1. Critical thinking skills by K. Yesmambetova, Kyzylorda

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  2. The 8 Elements of The Critical Thinking Process

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  3. Skills and Principles

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  4. How Might Principals Model the 9 Traits of Critical Thinking

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  5. Global Digital Skils Blog

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  6. Critical Thinking: Where to Begin

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  2. Logical Thinking pdf available @Rs.30/-

  3. 14. Critical Thinking: Section 2: Heuristic Modeling and Analogies

  4. 3. Critical Thinking: Section 1: Contraries, Contradictories, Subcontraries and Subalternation

  5. Critical Thinking: an introduction (1/8)

  6. If You Could Win Every Debate, Would You? The Stoic Path!