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Artificial Intelligence MCQ Questions & Answers
This article is a set of Artificial Intelligence MCQ, and it is based on the topics – Agents ,state-space search, Search space control, Problem-solving, learning, and many more.
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Artificial Intelligence MCQ Questions
1.What are the types of Agents?
- biologic(people or animals)
- computational
- both a) and b)
- None of the above
2. How many properties of an Agent?
3. It is one of the application of Expert System.
- Virus detection
- Intelligence
- Ability to Learn
- Cooperation
4. which one of the following is blind search a. Depth-first search b. Depth-search first c. Best-first search d. Best-search-first
5. Artificial Neural Network Is based on? a. Strong Artificial Intelligence approach b. Weak Artificial Intelligence approach c. Cognitive Artificial Intelligence approach d. Applied Artificial Intelligence approach
6. What is the rule of a simple reflex agent? a. Simple-action rule b. Condition-action rule c. Simple & Condition-action rule. d. None of the mentioned
7. Performance of an algorithm depends on internal and external factors, What are they?
Answer: Internal factors/ External factors:
- The time required to run
- Space (memory) required to run
- Size of input to the algorithm
- Quality of the compiler
- Speed of the computer
8. The ………………… is used to give an approximation to the run-time- efficiency of an algorithm.
- Big-O notation
- Time complexity
- Space complexity
9. A state-space form a graph (or map) in which the nodes are …….. and the arcs between nodes are …………
- states,actions
- actions,states
- path, method
10. State-space search defines
- a state space
- branching factor
- bounding factor
11. How many ways we can solve the state-space search? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
12. The expert system is capable of a. Retrieving, explaining, advising b. Advising, diagnosis, debugging c. Retrieving, suggesting, advising d. All of the mentioned
13.Genetic algorithms are implemented in a
a. Planning graph b. Dynamic programming c. Computer simulation d. Simulation
14. In Travel salesman problem, If there are N cities, then the number of different paths among them is ………
- 1.2….(N-1) or (N-1)!= N!
15.Web Crawler is a/an ____________ a. Intelligent goal-based agent b. Problem-solving agent c. Simple reflex agent d. Model-based agent
16. Unification techniques are applied in the ………………. a. Hypothesis b. Programming c. Time and Space complexity d. Resolution
17. Which search strategy is also called a blind search? a. Uninformed search b. Informed search c. Simple reflex search d. All of the mentioned
18. What are the main issues on which Biological networks prove to be superior to AI networks? a. Collective computation b. flexibility c. Bidirectional search d. all of the mentioned
19. When is the breadth-first search is optimal? a.When there is less number of nodes present b. When all step costs are equal c. When all step costs are unequal d. None of the mentioned
20. Which algorithm uses to solve any kind of problem? a. Breadth-first algorithm b. Tree algorithm c. Bidirectional search algorithm d. None of the mentioned
21. The field that investigates the mechanics of human intelligence.
- Cognitive science
22. Properties of an agent are ……….. a. Autonomy b. intelligence c. ability d. All of the mentioned
23. Expert System is used for …………….. a. decision-making b. decision-support c. information retrieval d. decision making and decision support
24. Which one is used to improving the performance of the heuristic search? a. Sample form of nodes b. Quality of nodes c. Values d. Quality of Heuristic function
25. How many types of Search Algorithm? a. 1 b. 3 c. 2 d. 4
- Artificial Intelligence MCQ Questions & Answers)
- Artificial Intelligence MCQ Questions & Answers
- MCQs on Machine Learning (NLP)
In this article, we presented some MCQs on Artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence MCQ . which helps you in your exams and various interviews. For more, please stay with us. We will provide more MCQs for different languages
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Artificial Intelligence MCQ
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized numerous sectors, from healthcare to finance. As AI continues to play a transformative role in our daily lives, understanding its fundamentals becomes increasingly essential. Let’s dive into 25 MCQs that explore the core concepts of AI.
1. What is Artificial Intelligence?
AI aims to create systems that can perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence.
2. Which of the following is NOT a subfield of AI?
While quantum computing may impact AI's future, it is a separate field of study, not a subfield of AI.
3. Which technique is used in the classification of data?
Decision Trees classify data by making decisions based on asking a series of questions.
4. What is the primary goal of Machine Learning?
Machine Learning, a subset of AI, focuses on enabling algorithms to learn from and make decisions based on data.
5. In the context of AI, what does "ANN" stand for?
ANN stands for Artificial Neural Network, inspired by the human brain's structure and function.
6. Which AI technique is used for searching solutions in a finite space?
Heuristic Search strategies are algorithms that search for solutions in large or infinite domains.
7. What is the Turing test used for?
Proposed by Alan Turing, the Turing test checks whether a machine's behavior can mimic human intelligence.
8. Which term is associated with the ability of machines to mimic human cognitive functions?
Cognitive Computing focuses on simulating human thought processes in machines.
9. In a feed-forward neural network:
In feed-forward neural networks, the data flows linearly from the input layer to the output layer without looping back.
10. Which of the following is an unsupervised learning method?
Clustering involves grouping data points without referring to known or labelled outcomes.
11. Expert Systems in AI are designed to:
Expert Systems emulate the decision-making abilities of a human expert in particular areas of knowledge.
12. Which algorithm is used to explore a solution space by making incremental changes to the current solution?
Hill Climbing is an iterative algorithm that starts with an arbitrary solution and incrementally varies it to find an optimal solution.
13. Natural Language Processing (NLP) involves:
NLP focuses on enabling machines to read, decipher, understand, and make sense of human language.
14. Which AI approach involves agents that make decisions by maximizing a reward?
In Reinforcement Learning, agents take actions to maximize cumulative reward.
15. The primary purpose of a perceptron is to:
A perceptron is a binary classifier that maps input to one of two categories.
16. Genetic algorithms are inspired by:
Genetic algorithms simulate natural evolution processes like selection, crossover, and mutation to optimize solutions.
17. Which of the following best describes "fuzzy logic"?
Unlike classical logic with true or false values, fuzzy logic allows for degrees of truth, handling concepts that are ambiguous or vague.
18. In the context of AI, what does "ML" stand for?
ML stands for Machine Learning, which emphasizes algorithms that can learn and make decisions from data.
19. What is the main goal of pattern recognition?
Pattern recognition focuses on classifying data based on known patterns.
20. Which term refers to the ability of a machine to perform tasks without explicit instructions?
General Intelligence, or Strong AI, refers to machines that can perform any intellectual task that humans can, without being explicitly programmed for it.
21. Which of the following concepts is concerned with enabling machines to improve their performance over time based on experience?
Reinforcement Learning is about agents learning by interacting with their environment and receiving feedback through rewards or penalties.
22. Which type of AI system is designed to solve specific tasks and cannot perform tasks outside its domain?
Weak AI, also known as Narrow AI, is designed and trained for a particular task, and cannot perform tasks beyond its designated domain.
23. What type of algorithm would be best suited for a scenario where labeled training data is not available?
Unsupervised Learning algorithms are used when the training data is not labeled, and the algorithm tries to learn the underlying structure from the data.
24. Which of the following is an essential aspect of a chatbot's capability in terms of AI?
For chatbots, the core AI capability is Natural Language Processing (NLP), which allows them to understand and generate human language.
25. In the context of AI, agents operate in an environment and choose actions based on some policy to achieve a specific:
Agents in AI are designed to operate autonomously in an environment to achieve specific goals. They base their actions on policies and strategies to maximize their chances of achieving those goals.
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This is a 25 set of Artificial Intelligence MCQ and it is based on the topics - Agents,state-space search, Search space control, Problem-solving, learning. ... Hypothesis b. Programming ... Answer is a) Show Answer . 18. What are the main issues on which Biological networks prove to be superior to AI networks? a. Collective computation b ...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized numerous sectors, from healthcare to finance. As AI continues to play a transformative role in our daily lives, understanding its fundamentals becomes increasingly essential. Let's dive into 25 MCQs that explore the core concepts of AI.
Answer: (B) AI (Artificial Intelligence) was formally initiated in 1956 when the name was coined. 2. Which of the following principle of AI is the physical symbol system hypothesis? A) Second principle B) First principle C) Third principle D) None of the above Answer: (A) The physical symbol system hypothesis is the second principle of AI. 3.