Apr 26, 2022 · 5. Rizal entered in 1872 • Under Jesuit System of Education • Ateneo Municipal- a college under the supervision of the Spanish Jesuits • Escuela Pia (Charity School)- formerly name of Ateneo, a school for poor boys in Manila which was established by the city government in 1817 • June 10, 1872- Rizal accompanied by Paciano went to Manila • Father Magin Ferrando- was the college ... ... Rizal pursued higher education at Ateneo de Manila and the University of Santo Tomas, excelling in his studies. He then embarked on a secret mission to travel throughout Europe from 1882-1885 to observe European life and prepare for liberating the Filipino people. During this time, he studied medicine in Madrid and published his first nationalist essay. ... This document provides details about Jose Rizal's higher education at Ateneo de Manila and Santa Isabel College. It discusses his excellent performance in Ateneo where he consistently topped his class and won several medals. It describes the Jesuit system of education and Rizal's interest in literature and the arts. The document also mentions Rizal taking private lessons in Spanish and poetry ... ... Jul 16, 2022 · Higher Education &Life Abroadof Jose Rizal. Higher Education. LifeAbroad. Ateneo de Manila (1872-1877) Ateneo De Manila (1872-1877) Escuela Pia (Charity School) - formerly name of Ateneo, a school for poor boys in Manila which was established by the city government in 1817; Rizal took the entrance examination at the Colegio de San Juan de ... ... LIFE AND WORKS OF RIZAL (SOSC104) By: CB Sherrie Anne M. Gabin TOPIC: RIZAL’S LIFE: HIGHER EDUCATION AND LIFE ABROAD MEDICAL STUDIES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS (1877-1882) -“Don’t send him to Manila again; he knows enough. ... Session 3: Rizal’s Life: Higher Education and Life Abroad. In May 1882, Rizal left the country to pursue better education and training in Spain. There were two main reasons to his departure. Firstly, the discriminatory nature of academic institutions in the Philippines during that time limited his opportunities. ... Chapter 4: Rizal’s life: Higher Education and Life Abroad. Introduction; This chapter deals with an analysis and evaluation of Jose Rizal's life: his quest for higher education and struggles and challenges in his life abroad. He was not only busy academically but he spent much of his time in self-improvement via self- education. ... Rizal’s higher education started in college, after completing his Bachelor of Arts (a high school diploma equivalent). His higher education was spent most in UST. Both Paciano and Don Francisco wanted Rizal to enter a university but Dona Teodora opposed the idea because the Spanish might “cut- off his head”. ... ">

Rizal's Life Higher Education & Life Abroad

Rizal continued his education abroad, studying medicine in Spain and ophthalmology in Paris. He traveled extensively throughout Europe, visiting cities like Barcelona, Madrid, Paris, Berlin, Dresden, Prague, Vienna, and Geneva. In Asia, he briefly stopped in Singapore on his way to Spain and later visited Hong Kong and Japan. Throughout his travels, Rizal keenly observed the cultures, governments, and societies of the places he visited in order to prepare for his goal of liberating the Philippines from Spanish rule. Read less

rizal higher education and life abroad essay

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  • 1. Rizal's Life: Higher Education and Life Abroad Group 5
  • 2. CONTENT CONTENT Rizal's Higher Education TOPIC 1: Scholastic Triumphs at Ateneo de Manila ( 1872 - 1877) TOPIC 2: Medical Studies at the University of Santo Tomas (1877 - 1882) Rizal's Life Abroad TOPIC 3: Travel in Spain (1882 - 1885) TOPIC 4: Paris to Berlin (1885 - 1887) TOPIC 5: Rizal's Grand Tour of Europe with Viola (1887)
  • 3. TOPIC 6: In Hong Kong and Macao (1888) TOPIC 7: Romantic Interlude in Japan (1888) TOPIC 8: Rizal's Visit to the United States (1888) TOPIC 9: Rizal in London (1888 -1889) TOPIC 10: In Belgian Brussels (1890) TOPIC 11: Misfortunes in Madrid (1890 - 1891) Rizal's Life Abroad TOPIC 12: Biarritz Vacation and Romance with Nelly Boustead (1891) TOPIC 13: El Filibusterismo Published in Ghent (1891) TOPIC 14: Ophthalmic Surgeon in Hong Kong (1891 - 1892) TOPIC 15: Last Trip Abroad (1896)
  • 4. Rizal's Higher Education
  • 5. Rizal entered in 1872 • Under Jesuit System of Education • Ateneo Municipal- a college under the supervision of the Spanish Jesuits • Escuela Pia (Charity School)- formerly name of Ateneo, a school for poor boys in Manila which was established by the city government in 1817 • June 10, 1872- Rizal accompanied by Paciano went to Manila • Father Magin Ferrando- was the college registrar, refused to admit Rizal in Ateneo for two reasons Scholastic Triumphs at Ateneo de Manila (1872-1877)
  • 6. Scholastic Triumphs at Ateneo de Manila (1872-1877) Manuel Xerez Burgos-because of his intercession, nephew of Father Burgos, Rizal was reluctantly admitted at the Ateneo Jose was the first of his family to adopt the surname “Rizal”. He registered under this name at Ateneo because their family name “Mercado” had come under the suspicion of the Spanish authorities Rizal was first boarded in a house outside Intramuros, on Caraballo Street. This was owned by a spinster named Titay who owed the Rizal family the amount of 300 pesos To improve his Spanish Rizal took private lessons in Santa Isabel College
  • 7. Rizal's First Year in Ateneo (1872-1873) Second Year in Ateneo (1873-1874) Rizal repented having neglected his studies the previous year simply To regain his lost class leadership, Rizal studied harder He became "emperor" At the end of the school year, Rizal received excellent grades in all subjects and a gold medal. June 1872, his first day of class in the Ateneo Rizal's first heard a mass at the college chapel Fr. Jose Bech, Rizal's first professor in the Ateneo
  • 8. Rizal did not make an excellent showing in his studies as in the previous year His grades remained excellent in all subjects, but he won only one medal, in Latin He failed to win the medal in Spanish THIRD YEAR IN ATENEO (1874-1875)
  • 9. Fourth Year in Ateneo (1875-1876) On June 16, 1875, Rizal became an interno Fr. Francisco de Paula Sanchez, one of his professor On his part, Rizal had the highest affection and respect Rizal was topped of all his classmates in all subjects and won in the Ateneo this time and a great educator and scholar. He inspired the young Rizal to study harder and to write poetry for Father Sanchez, whom he considered his best professor in the Ateneo five medals at the end of the school term.
  • 10. • His studies continued to fare well. As a matter-of-fact, he excelled in all subjects • Rizal was the most brilliant Atenean of his time, he was truly "the pride of the Jesuits". √ Rizal finished his last year at the Ateneo in a blaze of glory. √ He obtained the highest grades in all subjects - philosophy, physics, biology, chemistry, languages, mineralogy, etc. √ Rizal graduated with Highest Honor √ He graduated on March 23, 1877(16 years old) LAST YEAR IN ATENEO (1876-1877)
  • 11. He was an active in extra-curricular activities. An "emperor" inside the classroom and he was a campus leader outside. He was an active member, later secretary, of a religious society, the "Marian Congregation". Rizal was also a member of the Academy of Spanish Literature and the Academy of Natural Sciences. Extra-Curricular Activities in Ateneo
  • 12. Medical Studies at the University of Santo Tomas (1877-1882) - After finishing the first year of a course in Philosophy and Letters (1877-1878), Rizal transferred to the medical course - “Don’t send him to Manila again; he knows enough. If he gets to know more, the Spaniards will cut off his head.”- Doña Teodora, vigorously opposed the idea that Rizal pursue higher learning in the university · April 1877- Rizal who was then nearly 16 years old, matriculated in the University of Santo Tomas, taking the course on Philosophy and Letters - During his first term in 1877-1878 in UST, he studied Cosmology, Metaphysics , Theodicy and History of Philosophy.
  • 13. • Father Pablo Ramon-Rector of Ateneo, who had been good to him during his student days in that college, asking for advice on the choice of a career but unfortunately he was in Mindanao • It was during the following term (1878-1879) that Rizal, having received the Ateneo Rector’s advice to study medicine • During Rizal’s first school term in the University of Santo Tomas (1877- 1878), Rizal also studied in Ateneo. He took the vocational course leading to the title of perito agrimensor (expert surveyor) • Rizal excelled in all subjects in the surveying course in Ateneo, obtaining gold medals in agriculture and topography • November 25, 1881- the title was issued to Rizal for passing the final examination in the surveying course Medical Studies at the University of Santo Tomas (1877-1882)
  • 14. Rizal's Life Abroad
  • 15. • to observe keenly the life and culture, languages and customs, industries and commerce, and governments and laws of the European nations. In order to prepare himself in the mighty task of liberating his oppressed people from Spanish tyranny. SECRET MISSION IN SPAIN (1882-1885)
  • 16. Secret Departure in Spain Rizal's departure in Spain was kept secret to avoid detection by the Spain Authorities and the friars. He wrote a farewell letter to his beloved parents and another one for his sweetheart Leonor Rivera , it was both delivered shortly after he sailed away. May 03, 1882 Rizal boarded the Spanish streamer Salvadora bound for Singapore. Even his own parents were unaware of his secret mission in Spain, as he knew they would not allow him to go. Before of Rizal's secret Departure :
  • 17. Rizal in Singapore On May 8, 1882 during his way to Singapore, Rizal saw a beautiful island called "Talim Island with the Susong Dalaga" On May 9, 1882, Rizal landed in Singapore and registered at Hotel de la Paz and spent two days on a sightseeing soiree of the city, which was a colony of England. During his stay, Rizal visited the famous Botanical Garden, the beautiful Buddhist temple, the busy shopping district and the statue of Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles (founder of Singapore. Rizal in Singapore
  • 18. During his summer vacation in Spain, he was able to travel and meet some of the Filipinos who live in the city. Rizal wrote an essay about how much he loves and misses his homeland. It was the title of his first Nationalistic Essay, which he wrote in Barcelona. This was also the first Manila bilingual newspaper (SPANISH AND TAGALOG). His essay was published in Dariong Tagalog and was translated into Tagalog by Marcello H. Del Pilar. El Amor Patrio (Love of Country) On August 20, 1882 Rizal Life in Barcelona and Madrid
  • 19. Rizal was enrolled in UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DE MADRID under the course of Medicine and Philosophy and Letters. While waiting for classes to begin in Madrid, he enrolled in the Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando for painting and traveled to various historical sites and museums. Because of his involvement in various lessons and the difficulty. During his stay in Madrid, Rizal joined the Circulo Hispano Filipino. It is a group of Filipinos and Spaniards who want the government to reform. He wrote Mi Piden Versos, a poem about the sadness of an artist's son who lives in a place far from his origin. On November 3 , 1882
  • 20. Aside from his studies and other art lesson, he had the opportunity to meet Consuelo Ortiga Y Perez , the daughter of Don Pablo who is the mayor of Manila. Rizal was fell inlove with Consuelo , but because Eduardo de Lete was courting Consuelo, he did not pursue his feelings for Consuelo and instead he wrote a poem which showed his admiration to this lady.
  • 21. Rizal travelled to Paris and visited the different tourist spot in the City . The museum, the Opera house , Cathedral of Notre Dame , Boise de Boulogne, Madelaine Church, the Column of Verdome , the Invales and the libraries. He had also the opportunities to visit some restaurants in Paris. On July 17, 1883 Rizal in Paris (1883)
  • 22. Rizal was mistaken by the Parisians as Japanese, that's why the prices of his food, lodging, and entrance fees were higher than those of other nationalities. In a letter to his family, he stated that "Paris is Europe's most expensive capital." He could not afford the high cost of living in Paris so he decided to go back to Madrid.
  • 23. Rizal was impressed by how openly and freely the Spanish Masons criticized government policies and lambasted the friars, something that could not be done in the Philippines. Rizal as a Mason He became a member of the Masonic lodge known as "ACACIA." His motivation for becoming a mason is to enlist the aid of Freemasonry in his fight against the friars in the Philippines. March 1883 November 15, 1890 Rizal became a Mason leader after he transferred to Lodge Solidaridad. February 15, 1892 Le Grand Orient de France in Paris conferred the Master Mason diploma on Rizal..
  • 24. • After Rizal completing his studies at the Central University of Madrid at the age of 24 and already a physician,he also traveled to Paris to further his knowledge in opthalmology. NOVEMBER 1885 • Rizal was living in Paris , where he sojourned for about four months. (1852-1906) • He worked as Dr. Louis de Weckert's assistant. November 1885 to February 1886 • Rizal was a well-known French ophthalmologist. In Gay Paris (1885-1886)
  • 25. January 1, 1886 • He wrote a letter to his parents • The letter revealed that Rizal was rapidly improved his knowledge of opthalmology. February 1 ,1886 • After acquiring enough experienced as an opthalmologist in Dr. Weckert's Clinic , Rizal reluctantly left Gay Paris.
  • 26. They visited Dr. Adolph B. Meyer. Rizal was deeply impressed by a painting of "Prometheus Bound". They met Dr. Feodor Jagor, they plan to visit Leitmeritz to see Blumentritt. -Teschen (Now Decin, Czechoslovakia) was their stop- over after leaving Dresden. Rizal and Viola sent a wire to Blumentritt, suggested by Dr. Jagor. On May 11, 1887- Rizal and Viola left Berlin by train. Their next destination was DRESDEN, "one of the best cities in Germany". Rizal's Grand Tour of Europe with Dr. Viola (1887) Dresten
  • 27. On May 13, 1887, at 1:30 p.m. Rizal and Viola on board, arrived at the railroad station of Lietmeritz (Litomerice), Bohemia. Professor Blumentritt carried a sketch of Rizal to identify his Filipino friends. He warmly received Rizal and Viola. Rizal and Blumentritt met in person and greeted each other in fluent German Blumentritt loved Rizal as his son because of his talents. Blumentritt, helped two tourists get a room at Hotel Krebs. They stayed in Leitmeritz from May 17, 1887 At this train station, Rizal arrived from Germany. First Meeting with Blumentritt
  • 28. They met Dr. Wellkomm a Professor of University of Prague. Rizal and Viola visited the Tomb of Copernicus, the famous astronomer, the museum of natural history, bacteriological laboratories, famous cave where San Juan Nepomuceno, the Catholic Saint was imprisoned and many more. Prague May 20, they went to Vienna "the Queen of Danube". They met Norfenfals, one of the greatest novelist in Europe. Rizal and Viola stayed in Hotel Metropole. Vienna
  • 29. May 25, Rizal and Viola left Vienna on a river b oat to see the beautiful sights of Danube River. Next, they went to Stuttgart, Baden and then Rheinfall. They saw the waterfall "the most beautiful waterfall in Europe. Rizal and Viola left on a little boat, went to Foggy Leman Lake to Geneva. The beautiful city in June 19, 1887 Rizal treated Viola in his 26th Birthday. Danubian Voyage to Lintz Geneva
  • 30. Rizal did not leave his ship during a brief stopover in Amoy for three reasons. He was not feeling well It was raining hard He heard that the City is dirty Trip to Hong Kong After six months on the Zafiro board, Rizal left Calamba. Rizal arrived in Hong Kong, which was then a British colony. February 03,1888 February 07,1888 February 08,1888
  • 31. Rizal stayed at Victoria Hotel. Some of the Filipino residents welcomed Rizal, including Jose Maria Basa, Balbino Mauricio, and Manuel Yriarte (the son of Francisco Yriarte , Alcalde Mayor of Laguna). Jose Varanda was following Rizal's movements in Hong Kong at the time. He is thought to have been ordered to spy on Rizal. In HONG KONG According to Rizal: Hongkong was small but clean . So many Portuguese, Hindus, English, Jews and Chinese .
  • 32. Rizal expressed his bitterness in a letter written in Blumentritt. They forced Rizal to leave the country while he was still sick. Lieutenant Taviel de Andrade help him , as well as Governor- General Terrero. Dominicans witnessed Rizal holding secret meetings with men and women on top of a hill. Rizal was given money by countrymen in order for him to leave. Rizal witnessed a Catholic procession in which devotees were dressed in blue and purple dresses and carried unlighted candles. February 16 , 1888 Feb 19, 1888
  • 33. Noisy Celebration of Chinese New Year(February 11-13) Rizal fired many firecrackers on the window of his hotel. Boisterous Chinese Theatre with noisy audience and noisier music Rizal Experienced the Marathon Lauriat Party where guests were served numerous dishes such as dried fruits, geese , shrimps , century eggs , etc. It was also called the longest meal in the World. RIZAL EXPERIENCES DURING A 2-WEEK STAY IN HONG KONG Rizal studied Chinese life , language, drama and customs.
  • 34. Rizal was well aware that the DOMINICAN ORDER was the wealthiest religion in Hong Kong. It had millions of dollars deposited in banks, which earned a fantastic interest rate on the Hongkong Cemeteries belonging to Protestants, Catholics, and Muslims. (Departure from Hongkong) February 22, 1888 Rizal boarded the Oceanic, an American steamer, and left Hongkong.
  • 35. Trip to Japan and Short Romance with O-Sei-San One of the happiest interludes in the life of Rizal was his sojourn in the Land of the Cherry Blossoms for one month and a half (February 28 – April 13, 1888). He was enchanted by the natural beauty of Japan, the charming manners of the Japanese people, and the picturesque shrines. Rizal Arrives in Yokohama February 28, 1888 (Tuesday morning)- Rizal arrived in Yokohama. He registered at the Grand Hotel. March 2-7- Rizal proceeded to Tokyo and took a room at Tokyo Hotel.
  • 36. Rizal was visited at his hotel by Juan Perez Caballero, secretary of the Spanish Legation. The latter invited him to live at the Spanish legation. Macao is a Portuguese colony near Hong Kong. Spanish diplomatic authorities were instructed from Manila to monitor his movements in Japan. He accepted the invitation for two reasons: (1) he could economize his living expenses by staying at the legation and (2) he had nothing to hide from the prying eyes of the Spanish authorities. Rizal in Tokyo During his first day in Tokyo, Rizal was embarrassed because he did not know the Japanese language. He looked like Japanese but he could not talk Japanese. Rizal studied Japanese language and he was able to speak it within a few days.
  • 37. • Rizal was favorably impressed by Japan. He was a keen observer, taking copious notes on the life, customs, and culture of the people. He was no silly, lightheaded tourist who merely enjoys attractive sights that appealed only to the senses. Things which favorably impressed Rizal in Japan were: 1. The beauty of the country-its flowers, mountains, streams, and scenic panoramas. 2. The cleanliness, politeness, and industry of the Japanese people. 3. The picturesque dress and simple charm of the Japanese women. 4. There were very few thieves in Japan so the houses remained open day and night, and in the hotel room, one could safely leave money on the table. 5. Beggars were rarely seen in the city streets, unlike in Manila and other cities. Rizal’s Impression of Japan
  • 38. O-Sei-San (Seiko Usui) – A samurai’s daughter, 23 years old, and a pretty Japanese girl whom Rizal was attracted by her regal loveliness and charm. Rizal and O-Sei-San, as Rizal called her, met almost daily. Together, they visited the interesting spots of the city – the Imperial Art Gallery, The Imperial Library, the universities, the Shokubutsu-en (Botanical Garden), the city parks (particularly Hibiya Park), and the picturesque shrines. Rizal saw in lovely O-Sei-San the qualities of his ideal womanhood – beauty, charm, modesty, and intelligence. No wonder he fell deeply in love with her. Romance with O-Sei-San O-Sei-San helped Rizal in many ways. More than a sweetheart, she was his guide, interpreter, and tutor. She guided him in observing the shrines and villages around Tokyo. She improved his knowledge of Nippongo (Japanese language) and Japanese history. Rizal’s great love for O-Sei-San is attested by the hero’s diary. With this tenderly tragic entry in his own diary, Rizal bade farewell to lovely OSei-San.
  • 39. His arrival in the country was ruined by racial prejudice. He documented what he observed during his trip from Francisco to New York. Saturday morning, April 28, 1888, Rizal docked in San Francisco. Authorities did not let the passengers land for one week because of a rumored cholera outbreak. Trip to United States of America (1888)
  • 40. May 4, 1888 when Rizal registered at the first class hotel in the city called Palace hotel, he stayed there for three days. On May 7 to May 13, 1888, Rizal stayed at Nevada, Chicago. On May 13 to May 16, 1888, Rizal went to New York and stayed to “The big town”
  • 41. Rizal in London (1888-1889) Rizal's Reason for Staying: • To improve his knowledge on the English language • To study and annotate Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas • London was a safe place to for him to carry on his fight against Spanish tyranny √ While in London, he wrote articles for La Solidaridad, To the Young women of Malolos and completed annotating Morga’s Book.
  • 42. Filipiniana studies Completed annotating Morga's book Wrote many articles for La Solidaridad in defense of his people against Spanish critic Penned a famous letter "To the young women of Malolos" Carried voluminous correspondence with Blumentritt and relatives, and Romance with Gertrude Beckett Rizal was on board the "City of Rome" While on board, Rizal entertained the American and European passengers with his marvelous skill of the yo-yo as a defensive weapon Rizal arrived at Liverpool, England on May 24, 1888 He sepent his night at Adelphi Hotel "Liverpool", he wrote to his family, "is a big and beautiful city and its celebrated port is worthy of its great fame. The entrance is magnificent and the customhouse is quite good". Rizal engaged in: Trip across the Atlantic
  • 43. On May 25, 1888 went to London He stayed as a guest at home of Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor, and exile of 1872 and practicing lawyer in London By the end of May, he was a boarder of the Beckett family Rizal came to know Dr. Reinhold Rost, the librarian of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the authority on Malayan Languages and Customs He called Rizal, "A pearl of a man" (una perla de hombre) Rizal spent of his time the British Museum  Mr. Beckett, an organist at St. Paul Church  Mrs. Beckett, his wife  His three son's and four daughters the eldest of the sister was Gertrude ("Gettie"/"Tottie") Life in London
  • 44. The bad news were injustices commits by Spanish authorities on the Filipino people and the Rizal family. Among which were as follows: One good news cheered Rizal  Persecution of Filipino patriots who signed the "Anti-Friar Petition of 1888"  Persecution of Calamba tenants, including Rizal's family and relatives  Furious attack on Rizal by Senators Salamanca and Vida  Rizal's brother-in-law, Manuel T. Hidalgo, was exiled to Bohol without due process of Law  A friend of Rizal, Laureno Viado, was jailed in Bilibid prison, because copies of "Noli Me Tangere" were found in his house  And that was Rev. Vicente Garcia's defense of the Noli against the attack of the friars News from Home, Good and Bad
  • 45. The greatest achievement of Rizal was annotating of Morga's Book, Sucesos De Los Islas Filipinas which was publish in Mexico, 1609 Rizal laboriously read the old histories of the Philippines written by Fr. Chirino, Fr. Colin, Fr. Argensola, Fr. Plasencia etc. Annotating Morga's Book
  • 46. Early September 1888, he visited Paris for a week He was entertained in this gay French metropolis by Juan Luna and his wife, Paz Prado de Tavera On December 11, 1888, he went to Spain, visiting Madrid and Barcelona: Rizal returned to London on December 24 and spent Christmas and New Year with the Beckett Family  He met Marcelo H. Del Pilar and Mariano Ponce Short Visit to Paris and Spain He sent Christmas gifts to his friends:  To Blumentritt: bust of Emperor of Augustus  To Dr. Carlos Czepelak, a bust of Julius Caesar  To Rizal's landly, Mrs. Beckett a book entitled "The Life and the Adventures of Valentine Vox, The Ventriliquist"
  • 47. Rizal had a romantic interlude with the oldest of the four Beckett sisters, Gertrude, Gettie as she was affectionally called was a Buxom English girl with brown hair, blue eyes and rosy cheeks Rizal eventually called the finish 4 sculptural work:  Prometheus Bound  The Triumph of Death over life  Triumph of science over death  A composite carving of the Beckett sisters (The last name carving was a farewell gift to the Beckett sisters) Romance with Gertrude Beckett Suddenly on March 19,1889, Rizal bade goodbye to the kink Beckett Family (particularly to Gertrude) and he left in London for Paris He was sad as he crossed the English channel for he cherished so many beautiful memories of London Adios to London
  • 48. When Rizal moved to Brussel, he lived in a modest boarding house on 38 Rue Philippine Champagne accompanied by Jose Albert, who later on left the city and was replaced by Jose Alejandro. During his stay in the city, Rizal was busy writing his second novel which was the continuation of Noli. Aside from this, he also writes articles for La Solidaridad and letters to his family and friends. As a physician, Rizal spent part of his time in a medical clinic. For recreation, Rizal had gymnastics at the gymnasium and target practice and fencing at the armory. In Belgian Brussels (1890)
  • 49. As early as in September, 1886, when he was in Leipzig, Rizal adopted the Filipinized Tagalog orthography in his Tagalog translations of Schiller’s Wilhelm Tell and Andersen’s Fairy Tales and again used it in his first novel Noli Me Tangere (Berlin, 1887). While Rizal was in Brussels, his article entitled “Sobre la Nueva Ortografía de la Lengua Tagala” (The new Orthography of the Tagalog Language) was published in La Solidaridad on April 15, 1890. Rizal received bad news from home, the letter said that Calamba Agrarian reform was getting worse. The sad news from home depressed Rizal. His heart bled to know the sorrow of his parents, brothers and brother-in-laws. In the face of suffering which afflicted his family, Rizal planned to go home. He could not stay in Brussels writing a book, while his family in the Philippine were persecuted
  • 50. All his friends including Blumentritt, Jose Ma. Basa and Ponce were horrified by Rizal’s decision. They warned him of the danger that awaited him from home but he ignored it. A letter from Paciano changed his mind, it tells that they lost the case against the Dominicians in Manila, but they appealed it to the Supreme Court in Spain but a lawyer is needed to handle it in Madrid. Rizal announced that he was leaving Brussels at the beginning of the following month and would arrive in Madrid about the 3rd or 4th.
  • 51. MISFORTUNE IN MADRID(1890-1891) Early in August, 1890, Rizal arrived in Madrid. He tried all legal means to seek justice for his family and Calamba tenants, but to no avail. On top of his misfortunes, his fiance for eleven years, Leonor Rivera married a British engineer . That unfortunate event broke his heart. Upon arrival in Madrid, Rizal immediately sought the help of Filipino colony, the Asociacion Hispano-Filipina and the Liberal Spanish newspaper (La Justicia, El Globo, La Republica, El Resumen, etc.) in securing justice for the oppressed Calamba tenants, including his family.
  • 52. Failure to Get Justice for Family Together with M. H. Del Pilar ( who acted as his lawyer) and Dr. Dominador Gomez (Secretary of the Asociacion Hispano-Filipina) he called on the Minister of Colonies (Senior Fabie) in order to protest in the injustices committed by Governor General Valeriano Weyler and the Dominicans against the Calamba folks. Nothing came out with Rizal's interview with Minister Fabie. As El Resumen, a Madrid newspaper which sympathized with the Filipino caused said: "To cover the ears, open the and fold the arms – this is the Spanish colonial policy". More terrible news reached Rizal in Madrid as he was waging a futile fight for justice. From his brother-in-law, Silvestre Ubaldo, he received a copy of the ejectment order of the Dominicans against Francisco Rizal and other Calamba tenants.
  • 53. From his sister, Saturnina, he learned about the deportation of Paciano (Rizal), Antonio (Lopez), Silvestre (Ubaldo), Teong (Mateo Elejorde), and Dandoy (Dr. Rizal's relative) to Mindoro; these unfortunate deportees were arrested in Calamba and were shipped out of Manila on September 6, 1890. He further learned from Saturnina's letter that their parents had been forcibly ejected from their home and were then living in the house of Narcisa ( Antonino's wife). Rizal's Eulogy to Panganiban Rizal experienced another disappoinment when his friend and co-worker in the Propaganda movement, Jose Ma. Panganiban died in Barcelona on August 19, 1890. With his sorrowing heart, Rizal took his pen and wrote an eulogy to Panganiban as follows:
  • 54. RIZAL'S eulogy to panganiban Panganiban, that excellent companion of labor and difficulty, that amiable friend and countryman beloved, has just described to the tomb at the early age of 27 years. We just caught his last whisper, saw him expire in our arms, as it were, and it seems as if we are listening to his phrases saturated with energetic patriotism, inspired by the purest love of his native land.. His was a desperation to die far, very far from the native soil, separated from his family, from his deepest affections, and in the flower of his youth, in his rosiest illusions and hopes, when a rosy future was in sight... That is why his last words were of loving remembrance of his idolized Fatherland, were a heartfelt farewell to the Philippines. And if we still take into account certain events of his life consecrated to a most vehement love of his native land, we understand the sorrow his heart must have felt to see buried with him legitimate hopes, ardent desires, and just aspirations. August 19, (1890), was a day of mourning to numerous Filipinos in Europe. And what a fatal coincidence on the same month and day of the year just passed we had to deplore the death of another friend and countryman, Feliciano Gonzales Timbang. A sad fate! Panganiban, endowed with uncommon talent, with privileged intelligence, and with indefatigable industry, was one of the sacred, legitimate hopes of his unfortunate country. That head has been buried in the dust, that vigorous intelligence has been prematurely ended. Filipinas, how unfortunate thou art!
  • 55. Aborted Duel with Antonio Luna At the end of August, Rizal attended a social reunions of Filipinos in Madrid wherein Antonio Luna is also there. That time, Luna is bitter because of his frustrated romance with Nellie Boustead. He blames Rizal for what happened. In a fit of jealousy, and also the effect of alcohol, Luna uttered unsavor remarks to Nellie. Rizal heard him and because of his anger he challenged Luna into a duel. Rizal Challenges Retana to Duel Wenceslao E. Retana, his bitter enemy of the pen, a talented Spanish scholar, was then a press agent of the friars in Spain. He used to attack the Filipinos in various newspapers in Madrid and other cities in Spain. Retana wrote an article in La Epoca, asserting that the family and friends of Rizal had not paid their rents so they were ejected from their lands in Calamba by the Dominicans. Such as insult stirred Rizal to action, immediately he sent his seconds to Retana with his challenge to a duel
  • 56. • Toward the closing days of 1890 phere arose an unfortunate rivalry between Rizal and M.H. del Pilar for supremacy. Because of this, the Filipinos were divided into two hostile camps—the Rizalistas and the Pilaristas. The situation was becoming explosive and critical. Despite of winning the votes, Rizal graciously declined the coveted position. Rizal-Del Pilar Rivalry & Rizal Abdicates His Leadership • Rizal received a letter from Leonor, announcing her coming marriage to an Englishman (the choice of her mother) and asking his forgiveness. Infidelity of Leonor Rivera
  • 57. Adios, madrid • Rizal wrote a brief note thanking his patriots for electing him as Responsable. • He packed up his bags, paid his billsz and boarded a train leaving for Biarritz. • It was the last time he saw Madrid. • His agonizing heart bade goodbye to the metropolis, of which he had written years ago.
  • 58. BIARRITZ VACATION AND ROMANCE WITH NELLY BOUSTEAD (1891) To seek solace for his disappointments in Madrid, Rizal took a vacation in the resort city of Biarritz on the fabulous French Riviera. He was aguest of the rich Boustead family at its winterresidence – Villa Eliada.
  • 59. Rizal arrived in Biarritz on February 1891 Stayed in the residence of the Boustead In February 11, 1891 he wrote a letter to Mariano Ponce. On March 29, 1891 , the eve of his departure from Biarritz, he finished the manuscript of his first novel, El Filibusterismo and He wrote a letter to Blumentrit.
  • 60. Rizal described Nellie as a real Filipina, highly intelligent, vivacious in temperament, and morally upright. His friend like M.H. del Pilar teased him.A letter from his friends came to answer his letters about there opinion to Rizal's letter. They didn't get married because of two thing: 1). Rizal doesn't want to be converted to a protestant. 2). Nellie's mother was against the wedding. Romance with Nellie Boustead
  • 61. He departed from Biarritz on March 30, 1891 by train he stayed with his friend Valentin Ventura. By the middle of April 1891 he was back yo Brussels He was happily greeted by his landladies Since January,1891 he abdicated his leadership in Madrid. Rizal wanted to expand his knowledge about being an ophthalmologist. May 1, 1891 he notified the Propaganda authorities in Manila to cancel his allowance. To Paris Back to Brussles Retirement of Propaganda Movements
  • 62. While practicing medicine in Calamba, Rizal began writing the manuscript for El Filibusterismo. Rizal left Brussels for Ghent, a famous university in Belgium. OCTOBER 1887 JULY 05, 1891 El Filibusterismo PUBLISHED IN GHENT (1891) 1. The cost of printing in Ghent was cheaper than in Brussels. 2. To escape from the enticing attraction of Petite Suzanne. His reasons for moving to Ghent:
  • 63. In GHENT Rizal live in a cheap boarding house and met two compatriots: • Jose Alejandro from Pampanga • Edilberto Evangelista from Manila DURING THE PRINTING OF EL FILIBUSTERISMO A printing shop that offered Rizal the lowest price for the publication of his novel and was willing to print it in installments. Rizal pawned his jewels in order to pay the down payment and the early partial payment. The printing of his book had to be suspended because Rizal could no longer give the necessary funds to the printer. AUGUST 6 ,1891 F. Meyer-Van Loo Press (No. 66 Viaanderen Street)
  • 64. When Ventura learned of Rizal’s predicament and immediately sent him the necessary funds. With his financial aid , the printing of El Feli was resumed. (The savior of the Fili) Valentin Ventura El Filibusterismo came off the press. Rizal immediately sent on this date two printed copies to Hong Kong, one for Basa and other for Sixto Lopez. Rizal gratefully donated the original manuscript and an autographed printed copy to Valentin Ventura. September 18, 1891
  • 65. A Barcelona newspaper, where in it published a tribute eulogizing the novel’s original style which “is comparable only to the sublime Alexander Dumas” and may well be offered as“a model and a precious jewel in the now decadent literature of Spain”. A liberal Madrid newspaper that serialized the novel in its issues of October, 1891. NEWSPAPER WHICH GIVES TRIBUTE TO EL FILI ARE: Rizal wrote to Blumentritt that he planned to write the third Novel. La Publicidad El Nuevo Regimen September 22, 1891
  • 66. Rizal dedicated the new book to the three priests, Gomez, Burgos and Zamora, who were executed because of their supposed participation in the first revolutionary campaign of modern Philippine nationalism, the mutiny of Cavite. Gom-Bur-Za Synopsis of El Filibusterismo El Filibusterismo is a sequel to the Noli. It has little humor, less idealism and less romance than the Noli Me Tangere. It is more revolutionary, more tragic than the first novel. Rizal had an inspiration to write his own novel with the same topic to expose Spanish colonial abuse in print.
  • 67. • The theme and plot of El Filibusterismo was changed to convey the message that the present system of government in the Philippines through corrupt officials, dominated by the friars can lead to the downfall of Spain. - in Rizal's own handwriting is now preserved in the Filipiniana Division of the Bureau of Public Libraries, Manila. • Had been acquired from Ventura for 10,000. • It consists of 279 pages of long sheets of paper. •FOREWORD (and) • WARNING Rizal boarded the steamer Melbourne in Marseilles bound for Hong Kong. October 18, 1891 The original manuscript of El Filibusterismo Two features in the manuscript do not appear in the printed book, namely:
  • 68. ➤ Rizal left Europe for Hong Kong, where he lived from November 1891 to June 1892. ➤ His reasons for leaving Europe were: - life was unbearable in Europe because of his political differences with M.H. del Pilar and other Filipinos in Spain. - to be near his idolized Philippines and family OPHTHALMIC SURGEON IN HONG KONG (1891-1892)
  • 69. FAREWELL TO EUROPE life was unbearable in Europe because of his political differences with M.H. del Pilar and other Filipinos in Spain to be near his idolized Philippines and family Rizal left Europe for Hong Kong, where he lived from November, 1891 to June, 1892. His reasons for leaving Europe were :
  • 70. · October 3, 1891 -two weeks after the publication of Fili, Rizal left Ghent for Paris, where he stayed a few days to say goodbye to the Lunas, the Pardo de Taveras, the Venturas and other friends; Rizal proceeded by train to Marsilles October 18, 1891 -Rizal boarded the steamer Melbourne bound for Hong Kong
  • 71. Father Fuchs- a Tyrolese, Rizal enjoyed playing chess. Rizal describe him to Blumentritt as “He is a fine fellow, A Father Damaso without pride and malice” November 20, 1891-Rizal arrived in Hong Kong Rizal established his residence at No. 5 D’ Aguilar Street No. 2 Rednaxola Terrace, where he also opened his medical clinic.
  • 72. December 1, 1891- Rizal wrote his parents asking their permission to return home. On the same date, his brother-in-law, Manuel T. Hidalgo, sent him a letter relating the sad news of the “deportation of twenty-five persons from Calamba, including father, Neneng, Sisa, Lucia, Paciano and the rest of us.”
  • 73. The Christmas of 1891 in Hong Kong was one of the happiest Yuletide celebrations in Rizal’s life: For he had a happy family reunion January 31, 1892- Rizal wrote to Blumentritt, recounting pleasant life in Hong Kong To earn a living for himself and for his family, Rizal practiced medicine Dr. Lorenzo P. Marques- a Portuguese physician, who became Rizal’s friend and admirer, who helped him to build up a wide clientele. In recognition of Rizal’s skill as an ophthalmic surgeon, he turned over to him many of his eye cases Rizal successfully operated on his mother’s left eye so that she was able to read and write again.
  • 74. LAST TRIP ABROAD (1896) - While Rizal was patiently waiting on the cruiser Castilla for the next steamer to take him to Spain, portentous events occurred, presaging the downfall of Spanish power in Asia. August 19, 1896 - The Katipunan plot to overthrow Spanish rule by means of revolution was discovered by Fray Mariano Gil Augustinian cura of Tondo.
  • 75. The Isla de Panay arrived at Singapore . Don Pedro/ Don Manuel Camus devised Rizal to stay and take advantage of the protection of the British Law Rizal had given his word of honor to Governor General Blanco. Departure of Rizal for Spain. The day when the state of war was proclaimed in the eight provinces, Rizal received from Governor General Blanco two letters of the introduction for : 1. The Minister of War 2. The Minister of Colonies with a covering letter which absolved him from all blame for raging revolution August 30, 1896 Rizal in Singapore (September 7)
  • 76. By refusing to break his word of honor in Singapore, Rizal sealed his own doom. For without his knowledge, Governor Blanco was secretly conspiring with the Ministers of War and the Colonies (ultramar) for his destruction Great hero and genius that he was, Rizal proved to be as gullible as Sultan Zaide another victim of Spanish intrigue VICTIM OF SPANISH DUPLICITY
  • 77. RIZAL ARRESTED BEFORE REACHING BARCELONA September 8, 1:00 p.m. • The Isla de Panay, with Rizal onboard, left Singapore, unaware of the Spanish duplicity particularly of Governor General Blanco's infernal deceit. September 25 • He saw the steamer Isla de Luzon, leaving the Suez Canal crammed with Spanish troops. • He realized that he was fooled by the Spanish officials. That made him to write a letter to his best friend. • He was officially notified by Captain Alemany that he should stay in his cabin until further orders from Manila.
  • 78. His jailor was no longer the ship captain but the Military Commander of Barcelona, who happened to be General Eulogio Despujol The same one who ordered his banishment to Dapitan in July, 1892. September 30 (6:25 p.m.) • The steamer anchored at Malta. Rizal confined to his cabin and was not able to visit the famous island-fortress of the Christian crusaders. October 3, at 10 o'clock in the morning • The Isla de Panay arrived in Barcelona, with Rizal a prisoner on board. The trip from Manila to Barcelona lasted exactly 30 days. • He was taken out of prison by the guards and brought to the headquarters of General Despujol. • The ship left Barcelona, with Rizal on board S.S. Colon arrive at FORT SANTIAGO RIZAL'S CELL ARRIVAL IN BARCELONA AS A PRISONER
  • 79. References https://www.studocu.com/ph/document/technological-institute-of-the-philippines/life-and-works-of- rizal/rizals-higher-education-and-life-abroad-lecture-notes/19034808 https://www.studocu.com/ph/document/university-of-rizal-system/life-and-works-of-rizal/chapter-4-rizals- life-higher-education-and-life-abroad/20844763 https://pdfcoffee.com/topic-4-rizals-life-higher-education-and-life-abroad-pdf-free.html https://www.scribd.com/presentation/468292105/Module-4-1-Rizal-s-Life-Higher-Education-and-Life-Abroad- pptx https://drive.google.com/file/d/17LwwvP4Wmpt2T-EyBw3Zntsw63fIBDXY/view?usp=drivesdk https://www.studocu.com/ph/document/university-of-rizal-system/life-and-works-of-rizal/chapter-4-rizals- life-higher-education-and-life-abroad/20844763 https://www.scribd.com/document/450691561/Rizal-in-Hong-Kong-Macau-Japan-and-the-US https://studymoose.com/lifes-of-rizal-in-hongkong-and-macao-essay https://studymoose.com/lifes-of-rizal-in-hongkong-and-macao-essay https://pdfcoffee.com/kupdfnetromantic-interlude-in-japanpdf-pdf-free.html https://prezi.com/lqinmq3morvr/life-and-works-of-jose-rizal-in-london-1888-1889/? frame=6a7eb8242ddbb4d4dfed86a312859a33612b973a https://pdfcoffee.com/rizal-summary-chapter-14-16-pdf-free.html https://dokumen.tips/documents/chapter-20-opthalmic-surgeon-in-hong-kong1891-92-rizal-lived-in-hong- kong.html https://prezi.com/djbujnakdm6e/chapter-18-biarritz-vacation-and-romance-with-nelly-boustead/?fallback=1
  • 80. Group Members Loresto, Jesabel Murillo, Kaye Angel Royo, Justine Jay Velasco, Renz Joseph Licanda, Daisy Morota, Janxen Sedeño, Edilyn

Higher Education And Life Abroad Of Jose Rizal


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Higher Edecation &Life Abroadof Jose Rizal

Higher Education &Life Abroadof Jose Rizal

Higher Education

Ateneo de Manila (1872-1877)

Ateneo De Manila (1872-1877)

  • Escuela Pia (Charity School) - formerly name of Ateneo, a school for poor boys in Manila which was established by the city government in 1817
  • Rizal took the entrance examination at the Colegio de San Juan de Letran on June 10, 1872
  • After passing the qualifying examination, Rizal sought admission at the Ateneo Municipal
  • Father Magin Fernando, the college registrar, was at first very denying Rizal admission
  • Rizal was refused to be admitted in this institution for two reasons: late registrant and frail and undersized for his age
  • Due to intervention of Manuel Burgos, the college registrar finally admitted the young Jose
  • Jose adopted the surname Rizal at the Ateneo because their family name Mercado had come under suspicion of the Spanish authorities
  • Ateneo was located in Intramuros, Manila. He boarded in a house on Caraballo Street, 25 mins. walk from the campus
  • Jesuits trained the character of every student through rigid disipline and religious instruction.
  • Students required to hear masses in the morning before the start of the classes and ended with prayers
  • Atenean teachers enforced a program of dividing a class into two competing empires: the Romans and Carthagians.
  • Roman Empire were the boarding students at Ateneo ans and the Carthaginian Empire were non-boarding students
  • Both empire had their ranks and dignities, namely: emperor, tribune, decurion, centurion and standard bearer
  • Rizal understood the seriousness and severity of his studies. In order to excel he made himself follow a daily timetable, which he rigidly observed.
  • Rizal lagged behind his classmates. But in a month's time. He emerged as the emperor in his class

University of Santo Tomas (1877-1882)

Medical Studies at the University of Santo Tomas (1877-1882)

  • After finishing the first year course in the Philosophy and Letters (1877-1882), Rizal transferred to the medical course
  • "Don't send him to Manila again; he knows enough. If he gets to know more, the Spaniards will cut off his head." - Doña Teodora, vigorously opposed the idea that Rizal pursue higher learning in the university
  • April 1877 - Rizal who was then nearly 16 years old, matriculated in the University of Santo Tomas, taking course on Philosophy and Letters
  • During his first term in 1877-1878 in UST, he studied Cosmology, Metaphysics, Theodicy and History of Philosophy
  • Father Pablo Ramon-Rector of Ateneo, who had been good to him during his student days in that college, asking for advice on the choice of a career but unfortunately he was in Mindanao
  • It was during the following term (1878-1879) that Rizal, having received the Ateneo Rector's advice to study medicine
  • During Rizal's first school term in the University of Santo Tomas (1877-1878), Rizal also studied in Ateneo. He took the vocational course leading to the title Perito agrimensor (expert surveyor)
  • Rizal excelled in all subjects in the surveying course in Ateneo, obtaining gold medals in agriculture and philosophy
  • November 25, 1881 - the title was issued to Rizal for Passing the final examination in the surveying course

Rizal's First year in Ateneo

Rizal’s First year in Ateneo (1872-1873)

  • Rizal's first professor in Ateneo was Fr. Jose Bech
  • Rizal was placed at the bottom of the class since he was a newcomer and knows little Spanish
  • He was an externo (Carthaginian), occupying the end of the line. But at the of the month, he become emperor of his Empire
  • He was the brightest student in the whole class, and he was awarded a prize, a religious prize
  • Rizal took private lessons in Santa Isabel College during noon recess to improve his Spanish language, paying three pesos for those extra lessons

Rizal's Second year in Ateneo

Rizal’s Second year in Ateneo (1873-1874)

  • At the end of the school year, Rizal received excellent grades in all subjects and a gold medal
  • The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas - the first favorite novel of Rizal which made a deep impression to him
  • Universal History by Cesar Cantu - Rizal persuaded his father to buy him this set of historical work that was a great aid in his studies

Rizal's third year in Ateneo

Rizal’s Third year in Ateneo (1874-1875)

  • Rizal grades remained excellent in all subjects but he won only one medal - in Latin
  • At the end of the school year, Rizal returned to Calamba for summer vacation. He himself was not impressed by his scholastic work

Rizal's Fourth year in Ateneo

Rizal’s Four year in Ateneo (1875-1876)

  • June 16, 1875 - Rizal became interno in Ateneo
  • Padre Fransico de Paula Sanchez - a great educator and scholar, one of Rizal's professors who inspired him to study harder and to write poetry
  • Rizal topped all his classmates in all subjects and won five medals at the end of the school term

Rizal's Last year in Ateneo

Rizal’s Last year in Ateneo (1876-1877)

  • Rizal - the most brilliant Atenean of his time, and was truly the pride of the Jesuits
  • Graduated With Highest Honor
  • March 23, 1877 - Rizal received from his Alma mater, Ateneo Municipal, the degree of Bachelor of Arts, with highest honors

Extra-curricular activities in Ateneo

Extra-curricular Activities at Ateneo

  • He became a member of and eventually an officer in the religious confraternities at Ateneo - Sodality of Our Lady; and Apostleship of Prayer
  • He also joined the Academy of Spanish Literature and Academy of Natural Sciences
  • Rizal took painting lessons under Agustin Saez, and sculpture lessons under Romualdo de Jesus
  • As a result of the talent he had in fine arts, Rizal was able to carve the image of the Virgin Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus
  • He also sustained the physical fitness trained he started under his Tio Manuel

Travel in Spain

Secret Departure in Spain

  • Rizal's departure in Spain was kept secret to avoid detection by the Spain Authority and the friars
  • Even his own parents were unaware of his secret mission in spain, as he knew they would not allow him to go
  • He wrote a farewell letter to his beloved parents and another one for his sweetheart Leonor Rivera, it was both delivered shortly after he sailed away
  • Rizal bboarded the Spanish Streamer Salvadora bound for Singapore


Paris to Berlin Rizal went to Paris and Germany in order to specialize in Ophthalmology - Rizal chose this branch of medicine because he wanted to cure his mother's eye ailment

Rizal's Grand Tour of Europewith Viola

Rizal's Grand Tour of Europe With Viola May 21, 1887 Rizal and Viola left Berlin by train going to Dresden, one of the best cities in berlin

Rizal in Singapore

  • On May 08, 1882 during his way to Singapore, Rizal saw a beautiful island called"Talim Island with the Susong Dalaga"
  • On May 09, 1882, Rizal landed in Singapore and registered at Hotel de la Paz and spent two days on a sightseeing soiree of the city, which was a colony of England
  • During his stay, Rizal visited famous Botanical Garden, the beautiful Buddhist temple, tge busy shopping district and the statue of Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles (founder of Singapore

Barcelona, Spain

  • During summer vacation in Spain, he was able to travel and meet some of the Filipinos who live in the city
  • Rizal wrote an essay about how much he loves and misses his homeland
  • It was the title of his first Nationalistic Essay, which he wrote in Barcelona. This was also the first Manila bilingual newspaper(SPANISH AND TAGALOG)
  • His essay was published in Dariong Tagalog and was translated into Tagalog by Marcello H. Del Pillar

Madrid, Spain

Rizal's Life in Madrid

  • Rizal was enrolled in UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DE MADRID under course of Medicine and Philosophy and Letters
  • While waiting for classes to begin in Madrid, he enrolled in the Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando for painting and sculpture, and traveled to various historical sites and museums. Because of his insolvement in various lessons and the difficulty
  • He took lessons in French, German and English under private instructors
  • He practiced fencing and shooting at the Hall of Arms in Sanz y Carbonell
  • During his stay in Madrid, Rizal joined the Circulo Hispano Filipino. It is a group of Filipinos and Spaniards who want the government to reform. He wrote Mi Piden Versos, a poem about sadness of an artist's son who lives in a place far from his origin
  • Aside from his studies and other art lesson, he had the opportunity to meet Consuelo Ortiga Y Perez, the daughter of Don Pablo who is the mayor of Manila
  • Rizal was fall in love with Consuelo, but because Eduardo de Lete was courting Consuelo, he did not pursue his feelings for Consuelo and instead he wrote a poem which showed his admiration to this lady
  • March 1883 - He joined the Masonic Lodge called Acacia. His reason for was to secure Freemasonry's aid in his fight for Philippines
  • November 1883 - He transferred to Lodge Solidaridad, where he became a Master Mason

Rizal in Paris

Rizal in Paris (1883)

  • After Rizal completing his studies at the Universidad Central de Madrid at the age of 24 and already a physician, he also traveled to Paris to further his knowledge in opthamology
  • Rizal was living in Paris, where he sojourned for about four months
  • He worked as Dr. Louis de Weckert's assistant
  • Rizal was a well-known French opthalmologist

Rizal in Berlin

Rizal's Life In Berlin February 1, 1886 He left Paris to Germany and arrived on February 3, 1886 in Heidelberg - a historic city in Germany, famous for its old university and romantic surroundings. Dr. Otto Becker Distinguished German Opthamologist where Rizal worked - University Eye Hospital November 1886 Rizal arrived in Berlin. He was enchanted by the scientific atmosphere and the absence of racial prejudice in Berlin Rizal's reason in staying in Berlin

  • To gain further knowledge in Ophthalmology;
  • To improve further his studies of science and languages;
  • To observe the economic and political conditions of the German nation
  • To associate with famous German scientists and scholars;
  • To publish his novel, Noli Me Tangere

LEITMERITZ, BOHEMIA At 1:30 pm of May 13, 1887 - the train, with Rizal and Viola on board, arrived at the railroad station of Leitmeritz, Bohemia for the first time, the two great scholars - Rizals and Blumentritt - met in person

VIENNA, AUSTRIA May 20, 1887 - Rizal and Viola arrived in the beautiful city of Vienna, capital of Austria-Hungary Vienna was truly the "Queen of Danube" because of its beautiful building, religious images, haunting waltzes and majestic charm


Switzerland Crossing the frontier to Switzerland June 2 to 3, 1887 - stayed at Schaffhausen, Switzerland RHEINFALL, SWITZERLAND The Cathedral of Ulm - the largest and tallest Cathedral in Germany. From Ulm, they went to Stuttgart, Baden and then Rheinfall At Rhainfall, they saw the waterfall, "the most beautiful waterfall of Europe." GENEVA, SWITZERLAND The Swiss City is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, visited by world tourists every year June 19, 1887 - Rizal treated Viola to a blow-out. It was his 26th birthday. Rizal and Viola spent fifteen delightful days in Geneva June 23, 1887 - Viola and Rizal parted ways - Viola returned to Barcelona while Rizal continued the tour to Italy Exposition of the Philippines in Madrid, Spain, - Rizal was outraged by this degradation of his fellow countrymen, the Igorots of Northern Luzon

Rizal in Italy June 27, 1887 - Rizal reached Rome, the "Eternal City" and also called the "City of Ceasars." Rizal was thrilled by the sight and memories of the Eternal City Describing to Blumentritt, the "grandeur that was Rome," he wrote on June 27, 1887 June 29, 1887 - the Feast Day of St. Peter and St. Paul, Rizal visited for the first time the Vatican, the "City of the Popes" and capital of Christendom Every night, after sightseeing the whole day, Rizal returned to his hotel, very tired, "I am tired as dog," he wrote to Blumentritt, "but I will sleep as a God." After a week a wonderful sojourn in Rome, Rizal prepared to return to the Philippines. He had already written to his father that he was coming home

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Rizals Life Higher Education and Life Abroad

rizal higher education and life abroad essay

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Chapter 5: Rizal's Higher Education, and Life Abroad

Rizal's life and work (ged192), pamantasan ng lungsod ng marikina.


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Preview text, c h a p t e r 5 : r i z a l ’ s h i g h e r e d u c a t i o n a n d l i f e a b r o a d.

O b j e c t i v e s : a.) Explain the principle of assimilation advocated by the Propaganda movement. b.) Appraise Rizal’s relationship with other propagandists. c.) Analyze Rizal’s growth as a propagandist and disapproval of assimilation.

R i z a l ’ s H i g h e r E d u c a t i o n a t U S T

Rizal’s higher education started in college, after completing his Bachelor of Arts (a high school diploma equivalent). His higher education was spent most in UST.

Both Paciano and Don Francisco wanted Rizal to enter a university but Dona Teodora opposed the idea because the Spanish might “cut- off his head”. The Bachelor of Arts course during the Spanish time is only equivalent to high school diploma or junior college today. In April, when Rizal was nearly 16 years old, he enrolled at UST. He took up Philosophy and Letters because his father liked it and was uncertain as to what course he would pursue. At first, he was attracted to a priesthood (he would have beena Jesuit priest). The Jesuit fathers wanted him to take up farming but Rizal’s choice was between Literature and Law and Medicine. Having a talent for self- expressions and a keen sense of justice he would have been a brilliant lawyer.

Having received Father Pablo Ramon’s (Rector of Ateneo) advice to study medicine, he took up medical course enrolling simultaneously in pre- medical course and regular medical course. While at UST, he also studied at Ateneo taking up vocational course leading to the title perito agrimensor (expert surveyor). He excelled in all subjects in surveying course and obtained gold medals in Agriculture and Topography. He passed the final examination in the surveying course and granted the title as surveyor in November 25, 1881 While at Ateneo pursuing the surveying course, he became active in extracuricullar activities. He was elected President of the Academy of Spanish Literature and Secretary of the Academy of Spanish Literature. He was also aSecretary of the Marian Congregation. While at UST, he fell in love with three woman. During his first year, he fell in love with a woman simply called “Miss L”, a waoman a fair, seductive and attractive eye. The romance died like a natural death because of two reasons: (1)the sweet memory of Segunda Katigbak (the first sweetheart of Rizal) was still fresh in his memory and Rizal’s father did not like the family of “Miss L”. The identity of “Miss L” is lost in history. During his sophomore year, he courted Leonor Valenzuela (Orang), a tall girl with regal bearing. He sent her love notes in invisible ink (combination of table salt and water). Nevertheless, he though Orang to heat it over a candle or lamp so that the words may appear. But as with Segunda Katigbak, he stopped visiting the woman “Miss L”. During his junior year, Rizal had a romance with Leonor Rivera, of Camiling Tarlac. Leonor was a frail, pretty girl and studied of La Concordia College. Both Rizal and Leonor were engaged. Rizal used a sign name “Taimis” to camouflage their relationship from their parents. Rizal studied at UST from 1878 to 1882. his grades in the Medicine subjects consisted of 2 Excellent, 3 Very Good, 8 Good and 2 Fair. His grade in UST college of medicine was not as impressive as what he got in Ateneo Philosophy and Letters due to hostility of the Dominican professors to him. During his college days at UST and Ateneo, Rizal was involvedin brawls and Spanish brutality. During the summer vacation in 1878, while walking on a dimly street not knowledge the figure close to him, he did not greet and say “good evening”. The vague figure (turned out to be a lieutenant of the Guardia Civil) struck Rizal’s back with his sword. The wound though not serious, lasted for two weeks. He reported the incident to Pardo de Tavera, Spanish Governor General, but nothing came out of his complaint.

In another student brawls near Escolta in Manila, Rizal was wounded on the head. His Filipino friends brought him bleeding and covered with dust to his boarding house, “Casa Tomasina”. Leonor Rivera, one of his sweethearts washed and dressed his wounds.

and Rizal himself. French was mostly spoken on board becauseit was a French vessel. M a y 1 7 , 1 8 8 2 - he arrived at point Galle (Punta De Gallo), a seacoast town in southern Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). The town is picturesque, lovely, quiet, and sad at the same time according to Rizal. M a y 1 8 , 1 8 8 2 - he had a stopover at Colombo, the capital of Ceylon. According to Rizal, Colombo is more beautiful, smart, elegant than Singapore, Point Galle and Manila. M a y 2 8 , 1 8 8 2 - from Colombo, Ceylon, the Djemnah continued voyage and crossed the Indian Ocean until it reached Cape of Guardian, Africa. Rizal called Africa as famous but inhospitable land.

Then he reached Aden. Here he went ashore for sightseeing. Hefound the city hotter than Manila. He saw camels for the first time.

J u n e 2 , 1 8 8 2 - from Aden, he proceeded to Suez Canal. It took 5 days to travel the Suez Canal. Upon arrival, Rizal disembarked and went sightseeing. It was his first trip in this canal. He was impressed of the moonlight which reminded him of Calamba. Then, he proceeded to the Red Sea Terminal before reaching Past Said (Mediterranean terminal of Suez Canal), Rizal went ashore for sightseeing. He was fascinated to hear multiracial inhabitants speaking a babel of tongues - Arabic, Egyptians, Greeks, French, Italian, Spanish. J u n e 1 1 , 1 8 8 2 - from Port Said, the steamer proceeded to Europe and reached Napless City, Italy, Rizal was fascinated by Mount Vesuvius, the Castle of St. Telno, and the historic sights of the city. The city is busy because of its business activity, lively people and panoramic beauty. J u n e 1 2 , 1 8 8 2 - the steamer left Marseilles by train on its last trip to Spain. The steamer reached Pyrenees and stopped for a day at Port Bou. Inthis place, Rizal saw the indifference accorded to tourists in comparison to the courtesy accorded by the French immigration officers. J u n e 1 6 , 1 8 8 2 - from Port Bou, Rizal continued his trip for the last lap by train from Spain and finally reached his destination - Barcelona, Spain. Rizal stayed in Hotel de Espana and is Sitges Street with Tomas Cabangis and boarded ahouse in San Pablo Hospital in the city of Barcelona. At first, Rizal had a bad impression of Barcelona - ugly, dirty little inns, inhospitable people - because he happened to stay upon his arrival in a stingy hotel. Later, he changed his mind and cameto like the city - as a great city with and atmosphere of freedom and liberalism andthe people were open

  • hearted, hospitable, and courageous, he enjoyed promenading along Las Rambles, the famous Barcelona Street.

L i f e i n B a r c e l o n a. Rizal was welcomed by the Filipinos in Barcelona, some of whom were his classmates in Ateneo. They gave him a party at their favorite cafe - Plaza de Catalina. They exchanged toast and they told Rizal of the attractions and customs of the people in Barcelona. Rizal, in turn, gave news and gossips inthe Philippines. While in

Barcelona, Rizal received two bad news. The first bad news was about the cholera outbreak that ravaged Manila and the provinces. The second bad news was the chatty letter of Chenggoy recounting the unhappiness of Leonor Rivera, who was getting thinner due to absence of a loved one.

N o v e m b e r 3 , 1 8 8 2 - on the advice of Paciano to Rizal, to finish medical course in Madrid, Rizal left Barcelona in the fall of 1882 and went to Madrid, the capital of Spain. On November 3, 1882, he enrolled in the Universidad Central de Madrid (Central University of Madrid) in Medicine and Philosophy and Letters. In Madrid, he lodged at Visitacion Street, No. 3, 3

rd floor (Room 4). In 1883. In October 1884, he transferred to Pizzaro Street, No. 13 and later on at Venturade la Vega Street.

He also studied painting and sculpture in the Academy of FineArts of San Fernando, took tutoring lessons in French and English and practiced fencing and shooting in the Hall of Arms of Sanz Carbonell.

L i f e i n M a d r i d - Rizal lived frugally, rigidly budgeting his money wisely he used to buy tickets in every draw of the Madrid Lottery, he never wasted his money for gambling, wine and women. Rizal spent his leisure time byreading books such as on military engineering to broaden his cultural background. As a lover books, he purchased books from a second- hand bookstore owned by a certain Roses. In fact, he was able to build a fair- sized private library in his boarding house. In the gymnasium, he practiced shooting and fencing. At other times, he visited his Filipino friends at the house of Paterno brothers. He also fraternized with other students at the Antigua Cafe d Levantes. On Saturday evenings, he visited the home of Don Pablo Ortega y Rey (father of Consuelo), who has been the citymayor of Manila during the administration of Governor Carlos de la Torre (1869- 1871). During one of his visits to the Ortega’s house, he became attracted by Consuelo’s beauty and charm.

During his stay in Barcelona and Madrid, hard times occurredin Calamba, harvest of rice and sugarcane failed due to drought and locusts. The Dominican- owned hacienda increased the rentals of the lands leased and cultivated by the Rizal family - the rental increase was a consequence of the failure of Don Francisco togive turkeys to the hacienda manager.

Likewise, to send money to Rizal in Madrid, Paciano was forced to sell Rizal’s pony.

J u n e 2 1 , 1 8 8 4 - Rizal was conferred the Licentiate in Medicine with a rating of “Fair” by the Universidad Central de Madrid after completing 5

th year (1882- 83) and 6

th year term (1883- 84).

N o v e m b e r , 1 8 8 5 - Rizal went to Paris and lived there for four months where he worked as an assistant to Dr. Louis de Wecket, a leading French ophthalmologist. He rapidly improved his knowledge in ophthalmology. Outside of his working hours, he relaxed by visiting his friends. He also went to Luna’s studio. He helped by posing as a model in several paintings. Rizal posed as Egyptian priest in Luna’scanvass “The Death of Cleopatra” and Sikatuna in Luna’s great painting “The BloodCompact” February 3, 1886 - after four months of stay in Paris, he left Paris for Heidelberg, Germany. He lived for a short time, with German law students in a boarding house but later on transferred to a boarding house near the University of Heidelberg. Since Rizal was a good chess player, he was made a member of the ChessPlayer’s Club. He became a popular friend to the German so that German students joined him in drinking, saber duel, and chess games.

Rizal worked at the University Eye Hospital under Dr. Otto Becker, a distinguished German ophthalmologist and attended lectures of Dr. Beckerand Prof. Wilhelm Kuehne at the University. During weekends, he had sightseeing at the scenic spots at Heidelberg Castle, romantic Neckar River, old churches, etc.

He also spent a 3- months summer vacation at Wilhelmsfeld, a mountainous village near Heidelberg. Here, he became a good friend of Dr. Karl Ullmer, a Protestant pastor.

J u n e 2 5 , 1 8 8 6 - Rizal left Wilhelmsfeld. He returned to Heidelberg carrying with him beautiful memories of the Ullmer friendship and hospitality. J u l y 3 , 1 8 8 6 - Rizal wrote his first letter in German to Prof. Ferdinand Blumentritt, an Austrian ethnologist interested in Philippines languages, who was at that time the Director of Ateneo of Lemeritz, Austria. He also sent Blumentritt the book “Aritmetica” written in two languages, Spanish and Tagalogauthored by Rufino Baltazar Hernandez of Santa Cruz and to reciprocate him, Blumentritt also sent Rizal a gift of two books. This marked the beginning of long and frequent correspondence between Rizal and Blumentritt. Their friendship lasted alltheir lives. Blumentritt, an Austrian became the best friend of Rizal. A u g u s t 6 , 1 8 8 6 - Heidelberg held it’s 5

th century celebration. The celebration was held in three years days. Rizal was sad to leave Heidelberg because he had come to love the beautiful city and its hospitable people. A u g u s t 9 , 1 8 8 6 - Rizal left Heidelberg and boarded a train, visited other cities of Germany and arrived at Leipzig. A u g u s t 1 4 , 1 8 8 6 - he arrived at Leipzig. He attended some lectures at the University of Leipzig in history and psychology. Prof. Friedrich Ratzel,a famous German historian and Dr. Hans Meyer, German anthropologist became Rizal’s friends.

Rizal translated Scheller’s W i l l i a m T e l l and Hans Christian Andersen’s F a i r y T a l e s into Tagalog. He also corrected some chapters at the city’s gymnasium. Rizal found Leipzig as the cheapest in Europe and so he stayed for two and a half months.

O c t o b e r 2 9 , 1 8 8 6 - he arrived at Dresden, Germany and met Dr. Adolf B. Meyer, Director of the Anthropological and Ethnological Museum. Here, he heard mass in the morning. He stayed two days in the city. N o v e m b e r 1 , 1 8 8 6 - Rizal left Dresden by train and reached Berlin in the evening. Rizal met for the first time Dr. Feodor Jagor, famous German scientist- traveller and author of Travels in the Philippines. Dr. Jagor visited the Philippines in 1859 when Rizal was still a boy, Rizal met the following famous personalities; Dr. Rudolf Virchow, famous German anthropologists, Dr. Hans Virchow,professors of Descriptive Anatomy and son of Dr. Rudolf Virchow; Dr. W. Joest, a German geographer, and Dr. Karl Ernest Schweigger, famous German ophthalmologist. For a while, Rizal worked in the clinic of Dr. Schweigger. Upon therecommendation of Dr. Jagor and Meyer, he became member of the Anthropological Society, Ethnological Society and Geographical Society of Berlin.

L i f e i n B e r l i n. Rizal became impressed in Berlin because of its scientificatmosphere and absence of racial race. He lived in Berlin in a frugal life. Heworked as an assistant in

Dr. Schweigger’s clinic. At night, he attend lectures in theUniversity of Berlin. He took private lesson under French Professor Madame Lucie Cerdale. He performed daily exercises in a Berlin gymnasium. He observed keenly the customs, dresses, homes, and occupations of the peasants. He made sketches of the things he saw. He promenaded along Unter den linden, the most popular boulevard of Berlin.

After several months, Rizal received Paciano’s remittance of P1,000 which was forwarded by Juan Luna from Paris. Rizal paid Viola the sum ofP300 for the loan granted to Rizal for printing N o l i M e T a n g r e

M a y 1 1 , 1 8 8 7 - Rizal and Viola left Berlin for Dresden. They visited Dr. Adolph b. Meyer. In the museum of arts, Rizal was deeply impressed by a painting of “Prometheus Bound”. While strolling at the scene of the Floral Exposition, they met Dr. Jagor. He suggested that they must send a wire to Blumentritt. M a y 1 3 , 1 8 8 7 - Rizal and Viola on bored a train reached Leitmenritz, Bohemia. Professors Blumentritt received their wire and met Wizal and Viola warmly. Rizal and Viola were also invited to a meeting at the Tourist Club atLeitmeritz of which Blumentritt was the secretary. M a y 1 7 , 1 8 8 7 - Rizal and Viola left Leitmeritz by train on their way to cityof Prague. They carried recommendation letters of Professor Blumentritt to Dr. Willhomm. M a y 2 0 , 1 8 8 7 - Rizal and Viola arrived in the city of Vienna. They met Mr. Norfenfoe, one of the greatest novelists in Europe, they also met Masnerand Nordmenn, Austrian scholars. J u n e 2 - 3 , 1 8 8 7 - Rizal received the sad news from his friends in Amdrid of the deplorable conditions of the Igorots of Northern Luzon who were exhibited in the 1887 Madrid Exposition, some of whom died. Their scanty clothing and crude weapons were objects of laughter and mockery by the Spaniards.

J u n e 1 9 , 1 8 8 7 - It was Rizal’s 26

th birthday, he treated Viola.

China Sea. He did not get off the ship when it made a stopover atAmoy, because he was sick, it was raining and the city was dirty. He arrived in Hong Kong on February 8. In Hong Kong, Rizal stayed at Victoria Hotel. He was welcomedby the Filipino community in Hong Kong. During this time, a Spaniard, Jose Varanda, was shadowing Rizal’s movements in Hong Kong. It is believed that he was ordered to spy on Rizal. On February 18, Rizal accompanied by Basa, boarded the ferrysteamer Kiu- Kiang for Macao. He was surprised to see a familiar figure among the passengers— Sainz de Varanda. Rizal described Macao as a small, low and gloomy. There are many junks, sampans, but few steamers, it looks sad and is almost dead- like. The two stayed in at the home of Don Juan Francisco Lecaros whowas married to a Portuguese lady. During his two day stay in Macao, he visited the theater, casino, cathedral and churches, pagodas and botanical gardens and the bazaars. Healso saw the famous Grotto of Camoens. In the evening of February 19, he witnessed a Catholic procession wherein the devotees were dressed in blue and purple dresses and were carrying unlighted candles. On February 20, Rizal and Basa returned to Hong Kong on board the ferry steamer Kiu- Kiang. A Landmark in Honor of Rizal’s Visit in Hong KongRizal stayedin Hong Kong for two weeks. There he studied the Chinese way of life, language, drama and customs. Rizal noticed some experiences and wrote them in his diary. Some of them include the noisy celebration of the Chinese New Year which lasted from February 11th to 13th. There were continuous explosion of firecrackers and he himself fired many at the window of his hotel. He also observed the boisterous Chinese theater, the marathon Lauriat party, which was the longest meal in the world; the Dominican Order was the richest religious order in Hong Kong, and the cemeteries. On February 22, 1888, Rizal left Hong Kong on board the Oceanic, an American steamer and his destination was Japan. Rizal did not like themeals on board but liked the ship because it was clean and efficiently managed. Among the happiest moments of Rizal in his life was his sojourn in the Land of the Cherry Blossoms. He stayed in Japan for one month and a half from February 28 to April 13, 1888. He was charmed by the natural beauty of Japan,the manners of the Japanese people and the picturesque of shrines. He also fellin love with a Japanese girl, who loveliness infused joy and romance in his sorrowing heart. Morning of Tuesday, February 28, 1888, Rizal arrived at Yokohama and stayed in the Grand Hotel. The following day, he moved to Tokyo and took a room at the Tokyo Hotel where he stayed from March 2 to 7. He was impressed by the city of Tokyo. After his arrival in Tokyo, Rizal was visited by Juan Perez caballero, secretary of Spanish Legation. The latter invited him to live at the Spanish Legation. Rizal knew that this was the Spanish government’s way of monitoring Rizal but he accepted anyways.

On March 7, he moved out of Tokyo Hotel and lived at the SpanishLegation. He and Perez Caballero became good friends and described him as a young, fine and an excellent writer. During his first day in Tokyo, Rizal could talk the Japanese language. He had a hard time for shopping for he could not be understood and childrenlaughed at him. With his situation, Rizal decided to study the Japanese language. He was able to speak within a few days. At Japan he studied the Japanese drama, arts, music, and judo. He also visited museums, libraries, art galleries, and shrines. He visitedMeguro, Nikko, Hakone, Miyanoshita, and the charming villages of Japan. During one time, Rizal went to the park and heard the Tokyo band playing a classical work of Strauss. He was impressed by the great performances of the Western music. He thought to himself how admirable their renditions are and wondered how they have assimilated the modern European music to the extent of playing the beautiful masterpieces of the European composers so well. The band stopped playing and to his surprised they were speaking Tagalog. He approached them and conversed with them. The musicians were delighted and also surprised to meet him. Rizal was greatly impressed by Japan. Among of which are the natural beauty of the country, the cleanliness and politeness of the people, the picturesque dress and simple charm of the Japanese women, there were few thieves inJapan, and beggars were rarely seen in the city streets. However, he disliked the rickshaws drawn by men. Rizal met a pretty Japanese girl. Her name was Seiko Usui. Rizal fell in love with Seiko. He affectionately called her O- Sei- San. Both found happiness in each other’s company. Affinity of interest in the arts paved the way for their romance. Rizal saw in lovely O- Sei- San the qualities of his ideal womanhood— beauty, charm, modesty, and intelligence. O- Sei- San’s beauty and affection almost tempted Rizal to settle down in Japan. At the same time, he was offered a good job by the Spanish Legation. But then, his love for the fatherland and his mission to free his oppressed people madehim think again. Rizal’s great love for Seiko Usui and Japan will be memories that he will always cherish, but it was his time to go. On April 13, 1888, Rizal boarded the Belgic, an English steamer, at Yokohama, bound for the United States. He left Japan with a heavy heart for he knew that he will never see this beautiful land again, so as his beloved O- Sei-San. His sThe steamer Belgic docked at the San Francisco on Saturday morning, April 28, 1888. All passengers were not allowed to land. The American health authorities placed the ship under quarantine on the ground it came from the Far east where a cholera epidemic was alleged to be raging. Rizal was surprised because he knew there was no Cholera epidemic at that time. He joined other passengersprotesting the unjustifiable action of the health authorities. Later, theAmerican consul in Japan had given the ship a clean bill of health. He soon discovered that the quarantine was motivated by politics because the ship was carrying 653 Chinese coolies.

met Marcelo H. Del Pilar and Mariano Ponce, the two titans of Propaganda Movement. He exchanged ideas with these new friends and promised to cooperate in the fight for reforms. Rizal returned to London on December 24 and spent Christmas and New Year’s Day with the Becketts. Rizal liked Christmas Eves because it reminded him of many good days of his infancy and also Christ was born. Rizal received from Mrs. Beckett a book entitled The Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist. During his stay at London, he became the honorary president of a patriotic society cooperating for reforms called Asociacion La Dolidaridad was inaugurated on December 31, 1888. Rizal also wrote his first article in La Solidaridad, a patriotic newspaper founded by Graciano Lopez Jaena, entitled Los Agricultores Filipinos which was published on March 25, 1889. Rizal wrote several works while in London. These writings includes: La Vision del Fray Rodriguez, Letter to the Young Women of Malolos, and he also contributed some articles to Dr. Rost’s journal entitled Specimens of Tagal Folklore and Two Eastern Fables. Rizal also fell in- love with one of the three Beckettsisters— Gertrude. On March 19, 1889, Rizal bade goodbye to the Beckett family and left London for Paris. He was sad as he crossed the English Channel for he cherished many beautiful memories in London. Rizal went to Paris on the spring of 1889. The city was full of excitement because of the Universal Exposition and it was hard to look for an inn to stay. The landlords are taking advantage of the great demand for living quarters, raised the rents of their rooms. For a short time, Rizal lived in the house of his friend, Valentin Ventura. There he also published his annotated edition of Morga’s book. He transferred from one hotel to another. Finally, he lived in a little room together with two other Filipinos— Capitan Justo Trinidad and Jose Albert. On June 24, 1889, Juan Luna and Paz Pardo de Tavera had a baby girl. They made Rizal as her baptismal godfather and named her Maria de la Paz. Rizal was fascinated by the Universal Exposition of Paris. It opened on May 5, 1889. The greatest attraction of the exposition was the Eiffel Tower, which was built by Alexander Eiffel. Rizal also participated in an art competition but got no prize. During one time, Rizal together with the Kidlat Club was amazed by the proud American Indians. He told his friends “they are not ashamed of their name. Let us be like them...” Another society founded by Rizal in Paris was the R.D. Society. The aim of the secret society is the propagation of all useful knowledge inthe Philippines. Another aim is the redemption of the Malay race. During his stay in Europe, he was deeply immense by his historical studies about the Philippines. Rizal wants to learn more about the history of his Fatherland. Another work of Rizal was The Indolence of the Filipinos. He also became a member of “International Association of Filipinologists” with Dr. Ferdinand Blumentritt as the President. In the fall of 1889, he wrote another satirical work entitled Por Telefono; it is a reply to Fr. Salvador Font, who masterminded the banning of his Noli. December 25, 1889, Rizal celebrated his Christmas in Paris and Jose Albert planned to have a sumptuous Christmas dinner. They scraped enough money to

celebrate Yuletide. They prepared a Christmas dinner with friend chicken, rice and vegetables. Shortly after the New Year, Rizal made a short visit to London. His purpose may be because he wants to see Gertrude Beckette for the last time, and check up his annotated edition of Morga’s Sucesos. By the mid of January 1890, he was back in Paris, during that time influenza was epidemic throughout Paris. He complained of a terrible headache but he was not stricken with flu. On January 28, 1890, Rizal left Paris for Brussels, the capital of Belgium. Rizal was accompanied by Jose Albert when he moved to Brussels. They lived in a boarding house on 38 Rue Philippe Champagne which was run by two Jacebysisters. In Brussels Rizal was busy writing his second novel “El Filibusterismo”. Aside from writing its chapters, he wrote articles for La Solidaridad also spent some of his time in a medical clinic, and had gymnastics at the gymnasium. Rizal stayed with Jose Alejandro at the boarding house when Jose Albert left the city. Rizal loved his own native language. He was the first to advocate the Filipinization of its orthography. As an example the Tagalog letters k and w should be used instead of the Spanish c and o. Rizal received news that the Filipinos in Spain were destroying the good image of their nation y gambling too much. He wrote a letter to the Filipinos in Spain and the gambling Filipino and the gambling Filipinos in Madrid wereangry when they learned of Rizal’s moralizing. Rizal also received letters from home that worries him. The Calamba agrarian trouble was getting worse. The management of the Dominican hacienda continually raised the land rents. In the face of the sufferings which afflicted his family, Rizal planned to go home. He could not stay in Brussels writing a book while his family wasbeing persecuted. Rizal ignored the warning of his friends and did not change his plans. But there are some things that cheered Rizal’s life. One was the summertime festival of Belgium. Second was his romance with Petite Jacoby, the pretty niece of his landladies. Rizal’s life in Madrid could be described as full of misfortunes. In August 1890, Rizal arrived in Madrid. He tried all legal means to seek justice for his family and the Calamba tenants, but to no avail. Also, Leonor Rivera married a British engineer. Rizal sought the help of the Filipino colony to protest the injustices of the Dominicans against the Calamba folks. More terrible news reached Rizal in Madrid, his brother- in- law; Silvestre received a copy of eviction order by the Dominicans. He also learned of the deportation of Paciano, Antonio, Silvestre, Teong and Dandoy to Mindoro. He further learned from Saturnina’s letter that their parents had been forcibly ejected from their home. Adding to his misfortunes was the death of Jose Panganiban— his co- worker in the Propaganda Movement. Rizal almost had a duel with Antonio Luna when Luna was sayingunsavory remarks about Nellie. Rizal heard him and challenged him into a duel later on, they realized that their duel would damage their cause in Spain.

On June 27, Rizal boarded a train in Tutuban Station and visited his friends. And on Wednesday July 6, Rizal went to Malacañan Palace to resume his series of interviews. The governor general then presented to him some printed leaflets (Pobres Frailes) which were allegedly found in Lucia’s pillow cases. Rizal denied having those leaflets because they were thoroughly searched upon their arrival from Hong Kong and was found clean. Despite his denial and insistent demandfor investigation he was placed under arrest and escorted to Fort Santiago. July 15, 1892, Rizal was brought to the steamer Cebu which wassailing for Dapitan. On the 17th of July, Rizal was handed over to Captain Ricardo Carnicero, the commandant of Dapitan. His exile in Dapitan lasted until July 31, 1896, a period of four years.


The Propaganda Movement was a period of time when native Filipinos were calling for reforms, lasting approximately from 1880 to 1898 with the most activity between 1880 and 1895.

Dr. Domingo Abella, the learned Director of the National Archives, has made the suggestion that the so- called Propaganda Movement was misnamed. It should have been called the Counterpropaganda Movement because its essential task was to counteract the campaign of misinformation that certain Spanish groups were disseminating in Spain and later in Rome. It was a campaign of information, as well as a bid for sympathy.

Prominent members included José Rizal, author of Noli Me Tangere and El filibusterismo, Graciano López Jaena, publisher of La Solidaridad, the movement's principal organ, Mariano Ponce, the organization's secretary and Marcelo H. del Pilar.

Specifically, the Propagandists aims were the following:

Representation in the Philippines in the Cortes Generales,the Spanish parliament Secularization of the clergy Legalization of Spanish and Filipino equality Provision of Spanish citizenship to Filipinos Recognition of the Philippines as a province of Spain[ 6] Abolition of polo y servicios (labor service) and the bandala (forced sale of local products to the government) Guarantee of basic freedoms Equal opportunity for Filipinos and Spanish to enter government service

(Source: Teodoro Agoncillo, H i s t o r y o f t h e F i l i p i n o P e o p l e , Quezon City, Garotech Publishing, 1990)

R I Z A L ’ S R E L A T I O N S H I P W I T H O T H E R P R O P A G A N D I S T S

R i z a l ’ s R e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h A n t o n i o L u n a

In 1889, a Spanish writer, Pablo Mir Deas, attacked Antonio Luna in the Barcelona newspaper “El Pueblo Soberano”. As Rizal’s defense of his friend Luna, he wrote the article “Inconsequencias” (Inconsequences) which was published on November 30, 1889. A year after however, Rizal challenged Antonio to a duel. In aparty held by Filipinos in Madrid, the intoxicated Antonio Luna made negative comments against Nellie Boustead— the woman he was courting but was said to have been infatuated with Rizal. Jose Rizal, who at the time was not in a good mood for bearing various problems, was prompted to challenge Luna into a duel. But since Luna apologized to Rizal, the duel was nonetheless aborted and their friendship was restored. When Rizal later decided to formally court Nelly, Antonio gentlemanly conceded to Rizal and even congratulated him through a letter.

Antonio returned to the Philippines in 1894. By winning in the competition for chief chemist of the Manila Municipal Laboratory, he attained theprestigious position. He and his older brother Juan also opened a fencing club in Manila, the ‘Sala de Armas’.

In 1896, Andres Bonifacio sent Pio Valenzuela to Dapitan to get Rizal’s approval of the Katipunan’s planned revolution. Rizal however politely refused to approve the uprising, believing that a revolution would be unsuccessful without arms and monetary support from wealthy Filipinos. He thus recommended that if the Katipunan were to start a revolution, it had to ask for the support of rich and educated Filipinos, specifically Antonio Luna who was also an expert in military tactics (Bantug & Ventura, 1997, p. 133).

R i z a l ’ s R e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h G r a c i a n o L o p e z J a e n a

Rizal once reproved Graciano for not finishing his medical studies. Jaena figuratively explained, “On the shoulders of slaves should not rest a doctor’s cape.” Rizal however retorted, “The shoulders do not honor the doctor's cape, butthe doctor's cape honors the shoulders.” (“Graciano Lopez Jaena,” n.).

In Spain, Jaena became known as a great orator in socio- political clubs and thus became a member of the Progressive Republican Party. Deputized by the party to go on speaking engagements, Jaena became popular for his fiery and eloquent speeches espousing liberal ideas.

the El Fili, Alejandrino might have been the first person to read the novel aside from the author.

R i z a l ’ s R e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h E d i l b e r t o E v a n g e l i s t a

Edilberto Evangelista was eight- month younger than Jose Rizal. Evangelista came from a poor family in Sta. Cruz, Manila and he had to work hard to have an education

Reaching Madrid in 1890, he befriended and collaborated with Filipino expatriates in Europe like Jose Rizal. Perhaps sensing his potential, Rizal counseled him to take engineering in Belgium. Upon Rizal’s advice, Evangelista thus matriculated at the University of Ghent, one of the world’s leading engineering schools then. Rizal’s suggestion proved fruitful as Evangelista finished civil engineering and architecture with highest honors. Some European companies offered him rewarding positions but he turned them down for wanting to serve his country instead (“Edilberto Evangelista,” 2013).

During the 1896 Philippine revolution, the Spanish authorities suspected and arrested many Filipinos for supposed involvement in the uprising. Evangelista, who had in his possession Jose Rizal’s ‘Noli Me Tangere’ and ‘El Filibusterismo,’was one of those arrested and imprisoned.

R I Z A L ’ S D I S A P P R O V A L O F A S S I M I L A T I O N

Two myths have been perpetuated in the history of the of the late 19

th century Philippine National Movement. The first myth is that Rizal was a bourgeoisie reformist who 1) opposed the 1896 Revolution, and 2) advocated the assimilation of the Philippines to Spain. According to this myth, Rizal’s primary goal was the Hispanization of the Filipino, and not the creation of an independent Filipino nation. The second myth pits Rizal and his La Liga Filipina against Bonifacio and hisKatipunan. This myth asserts that 1) Bonifacio was a poor and unlettered laborer, and 2) that the katipunan was an organization of the “poor and ignorant” masses. These two myth, which constitute a distortion of the past, have prevented the post- colonial generation of Filipinos from celebrate the centennial of the Bonifacio- led Revolution and Rizal’s martyrdom, these myths should be exposed and relegated to the dustbin of history. It is easy enough to expose these myths by checking the historiographic evidence. With regard to the first myth, a good way to begin is by critical examination of Rizal’s correspondence, cat 1887- 1892. it should be emphasized that as early as 1887, Rizal hadexpressed the view that independence through peaceful struggle is noting but a dream and that seeking assimilation to Spain was a mistake, in two letters to his friend and mentor, the German scholar Ferdinand Blumentritt

J o s e R i z a l B r i n d i s S p e e c h - The speech was Rizal’s toast to the triumph of Juan Luna’s Spolarium and Felix Hidalgo’s Las Virgenes Cristianas Expuestas al populacho in their work of arts whose works illuminates two ends of the globe: East and West (Spain and the Philippines). It’s about the acknowledgement and thanking them for the pride and glory they gave to the Filipinos. But most of all, he givespraise to those youth’s actions that can make a difference and contribute to the glory of the Philippines.

He wanted to make the people realize that glory doesn’t basedto a country alone. What he wanted to prove is that geniuses bloom and sprout all over the world with its own uniqueness, talents, and intelligence. No one needs to have same culture and the greatness of a country, but the real talent comes to their works. What he takes jab are elites who does everything just to stop the education systemamong Filipinos because they are afraid that they might learn to defend.

In the speech he made, there are values and lessons he teachesus that can be applied in a real world up until now such as mentioning geniuses can be born and made anytime and anywhere. No one has the right to judge or put downa person because anyone can be great. He also said that Spain and Philippines are equal, no greater nor slaves. Dr. Jose Rizal is great because he discussed bravely what the Spaniards are afraid of: EDUCATION of the Filipinos but what he focused more is to inspire Filipinos and prove how worthy a nation can be.

To know more about this Chapter, please click the link below: youtube/watch?v=Ay5DmNnJDiU youtube/watch?v=lWGsXw- SJbI youtube/watch?v=pA3KTxQOlNE

Dr. Mariano M. Ariola T h e L i f e a n d W o r k s o f R i z a l. Unlimited Books Library Service & Publishing Inc.: 2018

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  2. Jose Rizal's Higher Education and Life Abroad

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  3. Rizal's Life Higher Education & Life Abroad | PPT - SlideShare

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  4. Rizal's Life Higher Education & Life Abroad | PDF | Classics

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  8. Life Higher Education and Life Abroad - There were two main ...

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