply to any top-tier university. Yale's admissions officers are looking for applicants who have genuinely understood what makes Yale unique .
3. Research is Key
To craft a compelling response:
- Dive deep into Yale's academic programs. Are there specific courses, professors, or research opportunities that align with your interests?
- Explore Yale's extracurricular landscape. Are there clubs, organizations, or events that you're excited to join or initiate?
- Reflect on Yale's community and culture. What aspects of Yale's student life or traditions resonate with you?
4. Envisioning Your Yale Journey
Discuss how you see yourself fitting into the Yale community:
- How will Yale's offerings help you achieve your academic and personal goals?
- In what ways do you plan to contribute to the Yale community, both in and out of the classroom?
The "What is it about Yale?" question is an opportunity to demonstrate your genuine interest in the university and how it aligns with your goals . By showcasing a deep understanding of what Yale offers and articulating how it fits with your aspirations, you can convey a sincere desire to be a part of the Yale community.
5 Tips for the "Why This School?" Essay
Additional Short Answer Questions (35 words)
For applicants using the Common or Coalition App only.
Short Answer Question 4
“what inspires you”, - approximately 35 words, 1. understanding the question's intent.
The question aims to delve into your intrinsic motivations and passions . Yale wants to understand what drives you, what makes you tick, and what fuels your academic and personal pursuits. This is not just about what interests you but what deeply moves and motivates you.
2. Being Authentic and Specific
While it might be tempting to provide an answer you think the admissions committee wants to hear, it's crucial to be genuine. Reflect on moments, people, books, artworks, or experiences that have profoundly impacted your perspective or aspirations .
3. Connecting to Your Broader Application
Your answer should ideally resonate with other parts of your application. Discussing a related inspiration can create a cohesive narrative if you've mentioned a particular interest or activity elsewhere.
4. Avoiding Clichés
Steer clear of overused phrases or generic inspirations unless you can provide a unique twist or a deeply personal reason for why something commonly cited truly inspires you.
Question 4 offers a window into your inner world. By sharing what genuinely inspires you, you give Yale a glimpse of your passions, values, and potential contributions to their community . Ensure your response is both authentic and reflective of your unique perspective.
Short Answer Question 5
“if you could teach any college course, write a book, or create an original piece of art of any kind, what would it be”, 1. channeling your creativity.
This question is a playground for your imagination and intellectual fervor. Yale is keen to understand the depth of your interests and how you might bring a unique perspective to their campus.
2. Intersecting Passions
Reflect on the subjects or hobbies that resonate with you. This question allows you to merge different areas of interest to create something novel. If you're a history buff with a penchant for drama, perhaps you'd write a play set during the Renaissance. If you're passionate about biology and art, maybe you'd create an intricate sculpture representing cellular structures.
3. Beyond the Ordinary
While authenticity is key, strive to think outside the box. Consider topics or ideas that aren't just personal but also bring a fresh perspective or address contemporary issues. For instance, if you're intrigued by psychology and technology, you might design a course on "The Psychological Impacts of AI on Human Interaction."
4. A Nod to Yale's Ethos
Yale is a hub for innovation and interdisciplinary exploration. Your response should echo a spirit of inquisitiveness and a hunger to delve deep into subjects, reflecting how you'd enrich the Yale community with your unique insights.
Yale's Question 5 is more than just a query; it's an opportunity. You're offering a window into your intellectual and creative soul by suggesting a course, book, or artwork. Craft a response that's not just distinctive but also deeply reflective of who you are and what you'd bring to Yale.
Short Answer Question 6
“other than a family member, who is someone who has had a significant influence on you what has been the impact of their influence ”, 1. identifying your influencer.
This question seeks to understand the people and experiences that have shaped you outside your immediate family . It's a chance to highlight mentors, teachers, friends, or even public figures who have left an indelible mark on your life.
2. Depth Over Popularity
While it might be tempting to choose a well-known personality, ensure that your choice genuinely reflects a deep personal connection . It's not about the prominence of the influencer but the depth of their impact on you.
3. Narrating the Journey
Discuss specific moments, lessons, or interactions that encapsulate the essence of their influence.
- Did a coach instill resilience in you?
- Did a teacher ignite your passion for a subject?
- Or did a friend's kindness redefine your understanding of empathy during a tough time?
4. Beyond the Obvious
While the direct influence is essential, it also reflects on the ripple effects. How did their influence shape your actions, decisions, or perspectives in broader areas of your life?
Yale's Question 6 is an introspective journey into the people who have molded your character and values . Yale aims to understand the external forces that have shaped your journey through this prompt. As you craft your response, focus on authenticity, detailing who influenced you and how their influence continues to resonate in your life.
Short Answer Question 7
“what is something about you that is not included anywhere else in your application”, 1. unearthing the hidden gems.
This question offers a unique opportunity to share a facet of your personality, experience, or aspiration that hasn't been covered in your application. It's a chance to provide a fuller picture of who you are.
2. Beyond Academics and Extracurriculars
While your academic achievements and extracurricular activities are essential, this prompt seeks insights into your character, passions, or experiences that aren't necessarily tied to school or structured activities .
3. Personal Anecdotes Shine
Perhaps there's a hobby you're passionate about, a quirky tradition you uphold, or a personal project you've embarked on. Whatever you share, find a way to make your short response shine a spotlight on something unique, about yourself — perhaps something ingratiating, humorous, or compelling .
4. Reflect on the Why
It's not just about stating the 'what.' Be sure to share how this aspect of your identity, psychology, experiences, or personality shapes your values, your aspirations, or how you interact with others in friendships or in community settings.
Yale's Question 7 is a canvas for you to paint a more comprehensive picture of yourself . It's an invitation to share something special that make you unique. As you respond, ensure that what you share is relevant to an admissions context and offers a fresh insight into something that makes you unique and may make your application more memorable.
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How to Answer Yale’s Supplemental Short Essay Questions?
Applicants submitting the Common App or Coalition Application will respond to one of the following prompts in 400 words or fewer.
Essay Prompt 1
“reflect on a time you discussed an issue important to you with someone holding an opposing view. why did you find the experience meaningful”, - 400 words or fewer, 1. the essence of intellectual engagement.
Renowned for its academic rigor, Yale University values students who can engage in meaningful discussions , especially when faced with opposing views. This question seeks to understand your ability to engage in such dialogues, emphasizing your intellectual curiosity and interpersonal skills.
2. Narrating the Experience
Begin by setting the stage.
- What was the issue at hand?
- Why was it important to you?
- Who were you discussing it with?
The depth of your reflection on this experience is crucial. It's not just about the disagreement but about understanding and learning from it .
3. Showcasing Growth and Understanding
Discussing an opposing view can be transformative. Reflect on how this conversation changed or solidified your perspective . Did it teach you the value of understanding different viewpoints or the importance of effective communication?
4. Beyond the Conversation
This prompt isn't just about a single discussion; it's about how you approach disagreements and challenges in general . Reflect on how this particular experience is indicative of your broader approach to challenges and learning.
Yale's Question 1 is an opportunity to showcase your ability to engage in meaningful, constructive dialogues and to learn from them . It's about demonstrating intellectual curiosity, respect for diverse viewpoints, and personal growth.
Essay Prompt 2
“reflect on your membership in a community to which you feel connected. why is this community meaningful to you you may define community however you like.”, 1. defining your community.
Begin by clearly defining the community you're discussing . This could be based on ethnicity, shared interests, geographical location, a shared challenge, or any other binding factor. Remember, the definition of 'community' is broad, and Yale gives you the freedom to interpret it in a way that's most meaningful to you.
2. Your Role and Connection
Discuss your role or membership within this community . Have you been an active member, a leader, or an observer? How have you engaged with this community, and how has it shaped your identity or perspective?
3. The Significance of the Community
Delve into why this community is meaningful to you . Is it a source of support, a platform for shared experiences, or perhaps a space where you've faced challenges and grown from them? Reflect on the emotions, experiences, and lessons this community has offered you.
4. Personal Growth and Reflection
End by discussing how your connection to this community has influenced your personal growth . Has it taught you the value of diversity, the importance of support, or perhaps the strength in unity? Reflect on the broader implications of your membership in this community and how it might influence your future endeavors, especially at a place like Yale.
Yale's Question 2 is an opportunity to showcase your understanding of community, your place within it, and the personal growth that arises from such connections . It's about demonstrating empathy, understanding, and the ability to connect with diverse groups of people.
Essay Prompt 3
“reflect on an element of your personal experience that you feel will enrich your college. how has it shaped you”, 1. identifying the experience.
Start by pinpointing a specific personal experience or element of your life. This could be a unique cultural background, a challenging obstacle you've overcome, a hobby or passion you've pursued, or any other experience that has significantly impacted your life.
2. The Value to the College Community
Discuss how this experience or element of your life will enrich the college community . Perhaps your unique background offers a diverse perspective, or maybe a challenge you've faced has equipped you with resilience and adaptability. Consider how your experience can contribute to classroom discussions, group projects, extracurricular activities, or casual dorm conversations.
3. Personal Transformation
Reflect on how this experience has shaped you as an individual . Has it instilled certain values in you? Has it changed the way you approach challenges or interact with people? Dive deep into the personal growth and self-awareness that emerged from this experience.
4. Future Implications
Consider how this element of your personal experience will influence your future at college and beyond . Will it drive you to join certain clubs, advocate for causes, or pursue specific academic interests? How will it continue to shape your journey?
Yale's Question 3 is an invitation to introspect and share a facet of your life that not only defines you but also adds value to the diverse tapestry of a college community. It's about showcasing self-awareness, growth, and the potential for future contributions.
General Guidelines for Answering Yale's Supplemental Essay Questions
- Research and Specificity : Yale's prompts often ask about your interest in the university or a specific program. Always back your claims with specific details. Mention professors, courses, clubs, or traditions that resonate with you. This shows genuine interest and that you've done your homework.
- Show Self-awareness : Yale values introspective students who can reflect on their experiences. Whether discussing an intellectual interest or a community you belong to, always tie it back to your personal growth or what you've learned about yourself.
- Diversity of Thought : Like many top-tier institutions, Yale values diversity in all its forms. This doesn't just mean ethnic or cultural diversity but also diversity of thought, perspective, and experience. Highlight experiences or viewpoints that make you unique.
- Be Authentic : It's tempting to write what you think the admissions committee wants to hear, but they can spot inauthenticity. Be genuine in your responses, even if it means discussing failures or weaknesses. Authenticity often resonates more than a polished facade.
- Quality Over Quantity : With word limits on these essays, it's essential to be concise. Focus on depth rather than breadth. Dive deep into one or two experiences or ideas rather than skimming over several.
- Narrative Storytelling : Engage your reader with narrative storytelling when possible. Instead of just stating facts, weave a short story that captures the essence of your experience. This makes your essay memorable and showcases your writing skills.
- Proofread and Revise : Always proofread your essays multiple times. It's not just about catching grammatical errors but also ensuring that your essay flows well and effectively conveys your message. Consider getting feedback from teachers, peers, or mentors.
- Connect to the Bigger Picture : Always tie your responses back to how you'll contribute to the Yale community and how Yale will facilitate your personal and professional growth. This shows forward-thinking and a commitment to being an active member of the university.
Remember, the supplemental essays are an opportunity to showcase aspects of yourself that aren't evident in other parts of your application . Use them wisely to provide a holistic picture of yourself and why you'd be a great fit for Yale.
Looking for inspiration? Dive into these Yale essay examples to see what successful applications look like!
Final Thoughts
Embarking on the journey to Yale is about more than showcasing academic excellence; it's about weaving a narrative that deeply resonates with the admissions committee. Your supplemental essays offer a unique lens into your character, aspirations, and the distinct contributions you'll make to the Yale community.
Every Yale hopeful possesses a unique story. This is your golden opportunity to narrate yours. Approach your essays with authenticity, introspection, and a genuine enthusiasm for your narrative.
If you're uncertain whether your essay truly encapsulates your essence or if it will distinguish you amidst the sea of applications, our essay review service is here to assist. Our seasoned experts will meticulously review and provide feedback, ensuring your essay strikes a chord with admissions officers. Explore our ebook , which features essays from students who secured places at elite institutions for added inspiration. And for those aiming for Yale, our collection of successful Yale essay examples will offer invaluable insights.
For those at the onset of their college application journey, consider booking a free consultation with our experienced college counselors. We're committed to guiding you in crafting an application that amplifies your chances of walking through Yale's historic gates. Your dream of becoming a Yalie is attainable, and we're here to support you every step of the way.
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Key Resources & Further Reading
- Everything you need to know about US Application Supplemental Essays
- Acing your College Application Essay: 5 Expert Tips to Make it Stand Out from the Rest
- How to Tackle Every Type of Supplemental Essay
- 2023-24 Common App Essay Prompts
- What are the Most Unusual US College Supplemental Essay Prompts?
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134 Yale Essays That Got In
Updated for the 2024-2025 admissions cycle.
.css-1l736oi{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;gap:var(--chakra-space-4);font-family:var(--chakra-fonts-heading);} .css-1dkm51f{border-radius:var(--chakra-radii-full);border:1px solid black;} .css-1wp7s2d{margin:var(--chakra-space-3);position:relative;width:1em;height:1em;} .css-cfkose{display:inline;width:1em;height:1em;} About Yale .css-17xejub{-webkit-flex:1;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;justify-self:stretch;-webkit-align-self:stretch;-ms-flex-item-align:stretch;align-self:stretch;}
Nestled in New Haven, Connecticut, Yale University is an Ivy League institution that provides students with an exceptional educational experience. Students at Yale may benefit from the University's highly regarded academics and research opportunities, diversified campus culture, world-renowned professors, and extensive choice of extracurricular activities. Yale's dedication to quality extends far beyond the confines of a typical institution, with renowned undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs, as well as world-class museums and libraries. The school’s interdisciplinary philosophy is best captured by their motto “Yale is and.” Indeed, at Yale, students are encouraged to study multiple disciplines and see how they interact; for Yalies, it’s about studying fields like biology and sociology — not one or the other. As such, Yale University—with its lively student body and devoted staff—provides an exciting, challenging, and creative learning environment for students from all walks of life.
Unique traditions at Yale
1.Bulldog Days: This tradition is held annually in the spring and is a multi-day event that provides prospective students an opportunity to experience and explore life at Yale. 2.Freshman Shirts: A tradition where incoming freshman each choose a unique shirt and wear it on the Wednesday of Bulldog Days. 3.Heave Ho: At the end of each spring semester, Yale students gathered outside Dwight Hall and wait for a shared count of three. Then, with 3 cheers of “Hip Hip Heave Ho!” the entire Yale community school throws their hats in the air. 4.The Gold Rush: In this tradition, competing teams of Yale undergraduate students race around the Yale campus while pushing a shopping cart with two passengers on board. 5.The Stephen S. Roberts Memorial Run: A 13-mile march offered to all incoming freshmen that follows historical events and locations related to the Yale community.
Programs at Yale
1) Yale Women in Business: A student-led organization with a mission to foster an inclusive and supportive network of women at Yale who are passionate about business. 2) Morse College Writing: A yearlong program of small-group seminars focused on the study of the craft of writing. 3) Chapter 16: A club devoted to the study and directed discussion of Yale's Literary Magazine, Chapter 16. 4) The Chinese Language and Culture Program: An intensive language program focused on introducing beginners to conversational Chinese through conversation and culture courses. 5) Yale Debate Association: A student-run organization that provides students of all levels with the opportunity to improve their debating skills through a variety of competitive and educational activities.
At a glance…
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New Haven, CT
Real Essays from Yale Admits
Prompt: what inspires you.
On her deathbed, my grandmother said she would always be in my heart. She was right. I feel her presence in the rhythm of my heartbeat and pour my whole heart into everything I do to make her proud.
Essay by Jaden Botros
Economics & Political Science student at Stanford University | 800K in Scholarships | Profile includes Resume and Summer Research Email Templates
Prompt: What is something about you that is not included anywhere else in your application?
I find comfort and inspiration in bonsai cultivation; the patience and precision it requires mirror my approach to both drumming and engineering, where every detail shapes the final outcome.
Essay by Michael Sato
Stanford EE and CS '27 (Double Major) | Energized about all things energy: energy-efficient hardware, renewable energy, and energy drinks!
Prompt: What is it about Yale that has led you to apply?
Visiting campus, I learned Yale students were exceptionally passionate. Yalies raved not only about the world-renowned academics, but also their adventures in the arts, volunteering, and athletics. Additionally, I saw that residential communities’ fascinating guest speakers and social events transform dorms into lively homes. As an institution, Yale fosters student enthusiasm. Through class shopping, students explore their many interests before committing to a course. Also, many classes are seminars, proving that Yale has plenty of opportunities like any large university, but maintains the intimacy of a small college. Finally, I love that the Yale spirit is intelligent and collaborative. Students are both brilliant and appreciate others’ strengths. Yale is the perfect place for me to pursue my passions, surrounded by other Yalies doing the same.
Essay by Michelle
Yale grad who loves renewable energy, travel, and the arts!
Prompt: Yale’s residential colleges regularly host conversations with guests representing a wide range of experiences and accomplishments. What person, past or present, would you invite to speak? What would you ask them to discuss?
I would invite Mary Wollenstonecraft and ask her if she thinks the concept of feminism popularized after her death, along with its waves and movements, has achieved her ideals in Rights of Woman?
Essay by Rosie
Statistics & Data Science + Ethics, Politics & Economics (and Musician?) @ Yale :D
Prompt: You are teaching a new Yale course. What is it called?
Computer science: an alluring juxtaposition of problem-solving and art. It transforms me. When I’m meticulously debugging code, I’m 8-year-old me, manipulating the faces of my Rubik’s cube to return it to its original configuration. When I’m fervently typing away lines of code, I am a craftsman, painting on the canvas I call the IDE-software-application. When I’m compiling code, I am a scientist, testing for sources of error.
Essay by Rose
Programmer and performer @ Yale!
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Someone with the same interests, stats, and background as you
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Yale Supplemental Essays 2024-25 — Prompts & Advice
July 10, 2024
Yale’s acceptance rate of 3.7% for the Class of 2028 is not the type of number you want to simply glide past as you proceed through the application with blind optimism. It is not our intention to inject unnecessary anxiety and fear into the highly selective admissions process (you likely already have plenty of sources for that). Rather, we feel it is in your best interest to process the implications of the fact that there were 57,465 applicants to Yale in the 2023-24 cycle—many of whom were valedictorian or salutatorian of their respective high school class and brought 99th percentile SAT/ACT scores to the table, along with a dizzying list of extracurricular achievements. However, in the end, only 2,074 individuals were admitted. One thing all of those individuals had in common is that they composed stellar Yale supplemental essays.
(Want to learn more about How to Get Into Yale University? Visit our blog entitled: How to Get Into Yale: Acceptance Rate and Strategies for all of the most recent admissions data as well as tips for gaining acceptance.)
It will take perfect(ish) academic credentials to make it past the hyper-competitive “first cut” in the Yale application process. From there, you need to find a way to stand out from your place in a crowd of impeccably credentialed high schoolers. The numerous essays and short answer prompts required by Yale present one of the best opportunities you will have to stand out in the eyes of the admissions committee.
Yale Supplemental Essays for 2024-25
Yale supplemental essays: academic interests.
1) Students at Yale have time to explore their academic interests before committing to one or more major fields of study. Many students either modify their original academic direction or change their minds entirely. As of this moment, what academic areas seem to fit your interests or goals most comfortably? Please indicate up to three from the list provided.
In this space, you are simply being asked to pick the three areas that you are most excited about and align with your background. There is likely some degree of overlap in your three areas of interest or, at least, some interdisciplinary connection that you envision. If so, you’ll have a chance to explain those connections in the next short answer…
Yale Supplemental Essays — Continued
2) Tell us about a topic or idea that excites you and is related to one or more academic areas you selected above. Why are you drawn to it? (200 words or fewer)
This is the place to succinctly and effectively explain why your area(s) of academic interest have sparked your interest. Your answer should contain a narrative that shows the depth of your interest, when it began, how you have cultivated it, and where you see it going in the future. Common mistakes here include citing that you want to go into a particular area because it is prestigious, well-compensated, or will satisfy your parents.
Instead, focus on things like: How did you become interested in your chosen topic or idea? What books have you read on the subject? Which podcasts have you listened to? What museums have you visited? What interests and excites you most about it? Perhaps the words of former Yale President, Kingman Brewster (who has the most Yale name ever) best capture what this prompt aims to uncover: “I am inclined to believe that the person who gives every ounce to do something superbly has an advantage over the person whose capacities may be great but who seems to have no desire to stretch them to their limit.”
Yale Supplemental Essays: Short Takes
1) What is it about Yale that has led you to apply? (125 words or fewer)
When penning a “Why Us?” essay, you want to avoid areas that will be touched upon by tens of thousands of your peers. These include the following: how “prestigious” Yale is, how highly it is ranked by U.S. News , or how beautiful the campus is. Rather, you want to be incredibly specific in citing reasons why Yale is the perfect academic and social home for you. This will likely include discussing particular:
- Academic programs
- Residential College experiences
- Study abroad opportunities
- Undergraduate research programs
- Yale’s mission and values.
All applicants must respond to the following four short answer questions. Responses should be no more than 200 characters (roughly 35 words).
1) What inspires you?
This can be relevant to the area of academic interest cited in the first Yale essay, but you want to avoid being redundant. This may be a bigger-picture idea, mission, or goal that undergirds much of what you want to do with your academic, career, and personal future. On the contrary, this entry can be completely outside of your academic/professional interests. It could be about a historical occurrence, the natural environment, or a philosophical/religious idea that you find inspirational. It could be focused on a musical artist that moves you, your pet cat, or a work of fiction. There are limitless possibilities to this one—if you follow your heart/gut, include the all-important “why,” and write with passion, you’ll nail this one.
Yale Supplemental Essays (Continued)
2) Other than a family member, who is someone who has had a significant influence on you? What has been the impact of their influence?
When you think about who has shaped your life—beyond your family members—who comes to find? Is it a friend, a teacher, a mentor, a coach, or a coworker? How has this person influenced, challenged, encouraged, or inspired you, and how has that impacted you as a person?
3) If you could teach any college course, write a book, or create an original piece of art of any kind, what would it be?
Yale has expanded its horizons this year to include books and art alongside college courses. If you opt to stick with the college course direction, know this is a chance for you to showcase the unique and distinct area where you are a genuine expert (or hope to become one). Make sure that the topic of your course is not overly broad (or currently offered). For inspiration, research some of the more interesting elective courses actually offered at Yale such as: The Criminal Mind, Is That Racist?, The Search for Extraterrestrial Life, and Cocktail Culture: The History, Ethics, and Aesthetics of Drink.
If you opt to discuss a prospective book or original piece of art, think about what type of book or artwork you would create. Chapbook? Biography of a particular historical figure? Novel that centers on a mother/daughter relationship? Sculpture involving found objects? Pen-and-ink drawing of your childhood home? Whatever you choose, your answer should reveal something about your interests, passions, or background.
4) What is something about you that is not included anywhere else in your application?
This is an opportunity to share something genuinely unique about yourself that may not shine through anywhere else on the application. The key to answering this one is to pick a key aspect of your personality/background that truly reveals something deep and meaningful about you. To accomplish that, first inventory what already appears on your application before deciding what’s not present. Is it your love of running? Thrifting? That you cook dinner with your sister every Friday? That you grow your own vegetables in the summer?
Furthermore, as you brainstorm, consider the following avenues:
- Your role in your family.
- Your role in your social group.
- A formative experience.
- A favorite food, place, object, item of clothing, etc.
- Cultural, religious, community influence.
Yale Supplemental Essays: Choose 1 of 3
Finally, you’ll have the opportunity to choose one of the following three prompt choices, which require a response of 400 words or fewer:
Option #1: Reflect on a time when you exchanged ideas about an important issue with someone holding an opposing view. Why did you find the experience meaningful?
It’s no secret that we live in a polarized culture, where there seems little room for constructive dialogue between individuals with competing viewpoints. This is a chance to show that you are an open-minded, intellectually curious, truth-seeking young person who is willing to engage in conversations/debates with people who hold opposing positions on important topics. One key thing to remember when addressing this prompt is that you don’t have to be the hero of the anecdote—in fact, you may be one who learned to expand your thinking. Most importantly, though, you’ll want to reflect on why this particular conversation was so important to you.
Option #2: Reflect on your membership in a community to which you feel connected. Why is this community meaningful to you? You may define community however you like.
First, remember that you are the boss of this prompt—you get to decide what “community” means to you, whether that’s a religious or ethnic community, your neighborhood, a sports team, club, or class, an online forum, your beach clean-up crew, or your four crazy, lovable aunts who constantly seem to be over dispensing advice and making lasagna. Pretty much everyone applying to Yale is deeply involved in a number of activities, both formal and informal, so your mission will be to bring your involvement to life. After you’ve described your chosen community, you’ll then, of course, need to tackle the ever-important “why?” Why do you appreciate this particular community? How has it impacted you?
Option #3: Reflect on an element of your personal experience that you feel will enrich your college. How has it shaped you?
This is an opportunity to share something about your background that you feel will positively impact Yale’s residential community. To do so, consider discussing how your role in your family, important aspects of your upbringing, or a particular cultural, religious, or community influence either impacted your core values and beliefs or helped develop a particularly important attribute.
How important are the Yale supplemental essays?
The Yale supplemental essays are “very important” to the evaluation process. Seven other factors are “very important.” These factors are: rigor of coursework, class rank, GPA, recommendations, talent/ability, character/personal qualities, and extracurricular activities. Clearly, Yale places enormous value on the quality of your supplemental essay.
Want personalized essay assistance with your Yale supplemental essays?
Lastly, if you are interested in working with one of College Transitions’ experienced and knowledgeable essay coaches as you craft your Yale supplemental essays, we encourage you to get a quote today.
Need further essay assistance? Consider checking out the following:
- Common App Essay Prompts
- 10 Instructive Common App Essay Examples
- College Application Essay Topics to Avoid
- How to Brainstorm a College Essay
- 25 Inspiring College Essay Topics
- “Why This College?” Essay Examples
- How to Write the Community Essay
- College Essay
Dave Bergman
Dave has over a decade of professional experience that includes work as a teacher, high school administrator, college professor, and independent educational consultant. He is a co-author of the books The Enlightened College Applicant (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016) and Colleges Worth Your Money (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020).
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How to Write the Yale Supplemental Essays 2024-2025
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Sitting down and writing college essays for any school can be a daunting task. So, even before you start putting pen to paper or hand to keyboard, you want to have the right approach. Yale University is an Ivy League school founded in 1701 and known for its robust liberal arts program, along with its wide array of extracurricular offerings and out-of-the-classroom pursuits. In addition, Yale fosters strong community through its residential colleges and various campus organizations. Located in the diverse city of New Haven, Connecticut, it’s an institution like no other. In this article, we’ll help you nail your Yale supplemental essays.
And now that you know that, it’s time to step away from every assumption you’ve ever made about Yale. Although you will want to extensively research Yale during this process, it needs to be in tandem with the soul-searching that these prompts require. Writing these essays, though it’s not always fun, can be a rewarding learning experience for you and help determine what makes you unique. Strive to write essays that no one else could have written — that’s how you know you’re putting down a true, honest, genuine representation of yourself before the admissions officer.
Yale’s 2024–2025 Prompts
Short response.
- Students at Yale have time to explore their academic interests before committing to one or more major fields of study. Many students either modify their original academic direction or change their minds entirely. As of this moment, what academic areas seem to fit your interests or goals most comfortably? Please indicate up to three from the list provided.
Tell us about a topic or idea that excites you and is related to one or more academic areas you selected above. Why are you drawn to it? (200 words or fewer)
What is it about yale that has led you to apply (125 words or fewer), coalition/common app short response (200 characters/roughly 35 words or fewer).
- What inspires you?
- If you could teach any college course, write a book, or create an original piece of art of any kind, what would it be?
- Other than a family member, who is someone who has had a significant influence on you? What has been the impact of their influence?
- What is something about you that is not included anywhere else in your application?
Essay Prompts (400 words or fewer, choose one)
- Reflect on a time you discussed an issue important to you with someone holding an opposing view. Why did you find the experience meaningful?
- Reflect on your membership in a community to which you feel connected. Why is this community meaningful to you? You may define community however you like.
- Reflect on an element of your personal experience that you feel will enrich your college. How has it shaped you?
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Yale’s Short Responses
Students at yale have time to explore their academic interests before committing to one or more major fields of study. many students either modify their original academic direction or change their minds entirely. as of this moment, what academic areas seem to fit your interests or goals most comfortably please indicate up to three from the list provided. (125 words or fewer).
This question is asking you to list three things that interest you at the moment, with the understanding that they might change.
The key is to be honest: what do you truly want to major in? Ideally, you have shown interest in these topics already and these interests are reflected in your transcript and/or extracurricular activities, but sometimes that’s not possible. For instance, you may not have had the opportunity to pursue anthropology while in high school. Still, you may have read books on human history that have led you to want to pursue it in college. Or perhaps your heroes are economists, but economics wasn’t a course at your school.
For reasons like these, some students will put a major they think admissions officers want to see or is more evidenced by their high school experiences. There’s a middle ground to consider: discuss your interest in this topic in the next question, so that you can clarify your interest without seeming inconsistent!
Here, try to laser focus on one or two (at most) of those academic interests you mentioned above. You have 200 words to work with in this question, but this is not the place to cram in everything you like. Instead, you should bring in anecdotes, experiences, or conversations that contributed to your decision to follow your interest(s).
Dig deep and find examples that are meaningful: if you like math, why is that the case? Do you enjoy finding and applying patterns in real life? Did a teacher show you a number trick that blew your mind? If you like literature, was it because you had a debate about a book that changed your perspective on a story? Was it because you want to be a storyteller? Don’t be afraid to invoke some of the most heartfelt and creative moments of your life as you explain why you’re passionate about the idea you’re bringing to this essay.
Avoid writing about all the standard reasons (prestige, academics, resources…) unless you have a unique reason for doing so. Even writing about standard aspects of Yale, like New Haven or the residential college system, should be approached carefully because you can be sure that admissions officers have just about read every single possible answer relating to these topics.
You want your “Why Yale?” to be unique, so if you’re going to be writing about academics or resources, you need to show that you’ve done your research. Much like you want every essay to be unique to you, this essay should be unique to Yale (essentially, you shouldn’t be able to use it as a supplement for any other school ). Yes, making each “Why X University?” essay unique creates extra work, but it’s the ability to put in that extra work that often differentiates the strong high school student from the future Ivy Leaguer.
When you try to imagine yourself at Yale, you can consider the following questions:
- What would be your niche?
- Who would be your community?
- What about Yale fits into your personal narrative?
- What would you contribute to the Yale community?
- Is there a department you’re passionate about that offers cooler classes than anywhere else?
- Is there a program unique to Yale that fits your interests?
- Is there a club you long to join?
- Is there something about Yale’s philosophy that you deeply resonate with?
Whatever your answers to these questions, make them specific and spirited.
Yale’s Coalition/Common App Short Responses
What inspires you (200 characters/roughly 35 words or fewer).
The most important part of this question is your explanation. Barring truly problematic inspirations, there are no wrong answers here, which means that what matters is how you justify your answer. You want to dive beneath the surface and find an answer that speaks to the narrative you’ve been crafting through all of these essays, while hopefully pulling in something fresh from your personality. Provide specificity in your answer.
Most of all, don’t feel the need to impress the admissions officer. It’s perfectly okay to sound like a teenager in these answers (of course, without being immature).
If you could teach any college course, write a book, or create an original piece of art of any kind, what would it be? (200 characters/roughly 35 words or fewer)
Here’s another chance to explore an interest you might not have quite made clear through your transcript so far. Be creative with your choice of course, book, or artwork. You can certainly draw from Yale’s “Blue Book” (the course offerings listed online), or from a real library or gallery. At the same time, you can also draw from fantasy and niche topics. In addition, you don’t have to limit yourself to an existing field or major.
The ideal result is that if someone read the title, they’d be interested in taking your class, reading your book, or viewing your artwork. A little creativity goes a long way. But there’s no need to overthink it! As long as you describe one of your genuine interests, and/or a genuine aspect of your personality, you’ll be able to successfully answer this question.
Other than a family member, who is someone who has had a significant influence on you? What has been the impact of their influence? (200 characters/roughly 35 words or fewer)
Questions about heroes and mentors are common on college applications, so you may very well have written a similar essay for another school already! If so, feel free to repurpose some of that essay for this one; it does not (and in most cases should not) be Yale-specific. The most important thing is that this essay is you specific.
Think about the teachers, coaches, friends, and even historical figures or people online who may have impacted you. This question is two-fold, requiring you to discuss both the person and their impact on you in only around 35 words. You’ll need to pick someone who you can explain their relation to you quickly. As a result, don’t feel pressure to describe the most esoteric person who’s impacted your life. Respectfully and briefly describe the person you chose and don’t shy away from vulnerability when elaborating on their impact.
What is something about you that is not included anywhere else in your application? (200 characters/roughly 35 words or fewer)
This short response essay is another great chance to showcase something you haven’t yet mentioned before in your application—make it meaningful! Remember that even the mundane can be meaningful too: this answer doesn’t necessarily need to be about a hidden achievement or a secret passion for quantum physics.
When you write a college application, you craft a multidimensional picture of yourself based on your academics, extracurricular activities, athletics, and/or other endeavors you’ve followed. This question gives you the unique opportunity to showcase another dimension that doesn’t fall within those standard categories.
Yale’s Essay Prompts
Reflect on a time you discussed an issue important to you with someone holding an opposing view. why did you find the experience meaningful (400 words or fewer).
If you end up attending Yale, you’ll likely be thrust into a community more diverse than any you’ve experienced in the past. Everyone handles culture shock differently, so you’ll want to show that you’re ready to face it with both an open mind and an open heart. Think of a time you approached conflict in a positive or productive way. You want to avoid sounding like you simply engage in debates to be right, or like you’re unwilling to change your opinions even when provided with compelling evidence.
Important lessons can come out of dealing with disagreement or disharmony within a group. Some of these experiences can be incredibly formative. Some of those lessons can include accepting a time you were wrong. Or maybe you found the resilience to defend a position you strongly cared about. Alternatively, perhaps you learned through a debate what it is that really matters to you.
When describing the meaning behind your experience interacting with someone who holds an opposing view to yourself, consider focusing on the lesson you feel you learned from that experience. Remember to center your valuable 400 words around one moment . Doing so will guide you toward exploring its depth and making the conclusions you drew from it more concrete and specific to your unique life experiences.
Reflect on your membership in a community to which you feel connected. Why is this community meaningful to you? You may define community however you like. (400 words or fewer)
Yale places a huge emphasis on community. Therefore, the admissions officers are keen to find out what piece of the puzzle you’ll fill once you’re there. Think expansively about the concept of community: your extended family, a club you’re part of, a religious group, etc. Furthermore, consider what you’ve done to remain a dedicated member of that community. Writing about how you’ve fostered your relationship to your community over time will allow you to demonstrate why and to what extent the community is meaningful to you.
If you’re having trouble articulating why the community is meaningful to you, consider a time when your connection to your community faltered or you questioned your place in it. Understanding why you chose to re-establish your role in the community after this point of doubt may help you articulate its meaning to you. Invite the reader into your world. Let them feel what you feel. Open a window into why you cherish your community!
Reflect on an element of your personal experience that you feel will enrich your college. How has it shaped you? (400 words or fewer)
This prompt is much broader than the previous two prompts. Therefore, if writing about only about the meaning of your community or the way you respond to opposing viewpoints feels limiting to you, then you should select this prompt as your Yale essay question.
Nevertheless, this prompt’s broadness can be a trap for many students. The prompt tempts a broad answer. Before writing this essay, it’s advisable to write a brief outline so that you can keep your response contained, focused, and specific to you and your experience.
One way to keep this essay response cohesive is to consider a specific experience you have had. Then, use that experience as the basis for your essay response. For instance, maybe you lost the final in your state tennis championship. How did bouncing back from that disappointment change you, and how will you bring your resilience to your college community? Or, as another example, maybe you hold a marginalized identity. Narrating a specific occasion when discrimination had the potential or reality of holding you back. Describing how you responded to that experience, can also be a strong response to this question.
The question is multilayered. The Yale admissions officers don’t just want to know about your experience. They’d also like to know how the experience changed you and how you will bring the lessons you’ve learned to your college community. Considering the three parts of this question, try to work backward by thinking of a life lesson you might want to bring to a Yale residential college community. Then, turn back the clock to recall how you learned this lesson in the first place.
If you need help polishing up your Yale supplemental essays, check out our College Essay Review service. You can receive detailed feedback from Ivy League consultants in as little as 24 hours.
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Updated: Monday, September 30, 2024
How to Write the 2024-25 Yale Supplemental Essays
IvyWise On-Demand: A Look Inside Yale with Former Admissions Directors
With its lengthy history and unparalleled academic rigor, it’s no surprise that Yale tops many students’ best-fit lists, with an acceptance rate that has dipped below 5% in recent years. Given the competitive nature of Yale’s admissions process, every component of your college application is going to be crucial, including supplemental essays.
Like many colleges, Yale University has a number of writing prompts that students are required to answer as part of their submission. Keep reading to learn more about the 2024-25 Yale supplemental essays to make sure your writing sets you apart from the pack.
Table of Contents:
How Many Supplemental Essays Does Yale Have?
How to tackle yale’s short answer questions, how to write the yale supplemental essay.
- Yale Essays the Worked
Yale University requires one supplemental essay as well as responses to several short answer questions. Students who apply through the Common Application or the Coalition Application must also respond to four additional short answer prompts, each with a maximum character count of 200. Additionally, applicants must choose one of three supplemental essay prompts to respond to in 400 words or fewer.
Given Yale’s competitive admissions process, the bar for each supplemental essay is exceptionally high. If you want to learn more about how to get into Yale , keep reading for tips on how to tackle each of their short answer and supplemental essay prompts.
Short Answer Prompt #1
Students at Yale have time to explore their academic interests before committing to one or more major fields of study. Many students either modify their original academic direction or change their minds entirely. As of this moment, what academic areas seem to fit your interests or goals most comfortably? Please indicate up to three from the list provided.
Yale admissions officers are looking for several key elements in your response:
- You have thoughtfully considered your academic interests and goals.
- Your interests align with the academic programs and resources available at Yale.
- You are intellectually curious and open to exploring different fields and new directions.
- You have genuine enthusiasm and passion for your chosen disciplines.
As you respond to this prompt, briefly explain why each area interests you and how it relates to your goals. Mention any relevant experiences or aspirations. Use this opportunity to highlight specific programs, faculty, or opportunities at Yale that align with your interests.
Short Answer Prompt #2
Tell us about a topic or idea that excites you and is related to one or more academic areas you selected above. Why are you drawn to it?
The admissions officers want to get a sense of where each applicant’s genuine academic passion lies. They want to know why mechanical engineering appeals to a student or why they are drawn to theater. To answer this short answer question successfully, make sure your response makes it clear exactly where your academic interests lie, and, more importantly, why you are interested.
Once you’ve articulated the discipline(s) you want to study and the academic goals you have, you’ll have an opportunity to dive deeper into why you are passionate about these interests. Colleges are always looking for students who are enthusiastic and committed to the subjects they’re focusing on, so make sure your passion for the field you wish to study shines through.
Short Answer Prompt #3
What is it about Yale that has led you to apply?
Many colleges ask questions along the lines of “why this college?” because it is an ideal opportunity to evaluate a student’s interest level. The best answers should be tailored to the college you’re applying to and convey your expertise in the institution. Don’t be afraid to name specific professors and courses you’re interested in taking, majors you would wish to pursue, and student-run clubs that you would be eager to join. You want to make sure you’re emphasizing what Yale is known for as it relates to your criteria for your undergraduate experience and demonstrate that you’ve done your research.
Common and Coalition App Short Answer Prompts
Students applying to Yale via the Common Application or Coalition Application must respond to the following questions in 200 characters or less:
- What inspires you?
- If you could teach any college course, write a book, or create an original piece of art of any kind, what would it be?
- Other than a family member, who is someone who has had a significant influence on you? What has been the impact of their influence?
- What is something about you that is not included anywhere else in your application?
Your responses to these questions will give admissions officers a clearer picture of who you are as a person. Feel free to be creative and authentic — just as long as you’re also brief!
H ere are a few best practices for writing responses to Yale’s supplemental essays:
Supplemental Essay Prompt #1
Reflect on a time you discussed an issue important to you with someone holding an opposing view. Why did you find the experience meaningful?
This question is asking you to demonstrate your ability to work with people you may disagree with and genuinely consider opinions that differ from your own. Think of an example that shows your willingness to listen and hold important conversations with other people in a respectful way. The trick here is to balance your own convictions with the understanding that you are not always right about everything and are excited about the opportunity to embrace others’ perspectives, whether you end up changing your own mind in the end.
Supplemental Essay Prompt #2
Reflect on a time when you have worked to enhance a community to which you feel connected. Why have these efforts been meaningful to you? You may define community however you like.
Unlike some of the other supplemental essay questions, this query is designed to prompt students to write about something more personal and reflective. Take some time to think about a community that is meaningful to you and pinpoint how you have made a positive impact on that community and its members. Remember to be as specific as possible in the small amount of space you have to work with, and don’t be afraid to toot your own horn in the process!
Supplemental Essay Prompt #3
Reflect on an element of your personal experience that you feel will enrich your college. How has it shaped you?
As with the previous question, admissions officers are looking for a deep, honest, and personal reflection. Select an experience that has had a significant impact on you and reflects your values, passions, or challenges. Explain how this experience has shaped your character, outlook, and aspirations, then highlight how your personal journey will allow you to contribute to the Yale community in a meaningful way.
Yale Essays That Worked
Looking for some inspiration for your Yale supplemental essays? While it’s important to make sure your own voice shines through, it can be helpful to read through a few successful supplements to get an idea of what to aim for, especially given the low Yale admission rates .
Here’s one example of a Why Yale? essay that aligns with what admissions officers are looking for.
Actor and math major. Theater geek and football player. Critical and creative thinker. What draws me to Yale most is that they don’t limit one’s mind with “or”s. Instead, they embrace the power of “and” the strength that comes with duality.
Wandering through the Beinecke Library, I would prepare for my multi-disciplinary Energy Studies capstone that explores the correlation between hedonism and climate change, making it my goal to uncover implications in environmental sociology. I would study with Assistant Professor Arielle Baskin-Sommers, who would guide my class as we explored the emotional deficits of depression, utilizing neuroimaging to scrutinize human perception. After class, I would head to Walden Peer Counseling, where I would integrate my peer support and active listening skills to foster an empathetic environment for the Yale community. Combining my interests in psychological and environmental studies is why I am proud to be a Bulldog.
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