1. Top 10 Experimente Psihologice din Istorie

    Un experiment psihologic presupune ...

  2. Top 10 Experimente Psihologice Înfiorătoare

    Experiment Controversat - Neajutorarea ...

  3. The 25 Most Influential Psychological Experiments in History

    3. Bobo Doll Experiment Study Conducted by: Dr. Alburt Bandura. Study Conducted between 1961-1963 at Stanford University . Experiment Details: During the early 1960s a great debate began regarding the ways in which genetics, environmental factors, and social learning shaped a child's development. This debate still lingers and is commonly referred to as the Nature vs. Nurture Debate.

  4. 20 Famous Psychology Experiments That Shaped Our Understanding

    2.Milgram Experiment. Stanley Milgram's obedience study in 1961 shocked the world by revealing the extent to which people are willing to obey authority figures, even if it means harming others. Participants were instructed to administer electric shocks to a confederate, despite hearing their screams of pain.

  5. The 11 Most Influential Psychological Experiments

    The experiment is based on the idea that being part of a group is a sufficient condition to change a person's actions, judgments, and visual perceptions. The very simple experiment consisted of asking the subjects involved to associate line 1 drawn on a white sheet with the corresponding one, choosing between three different lines A, B, and C ...

  6. Famous Experiments

    The Most Influential Psychological Experiments in History. Approaches An approach is a perspective that involves certain assumptions about human behavior: the way people function, which aspects of them are worthy of study, and what research methods are appropriate for undertaking this study.

  7. Top 5 Experimente Psihologice Faimoase

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  8. 8 Classic Psychological Experiments

    Psychological experiments can tell us a lot about the human mind and behavior. Some of the best-known experiments have given us insights into topics such as conformity, obedience, attachment, and learning. There are many famous. Many classic psychological experiments have helped shape the history of psychology. ...

  9. 5 experimente psihologice care au impactat lumea

    Celebrul experiment al lui Jane Elliott a fost inspirat de asasinarea doctorului Martin Luther King Jr. și de viața inspirațională pe care acesta a avut-o. Profesorul de clasa a treia a dezvoltat un exercițiu, sau mai bine zis, un experiment psihologic, pentru a-și ajuta elevii să înțeleagă efectele rasismului și prejudecăților.

  10. 3 cele mai revelatorii experimente de psihologie

    Un experiment psihologic clasic, de natura sociala, intitulat "Experimentul pesterii haiducilor" a fost realizat cu ajutorul a doua grupuri formatie din baieti de cate 11 ani, intr-un parc national din Oklahoma, si a demonstrat cat de usor se adopta o identitate de grup exclusiva si cat de rapid poate degenera in ostilitate si rezistenta ...