Aug 26, 2024 · Identify the article. Start your review by referring to the title and author of the article, the title of the journal, and the year of publication in the first paragraph. For example: The article, "Condom use will increase the spread of AIDS," was written by Anthony Zimmerman, a Catholic priest. ... A well-written review not only benefits the author of the article under scrutiny but also serves as a valuable resource for fellow researchers and scholars. Follow these steps to create an effective and informative article review: 1. Understand the purpose: Before diving into the article, it is important to understand the intent of writing a ... ... Crafting an effective article review involves a combination of critical analysis, clarity, and structure. Here are some valuable tips to guide you through the process: Start with a Clear Introduction; Kick off your article review by introducing the article's main points and mentioning the publication date, which you can find on the re-title page. ... Apr 7, 2020 · To write an article review, start by reading the article carefully to understand its main arguments and findings. Take notes on key points, strengths, and weaknesses. Then, organize your review by summarizing the article's main points, evaluating its strengths and weaknesses, and providing your own critical analysis and interpretation. ... Sep 3, 2024 · How to write an Article Review? Writing an article review involves summarizing and critically evaluating a scholarly article. This process helps in understanding the article’s contributions and limitations, and it enhances critical thinking skills. Follow these steps to write an effective article review: 1. Read and Understand the Article ... Sep 4, 2021 · If you have a task to prepare an analysis of a certain piece of literature, have a look at the article review sample. There is an article review example for you to have a clear picture of what it must look like. Journal Article on Ayn Rand’s Works Review Example “The purpose of the article is to consider the features of the poetics of Ayn ... ... Nov 15, 2024 · For instance, you might start your article review template like this. In the digital age, the impact of social media on mental health has become a topic of increasing concern. Garcia and Kim's recent study delves into this issue, aiming to uncover the nuanced relationship between social media engagement and the psychological well-being of ... ... An article review is a critique or assessment of another’s work, typically written by experts in the field. It involves summarizing the writer’s piece, evaluating its main points, and providing an analysis of the content. A review article isn’t just a simple summary; it’s a critical assessment that reflects your understanding and ... ... Jul 31, 2024 · For example, to write an article review from the beginning, people start by thoroughly reading an assigned text, taking detailed notes, and then drafting an introduction that presents a source’s title, author, and main thesis (Deetjen, 2020). ... 📝 Article Review Sample. The best explanation is demonstration! Look at these article review examples that we’ve gathered for you. Pay attention to the structures, language choice, citations, and other elements required for this format. 📌 Culturally Tailored Education for African Americans with Type 2 Diabetes – Article by Carter et al. ... ">
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  • Critical Reviews

How to Write an Article Review (With Examples)

Last Updated: August 26, 2024 Fact Checked

Preparing to Write Your Review

Writing the article review, sample article reviews, expert q&a.

This article was co-authored by Jake Adams . Jake Adams is an academic tutor and the owner of Simplifi EDU, a Santa Monica, California based online tutoring business offering learning resources and online tutors for academic subjects K-College, SAT & ACT prep, and college admissions applications. With over 14 years of professional tutoring experience, Jake is dedicated to providing his clients the very best online tutoring experience and access to a network of excellent undergraduate and graduate-level tutors from top colleges all over the nation. Jake holds a BS in International Business and Marketing from Pepperdine University. There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 3,162,397 times.

An article review is both a summary and an evaluation of another writer's article. Teachers often assign article reviews to introduce students to the work of experts in the field. Experts also are often asked to review the work of other professionals. Understanding the main points and arguments of the article is essential for an accurate summation. Logical evaluation of the article's main theme, supporting arguments, and implications for further research is an important element of a review . Here are a few guidelines for writing an article review.

Education specialist Alexander Peterman recommends: "In the case of a review, your objective should be to reflect on the effectiveness of what has already been written, rather than writing to inform your audience about a subject."

Article Review 101

  • Read the article very closely, and then take time to reflect on your evaluation. Consider whether the article effectively achieves what it set out to.
  • Write out a full article review by completing your intro, summary, evaluation, and conclusion. Don't forget to add a title, too!
  • Proofread your review for mistakes (like grammar and usage), while also cutting down on needless information.

Step 1 Understand what an article review is.

  • Article reviews present more than just an opinion. You will engage with the text to create a response to the scholarly writer's ideas. You will respond to and use ideas, theories, and research from your studies. Your critique of the article will be based on proof and your own thoughtful reasoning.
  • An article review only responds to the author's research. It typically does not provide any new research. However, if you are correcting misleading or otherwise incorrect points, some new data may be presented.
  • An article review both summarizes and evaluates the article.

Step 2 Think about the organization of the review article.

  • Summarize the article. Focus on the important points, claims, and information.
  • Discuss the positive aspects of the article. Think about what the author does well, good points she makes, and insightful observations.
  • Identify contradictions, gaps, and inconsistencies in the text. Determine if there is enough data or research included to support the author's claims. Find any unanswered questions left in the article.

Step 3 Preview the article.

  • Make note of words or issues you don't understand and questions you have.
  • Look up terms or concepts you are unfamiliar with, so you can fully understand the article. Read about concepts in-depth to make sure you understand their full context.

Step 4 Read the article closely.

  • Pay careful attention to the meaning of the article. Make sure you fully understand the article. The only way to write a good article review is to understand the article.

Step 5 Put the article into your words.

  • With either method, make an outline of the main points made in the article and the supporting research or arguments. It is strictly a restatement of the main points of the article and does not include your opinions.
  • After putting the article in your own words, decide which parts of the article you want to discuss in your review. You can focus on the theoretical approach, the content, the presentation or interpretation of evidence, or the style. You will always discuss the main issues of the article, but you can sometimes also focus on certain aspects. This comes in handy if you want to focus the review towards the content of a course.
  • Review the summary outline to eliminate unnecessary items. Erase or cross out the less important arguments or supplemental information. Your revised summary can serve as the basis for the summary you provide at the beginning of your review.

Step 6 Write an outline of your evaluation.

  • What does the article set out to do?
  • What is the theoretical framework or assumptions?
  • Are the central concepts clearly defined?
  • How adequate is the evidence?
  • How does the article fit into the literature and field?
  • Does it advance the knowledge of the subject?
  • How clear is the author's writing? Don't: include superficial opinions or your personal reaction. Do: pay attention to your biases, so you can overcome them.

Step 1 Come up with...

  • For example, in MLA , a citation may look like: Duvall, John N. "The (Super)Marketplace of Images: Television as Unmediated Mediation in DeLillo's White Noise ." Arizona Quarterly 50.3 (1994): 127-53. Print. [9] X Trustworthy Source Purdue Online Writing Lab Trusted resource for writing and citation guidelines Go to source

Step 3 Identify the article.

  • For example: The article, "Condom use will increase the spread of AIDS," was written by Anthony Zimmerman, a Catholic priest.

Step 4 Write the introduction.

  • Your introduction should only be 10-25% of your review.
  • End the introduction with your thesis. Your thesis should address the above issues. For example: Although the author has some good points, his article is biased and contains some misinterpretation of data from others’ analysis of the effectiveness of the condom.

Step 5 Summarize the article.

  • Use direct quotes from the author sparingly.
  • Review the summary you have written. Read over your summary many times to ensure that your words are an accurate description of the author's article.

Step 6 Write your critique.

  • Support your critique with evidence from the article or other texts.
  • The summary portion is very important for your critique. You must make the author's argument clear in the summary section for your evaluation to make sense.
  • Remember, this is not where you say if you liked the article or not. You are assessing the significance and relevance of the article.
  • Use a topic sentence and supportive arguments for each opinion. For example, you might address a particular strength in the first sentence of the opinion section, followed by several sentences elaborating on the significance of the point.

Step 7 Conclude the article review.

  • This should only be about 10% of your overall essay.
  • For example: This critical review has evaluated the article "Condom use will increase the spread of AIDS" by Anthony Zimmerman. The arguments in the article show the presence of bias, prejudice, argumentative writing without supporting details, and misinformation. These points weaken the author’s arguments and reduce his credibility.

Step 8 Proofread.

  • Make sure you have identified and discussed the 3-4 key issues in the article.

how to start an article review example

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About This Article

Jake Adams

If you have to write an article review, read through the original article closely, taking notes and highlighting important sections as you read. Next, rewrite the article in your own words, either in a long paragraph or as an outline. Open your article review by citing the article, then write an introduction which states the article’s thesis. Next, summarize the article, followed by your opinion about whether the article was clear, thorough, and useful. Finish with a paragraph that summarizes the main points of the article and your opinions. To learn more about what to include in your personal critique of the article, keep reading the article! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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An article review is a critical evaluation of a scholarly or scientific piece, which aims to summarize its main ideas, assess its contributions, and provide constructive feedback. A well-written review not only benefits the author of the article under scrutiny but also serves as a valuable resource for fellow researchers and scholars. Follow these steps to create an effective and informative article review:

1. Understand the purpose: Before diving into the article, it is important to understand the intent of writing a review. This helps in focusing your thoughts, directing your analysis, and ensuring your review adds value to the academic community.

2. Read the article thoroughly: Carefully read the article multiple times to get a complete understanding of its content, arguments, and conclusions. As you read, take notes on key points, supporting evidence, and any areas that require further exploration or clarification.

3. Summarize the main ideas: In your review’s introduction, briefly outline the primary themes and arguments presented by the author(s). Keep it concise but sufficiently informative so that readers can quickly grasp the essence of the article.

4. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses: In subsequent paragraphs, assess the strengths and limitations of the article based on factors such as methodology, quality of evidence presented, coherence of arguments, and alignment with existing literature in the field. Be fair and objective while providing your critique.

5. Discuss any implications: Deliberate on how this particular piece contributes to or challenges existing knowledge in its discipline. You may also discuss potential improvements for future research or explore real-world applications stemming from this study.

6. Provide recommendations: Finally, offer suggestions for both the author(s) and readers regarding how they can further build on this work or apply its findings in practice.

7. Proofread and revise: Once your initial draft is complete, go through it carefully for clarity, accuracy, and coherence. Revise as necessary, ensuring your review is both informative and engaging for readers.

Sample Review:

A Critical Review of “The Effects of Social Media on Mental Health”


“The Effects of Social Media on Mental Health” is a timely article which investigates the relationship between social media usage and psychological well-being. The authors present compelling evidence to support their argument that excessive use of social media can result in decreased self-esteem, increased anxiety, and a negative impact on interpersonal relationships.

Strengths and weaknesses:

One of the strengths of this article lies in its well-structured methodology utilizing a variety of sources, including quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews. This approach provides a comprehensive view of the topic, allowing for a more nuanced understanding of the effects of social media on mental health. However, it would have been beneficial if the authors included a larger sample size to increase the reliability of their conclusions. Additionally, exploring how different platforms may influence mental health differently could have added depth to the analysis.


The findings in this article contribute significantly to ongoing debates surrounding the psychological implications of social media use. It highlights the potential dangers that excessive engagement with online platforms may pose to one’s mental well-being and encourages further research into interventions that could mitigate these risks. The study also offers an opportunity for educators and policy-makers to take note and develop strategies to foster healthier online behavior.


Future researchers should consider investigating how specific social media platforms impact mental health outcomes, as this could lead to more targeted interventions. For practitioners, implementing educational programs aimed at promoting healthy online habits may be beneficial in mitigating the potential negative consequences associated with excessive social media use.


Overall, “The Effects of Social Media on Mental Health” is an important and informative piece that raises awareness about a pressing issue in today’s digital age. Given its minor limitations, it provides valuable

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Article Review

Barbara P

Article Review Writing: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide with Examples

Article Review

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Struggling to write a review that people actually want to read? Feeling lost in the details and wondering how to make your analysis stand out?

You're not alone!

Many writers find it tough to navigate the world of article reviews, not sure where to start or how to make their reviews really grab attention.

No worries! 

In this blog, we're going to guide you through the process of writing an article review that stands out. We'll also share tips, and examples to make this process easier for you.

Let’s get started.

Arrow Down

  • 1. What is an Article Review?
  • 2. Types of Article Reviews
  • 3. Article Review Format
  • 4. How to Write an Article Review? 10 Easy Steps
  • 5. Article Review Outline
  • 6. Article Review Examples
  • 7. Tips for Writing an Effective Article Review

What is an Article Review?

An article review is a critical evaluation and analysis of a piece of writing, typically an academic or journalistic article. 

It goes beyond summarizing the content; it involves an in-depth examination of the author's ideas, arguments, and methodologies. 

The goal is to provide a well-rounded understanding of the article's strengths, weaknesses, and overall contribution to the field.

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Types of Article Reviews

Article reviews come in various forms, each serving a distinct purpose in the realm of academic or professional discourse. Understanding these types is crucial for tailoring your approach. 

Here are some common types of article reviews:

Journal Article Review

A journal article review involves a thorough evaluation of scholarly articles published in academic journals. 

It requires summarizing the article's key points, methodology, and findings, emphasizing its contributions to the academic field. 

Take a look at the following example to help you understand better.

Example of Journal Article Review -

Research Article Review

A research article review focuses on scrutinizing articles with a primary emphasis on research.

This type of review involves evaluating the research design, methodology, results, and their broader implications. 

Discussions on the interpretation of results, limitations, and the article's overall contributions are key. 

Here is a sample for you to get an idea.

Example of Research Article Review

Science Article Review

A science article review specifically addresses articles within scientific disciplines. It includes summarizing scientific concepts, hypotheses, and experimental methods.

The type of review assesses the reliability of the experimental design, and evaluates the author's interpretation of findings. 

Take a look at the following example.

Example of Science Article Review

Critical Review

A critical review involves a balanced critique of a given article. It encompasses providing a comprehensive summary, highlighting key points, and engaging in a critical analysis of strengths and weaknesses. 

To get a clearer idea of a critical review, take a look at this example.

Critical Review Example

Article Review Format

When crafting an article review in either APA or MLA format, it's crucial to adhere to the specific guidelines for citing sources. 

Below are the bibliographical entries for different types of sources in both APA and MLA styles:

How to Write an Article Review? 10 Easy Steps

Writing an effective article review involves a systematic approach. Follow this step-by-step process to ensure a comprehensive and well-structured analysis.

Step 1: Understand the Assignment

Before diving into the review, carefully read and understand the assignment guidelines. 

Pay attention to specific requirements, such as word count, formatting style (APA, MLA), and the aspects your instructor wants you to focus on.

Step 2: Read the Article Thoroughly

Begin by thoroughly reading the article. Take notes on key points, arguments, and evidence presented by the author. 

Understand the author's main thesis and the context in which the article was written.

Step 3: Create a Summary

Summarize the main points of the article. Highlight the author's key arguments and findings. 

While writing the summary ensure that you capture the essential elements of the article to provide context for your analysis.

Step 4: Identify the Author's Thesis

In this step, pinpoint the author's main thesis or central argument. Understand the purpose of the article and how the author supports their position. 

This will serve as a foundation for your critique.

Step 5: Evaluate the Author's Evidence and Methodology

Examine the evidence provided by the author to support their thesis. Assess the reliability and validity of the methodology used. 

Consider the sources, data collection methods, and any potential biases.

Step 6: Analyze the Author's Writing Style

Evaluate the author's writing style and how effectively they communicate their ideas. 

Consider the clarity of the language, the organization of the content, and the overall persuasiveness of the article.

Step 7: Consider the Article's Contribution

Reflect on the article's contribution to its field of study. Analyze how it fits into the existing literature, its significance, and any potential implications for future research or applications.

Step 8: Write the Introduction

Craft an introduction that includes the article's title, author, publication date, and a brief overview. 

State the purpose of your review and your thesis—the main point you'll be analyzing in your review.

Step 9: Develop the Body of the Review

Organize your review by addressing specific aspects such as the author's thesis, methodology, writing style, and the article's contribution. 

Use clear paragraphs to structure your analysis logically.

Step 10: Conclude with a Summary and Evaluation

Summarize your main points and restate your overall assessment of the article. 

Offer insights into its strengths and weaknesses, and conclude with any recommendations for improvement or suggestions for further research.

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Article Review Outline

Creating a well-organized outline is an essential part of writing a coherent and insightful article review.

This outline given below will guide you through the key sections of your review, ensuring that your analysis is comprehensive and logically structured.

Refer to the following template to understand outlining the article review in detail.

Article Review Format Template

Article Review Examples

Examining article review examples can provide valuable insights into the structure, tone, and depth of analysis expected. 

Below are sample article reviews, each illustrating a different approach and focus.

Example of Article Review

Tips for Writing an Effective Article Review

Crafting an effective article review involves a combination of critical analysis, clarity, and structure. 

Here are some valuable tips to guide you through the process:

  • Start with a Clear Introduction

Kick off your article review by introducing the article's main points and mentioning the publication date, which you can find on the re-title page. Outline the topics you'll cover in your review.

  • Concise Summary with Unanswered Questions

Provide a short summary of the article, emphasizing its main ideas. Highlight any lingering questions, known as "unanswered questions," that the article may have triggered. Use a basic article review template to help structure your thoughts.

  • Illustrate with Examples

Use examples from the article to illustrate your points. If there are tables or figures in the article, discuss them to make your review more concrete and easily understandable.

  • Organize Clearly with a Summary Section

Keep your review straightforward and well-organized. Begin with the start of the article, express your thoughts on what you liked or didn't like, and conclude with a summary section. This follows a basic plan for clarity.

  • Constructive Criticism

When providing criticism, be constructive. If there are elements you don't understand, frame them as "unanswered questions." This approach shows engagement and curiosity.

  • Smoothly Connect Your Ideas

Ensure your thoughts flow naturally throughout your review. Use simple words and sentences. If you have questions about the article, let them guide your review organically.

  • Revise and Check for Clarity

Before finishing, go through your review. Correct any mistakes and ensure it sounds clear. Check if you followed your plan, used simple words, and incorporated the keywords effectively. This makes your review better and more accessible for others.

In conclusion , writing an effective article review involves a thoughtful balance of summarizing key points, and addressing unanswered questions. 

By following a simple and structured approach, you can create a review that not only analyzes the content but also adds value to the reader's understanding.

Remember to organize your thoughts logically, use clear language, and provide examples from the article to support your points. 

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They can help you with article reviews and any other assignment that you might have. 

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Barbara P

Dr. Barbara is a highly experienced writer and author who holds a Ph.D. degree in public health from an Ivy League school. She has worked in the medical field for many years, conducting extensive research on various health topics. Her writing has been featured in several top-tier publications.

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How to Write an Article Review: Tips and Examples

how to start an article review example

Did you know that article reviews are not just academic exercises but also a valuable skill in today's information age? In a world inundated with content, being able to dissect and evaluate articles critically can help you separate the wheat from the chaff. Whether you're a student aiming to excel in your coursework or a professional looking to stay well-informed, mastering the art of writing article reviews is an invaluable skill.

Short Description

In this article, our research paper writing service experts will start by unraveling the concept of article reviews and discussing the various types. You'll also gain insights into the art of formatting your review effectively. To ensure you're well-prepared, we'll take you through the pre-writing process, offering tips on setting the stage for your review. But it doesn't stop there. You'll find a practical example of an article review to help you grasp the concepts in action. To complete your journey, we'll guide you through the post-writing process, equipping you with essential proofreading techniques to ensure your work shines with clarity and precision!

What Is an Article Review: Grasping the Concept 

A review article is a type of professional paper writing that demands a high level of in-depth analysis and a well-structured presentation of arguments. It is a critical, constructive evaluation of literature in a particular field through summary, classification, analysis, and comparison.

If you write a scientific review, you have to use database searches to portray the research. Your primary goal is to summarize everything and present a clear understanding of the topic you've been working on.

Writing Involves:

  • Summarization, classification, analysis, critiques, and comparison.
  • The analysis, evaluation, and comparison require the use of theories, ideas, and research relevant to the subject area of the article.
  • It is also worth nothing if a review does not introduce new information, but instead presents a response to another writer's work.
  • Check out other samples to gain a better understanding of how to review the article.

Types of Review

When it comes to article reviews, there's more than one way to approach the task. Understanding the various types of reviews is like having a versatile toolkit at your disposal. In this section, we'll walk you through the different dimensions of review types, each offering a unique perspective and purpose. Whether you're dissecting a scholarly article, critiquing a piece of literature, or evaluating a product, you'll discover the diverse landscape of article reviews and how to navigate it effectively.

types of article review

Journal Article Review

Just like other types of reviews, a journal article review assesses the merits and shortcomings of a published work. To illustrate, consider a review of an academic paper on climate change, where the writer meticulously analyzes and interprets the article's significance within the context of environmental science.

Research Article Review

Distinguished by its focus on research methodologies, a research article review scrutinizes the techniques used in a study and evaluates them in light of the subsequent analysis and critique. For instance, when reviewing a research article on the effects of a new drug, the reviewer would delve into the methods employed to gather data and assess their reliability.

Science Article Review

In the realm of scientific literature, a science article review encompasses a wide array of subjects. Scientific publications often provide extensive background information, which can be instrumental in conducting a comprehensive analysis. For example, when reviewing an article about the latest breakthroughs in genetics, the reviewer may draw upon the background knowledge provided to facilitate a more in-depth evaluation of the publication.

how to start an article review example

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Formatting an Article Review

The format of the article should always adhere to the citation style required by your professor. If you're not sure, seek clarification on the preferred format and ask him to clarify several other pointers to complete the formatting of an article review adequately.

How Many Publications Should You Review?

  • In what format should you cite your articles (MLA, APA, ASA, Chicago, etc.)?
  • What length should your review be?
  • Should you include a summary, critique, or personal opinion in your assignment?
  • Do you need to call attention to a theme or central idea within the articles?
  • Does your instructor require background information?

When you know the answers to these questions, you may start writing your assignment. Below are examples of MLA and APA formats, as those are the two most common citation styles.

Using the APA Format

Articles appear most commonly in academic journals, newspapers, and websites. If you write an article review in the APA format, you will need to write bibliographical entries for the sources you use:

  • Web : Author [last name], A.A [first and middle initial]. (Year, Month, Date of Publication). Title. Retrieved from {link}
  • Journal : Author [last name], A.A [first and middle initial]. (Publication Year). Publication Title. Periodical Title, Volume(Issue), pp.-pp.
  • Newspaper : Author [last name], A.A [first and middle initial]. (Year, Month, Date of Publication). Publication Title. Magazine Title, pp. xx-xx.

Using MLA Format

  • Web : Last, First Middle Initial. “Publication Title.” Website Title. Website Publisher, Date Month Year Published. Web. Date Month Year Accessed.
  • Newspaper : Last, First M. “Publication Title.” Newspaper Title [City] Date, Month, Year Published: Page(s). Print.
  • Journal : Last, First M. “Publication Title.” Journal Title Series Volume. Issue (Year Published): Page(s). Database Name. Web. Date Month Year Accessed.

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The Pre-Writing Process

Facing this task for the first time can really get confusing and can leave you unsure of where to begin. To create a top-notch article review, start with a few preparatory steps. Here are the two main stages from our dissertation services to get you started:

Step 1: Define the right organization for your review. Knowing the future setup of your paper will help you define how you should read the article. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Summarize the article — seek out the main points, ideas, claims, and general information presented in the article.
  • Define the positive points — identify the strong aspects, ideas, and insightful observations the author has made.
  • Find the gaps —- determine whether or not the author has any contradictions, gaps, or inconsistencies in the article and evaluate whether or not he or she used a sufficient amount of arguments and information to support his or her ideas.
  • Identify unanswered questions — finally, identify if there are any questions left unanswered after reading the piece.

Step 2: Move on and review the article. Here is a small and simple guide to help you do it right:

  • Start off by looking at and assessing the title of the piece, its abstract, introductory part, headings and subheadings, opening sentences in its paragraphs, and its conclusion.
  • First, read only the beginning and the ending of the piece (introduction and conclusion). These are the parts where authors include all of their key arguments and points. Therefore, if you start with reading these parts, it will give you a good sense of the author's main points.
  • Finally, read the article fully.

These three steps make up most of the prewriting process. After you are done with them, you can move on to writing your own review—and we are going to guide you through the writing process as well.

Outline and Template

As you progress with reading your article, organize your thoughts into coherent sections in an outline. As you read, jot down important facts, contributions, or contradictions. Identify the shortcomings and strengths of your publication. Begin to map your outline accordingly.

If your professor does not want a summary section or a personal critique section, then you must alleviate those parts from your writing. Much like other assignments, an article review must contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Thus, you might consider dividing your outline according to these sections as well as subheadings within the body. If you find yourself troubled with the pre-writing and the brainstorming process for this assignment, seek out a sample outline.

Your custom essay must contain these constituent parts:

  • Pre-Title Page - Before diving into your review, start with essential details: article type, publication title, and author names with affiliations (position, department, institution, location, and email). Include corresponding author info if needed.
  • Running Head - In APA format, use a concise title (under 40 characters) to ensure consistent formatting.
  • Summary Page - Optional but useful. Summarize the article in 800 words, covering background, purpose, results, and methodology, avoiding verbatim text or references.
  • Title Page - Include the full title, a 250-word abstract, and 4-6 keywords for discoverability.
  • Introduction - Set the stage with an engaging overview of the article.
  • Body - Organize your analysis with headings and subheadings.
  • Works Cited/References - Properly cite all sources used in your review.
  • Optional Suggested Reading Page - If permitted, suggest further readings for in-depth exploration.
  • Tables and Figure Legends (if instructed by the professor) - Include visuals when requested by your professor for clarity.

Example of an Article Review

You might wonder why we've dedicated a section of this article to discuss an article review sample. Not everyone may realize it, but examining multiple well-constructed examples of review articles is a crucial step in the writing process. In the following section, our essay writing service experts will explain why.

Looking through relevant article review examples can be beneficial for you in the following ways:

  • To get you introduced to the key works of experts in your field.
  • To help you identify the key people engaged in a particular field of science.
  • To help you define what significant discoveries and advances were made in your field.
  • To help you unveil the major gaps within the existing knowledge of your field—which contributes to finding fresh solutions.
  • To help you find solid references and arguments for your own review.
  • To help you generate some ideas about any further field of research.
  • To help you gain a better understanding of the area and become an expert in this specific field.
  • To get a clear idea of how to write a good review.

View Our Writer’s Sample Before Crafting Your Own!

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Steps for Writing an Article Review: Video

Here is a guide with critique paper format on how to write a review paper:

Step 1: Write the Title

First of all, you need to write a title that reflects the main focus of your work. Respectively, the title can be either interrogative, descriptive, or declarative.

Step 2: Cite the Article

Next, create a proper citation for the reviewed article and input it following the title. At this step, the most important thing to keep in mind is the style of citation specified by your instructor in the requirements for the paper. For example, an article citation in the MLA style should look as follows:

Author's last and first name. "The title of the article." Journal's title and issue(publication date): page(s). Print

Abraham John. "The World of Dreams." Virginia Quarterly 60.2(1991): 125-67. Print.

Step 3: Article Identification

After your citation, you need to include the identification of your reviewed article:

  • Title of the article
  • Title of the journal
  • Year of publication

All of this information should be included in the first paragraph of your paper.

The report "Poverty increases school drop-outs" was written by Brian Faith – a Health officer – in 2000.

Step 4: Introduction

Your organization in an assignment like this is of the utmost importance. Before embarking on your writing process, you should outline your assignment or use an article review template to organize your thoughts coherently.

  • If you are wondering how to start an article review, begin with an introduction that mentions the article and your thesis for the review.
  • Follow up with a summary of the main points of the article.
  • Highlight the positive aspects and facts presented in the publication.
  • Critique the publication by identifying gaps, contradictions, disparities in the text, and unanswered questions.

Step 5: Summarize the Article

Make a summary of the article by revisiting what the author has written about. Note any relevant facts and findings from the article. Include the author's conclusions in this section.

Step 6: Critique It

Present the strengths and weaknesses you have found in the publication. Highlight the knowledge that the author has contributed to the field. Also, write about any gaps and/or contradictions you have found in the article. Take a standpoint of either supporting or not supporting the author's assertions, but back up your arguments with facts and relevant theories that are pertinent to that area of knowledge. Rubrics and templates can also be used to evaluate and grade the person who wrote the article.

Step 7: Craft a Conclusion

In this section, revisit the critical points of your piece, your findings in the article, and your critique. Also, write about the accuracy, validity, and relevance of the results of the article review. Present a way forward for future research in the field of study. Before submitting your article, keep these pointers in mind:

  • As you read the article, highlight the key points. This will help you pinpoint the article's main argument and the evidence that they used to support that argument.
  • While you write your review, use evidence from your sources to make a point. This is best done using direct quotations.
  • Select quotes and supporting evidence adequately and use direct quotations sparingly. Take time to analyze the article adequately.
  • Every time you reference a publication or use a direct quotation, use a parenthetical citation to avoid accidentally plagiarizing your article.
  • Re-read your piece a day after you finish writing it. This will help you to spot grammar mistakes and to notice any flaws in your organization.
  • Use a spell-checker and get a second opinion on your paper.

The Post-Writing Process: Proofread Your Work

Finally, when all of the parts of your article review are set and ready, you have one last thing to take care of — proofreading. Although students often neglect this step, proofreading is a vital part of the writing process and will help you polish your paper to ensure that there are no mistakes or inconsistencies.

To proofread your paper properly, start by reading it fully and checking the following points:

  • Punctuation
  • Other mistakes

Afterward, take a moment to check for any unnecessary information in your paper and, if found, consider removing it to streamline your content. Finally, double-check that you've covered at least 3-4 key points in your discussion.

And remember, if you ever need help with proofreading, rewriting your essay, or even want to buy essay , our friendly team is always here to assist you.

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What Is A Review Article?

How to write an article review, how to write an article review in apa format.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

how to start an article review example

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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Article Review

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Article Review

Article reviews are an essential part of academic article writing , providing an opportunity to evaluate and analyze published research . A well-written review can help readers understand the simple subject matter and determine the value of the article . In this article, we’ll cover what is an article review, provide step-by-step guidance on how to write one, and answer some common questions.

What is an Article Review?

An article review is a critical assessment of a scholarly article or research paper. It involves analyzing the content, methodology, and findings of the article and providing an evaluation of its strengths and weaknesses. The review typically includes a summary of the article’s main points, an evaluation of its contribution to the subject, and suggestions for improvement.

Examples of Article Review

1. literary analysis of “the great gatsby”.

Title : “The American Dream in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s ‘The Great Gatsby'” Summary : This article delves into the theme of the American Dream in “The Great Gatsby”. It explores how the characters of Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, and Tom Buchanan each represent different facets of this dream. The review highlights the contrast between Gatsby’s idealistic pursuit of wealth and love, and the moral decay of society depicted in the novel. Evaluation : The article offers a thorough and insightful analysis, drawing on specific passages to support its claims. However, it occasionally lacks depth in exploring secondary characters. Recommendation : Overall, this article is a valuable resource for understanding the complexities of the American Dream in Fitzgerald’s work. It is recommended for students and literary enthusiasts.

2. Scientific Study on Climate Change

Title : “Impact of Global Warming on Arctic Ice Melting Rates” Summary : This article examines recent research on the accelerated melting of Arctic ice due to global warming. The study uses satellite data and climate models to project future ice loss and its implications for global sea levels. Evaluation : The article presents data in a clear and accessible manner, making complex scientific concepts understandable for a general audience. The visual aids, such as graphs and maps, effectively complement the text. Recommendation : This article is highly recommended for anyone interested in climate science and environmental studies. It provides a comprehensive overview of current research and its global significance.

3. Technology Review of the Latest iPhone

Title : “A Comprehensive Review of the iPhone 14 Pro” Summary : The article provides an in-depth review of the iPhone 14 Pro, covering its design, performance, camera capabilities, and new features. It compares the latest model with previous versions and other smartphones on the market. Evaluation : The review is detailed and well-organized, highlighting both strengths and weaknesses of the device. However, it could benefit from more user testimonials to provide a broader perspective. Recommendation : This review is a must-read for potential buyers considering the iPhone 14 Pro. It offers valuable insights into the device’s capabilities and overall performance.

4. Health and Wellness Article on Yoga Benefits

Title : “The Health Benefits of Practicing Yoga Daily” Summary : This article explores the various physical and mental health benefits of incorporating yoga into a daily routine. It discusses how yoga can improve flexibility, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. Evaluation : The article is informative and engaging, backed by scientific research and expert opinions. It includes practical tips for beginners and links to additional resources. Recommendation : This article is highly recommended for individuals seeking to improve their health through yoga. It provides a comprehensive guide to the benefits and practice of yoga.

5. Historical Analysis of World War II

Title : “The Role of Codebreakers in World War II” Summary : The article examines the critical role that codebreakers played in the Allied victory during World War II. It focuses on the efforts at Bletchley Park and the breaking of the Enigma code. Evaluation : The article is well-researched and presents a compelling narrative of the contributions of codebreakers. It includes firsthand accounts and historical documents to support its analysis. Recommendation : This article is recommended for history buffs and students. It offers a fascinating insight into a lesser-known aspect of World War II and highlights the importance of intelligence work in warfare.

Examples of Article Review for Students

Review of “the effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance”.

Title : The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive Performance: A Detailed Review Introduction : This review evaluates the article’s investigation into how lack of sleep affects cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. Summary : The article explores various studies showing that sleep deprivation significantly impairs cognitive performance, leading to reduced attention spans, poor memory retention, and slower reaction times. Critique : The article is thorough in its examination of the negative effects of sleep deprivation. However, it could include more information on the long-term consequences and potential mitigation strategies. Some studies cited have small sample sizes, which could limit the findings’ reliability. Conclusion : Overall, the article effectively highlights the critical impact of sleep on cognitive functions, though it would benefit from more comprehensive data and solutions to counteract sleep deprivation.

Review of “Renewable Energy Sources and Their Impact on the Environment”

Title : Renewable Energy Sources and Their Impact on the Environment: An In-Depth Review Introduction : This review analyzes the article discussing the environmental impacts of various renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Summary : The article covers the benefits of renewable energy in reducing carbon emissions and dependence on fossil fuels. It also examines potential environmental concerns such as habitat disruption and resource consumption. Critique : The article provides a balanced view of renewable energy’s benefits and challenges. However, it lacks detailed case studies and comparative analysis with non-renewable energy sources. The discussion on environmental impacts could be more nuanced. Conclusion : The article is informative and highlights the importance of renewable energy, though it would be stronger with more specific examples and a deeper environmental impact analysis.

Review of “The Influence of Advertising on Consumer Behavior”

Title : The Influence of Advertising on Consumer Behavior: A Comprehensive Review Introduction : This review evaluates the article’s exploration of how advertising affects consumer purchasing decisions and behavior. Summary : The article examines various advertising techniques and their psychological effects on consumers, including the use of emotional appeal, repetition, and celebrity endorsements. Critique : The article effectively discusses different advertising strategies and their impact on consumers. However, it could include more recent examples and data to reflect current trends. Additionally, it would benefit from a broader range of perspectives, including consumer psychology. Conclusion : The article provides a solid overview of advertising’s influence on consumer behavior, but it needs more up-to-date examples and a wider scope of analysis.

Review of “The Role of Nutrition in Child Development”

Title : The Role of Nutrition in Child Development: An Analytical Review Introduction : This review analyzes the article’s discussion on the critical role of nutrition in children’s physical and cognitive development. Summary : The article highlights the importance of a balanced diet for children’s growth, emphasizing nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals. It also examines the consequences of malnutrition and dietary deficiencies. Critique : The article is well-researched and presents a comprehensive view of the subject. However, it could benefit from more practical dietary recommendations and a discussion on the challenges faced by different socioeconomic groups. Conclusion : The article effectively underscores the importance of nutrition in child development, though it would be improved by including practical advice and addressing socioeconomic disparities.

Review of “Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges”

Title : Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges: A Detailed Review Introduction : This review evaluates the article’s exploration of the potential benefits and obstacles of implementing artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare. Summary : The article discusses various AI applications in healthcare, such as diagnostic tools, personalized medicine, and administrative support. It also addresses ethical concerns, data privacy issues, and the need for regulatory frameworks. Critique : The article provides a balanced and insightful analysis of AI in healthcare. However, it could include more case studies and examples of successful AI implementations. The discussion on ethical concerns is somewhat limited and could be expanded. Conclusion : The article offers a thorough overview of AI’s potential in healthcare, but it would benefit from more real-world examples and a deeper exploration of ethical issues.

Examples of Article Review for Research

Review of “the impact of remote work on employee productivity”.

Title : The Impact of Remote Work on Employee Productivity: A Research Review Introduction : This review assesses the research article’s investigation into how remote work influences employee productivity, examining both positive and negative aspects. Summary : The research article explores various factors affecting productivity in remote work settings, such as flexible schedules, work-life balance, and the use of digital communication tools. It presents data from surveys and case studies to support its findings. Critique : The article provides a comprehensive analysis backed by empirical data. However, it could benefit from a more detailed exploration of the long-term impacts of remote work and potential industry-specific variations. Additionally, the research could include a larger, more diverse sample size. Conclusion : The research article effectively highlights the key factors influencing productivity in remote work environments, though it would be strengthened by broader data and long-term impact analysis.

Review of “Climate Change and Agricultural Sustainability”

Title : Climate Change and Agricultural Sustainability: A Review of Current Research Introduction : This review evaluates the research article’s examination of the relationship between climate change and agricultural sustainability, focusing on crop yields and farming practices. Summary : The article discusses the effects of changing weather patterns, increased CO2 levels, and extreme weather events on agricultural productivity. It includes case studies and statistical models to illustrate potential future scenarios. Critique : The research is thorough and well-supported by data. However, it could include more practical recommendations for farmers and policymakers. The article would also benefit from a more detailed discussion of regional differences and adaptation strategies. Conclusion : The research article provides valuable insights into the challenges posed by climate change to agriculture, though it would be improved by offering actionable solutions and considering regional variations.

Review of “The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Healthcare”

Title : The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Healthcare: A Comprehensive Research Review Introduction : This review analyzes the research article’s exploration of AI’s applications in healthcare, including diagnostic tools, patient care, and administrative efficiency. Summary : The article outlines various AI technologies used in healthcare, such as machine learning algorithms for diagnostics, robotic surgeries, and AI-driven patient management systems. It presents data from clinical trials and expert opinions to support its claims. Critique : The research is well-rounded and provides a clear overview of AI’s potential in healthcare. However, it could address more of the ethical considerations and data privacy issues associated with AI implementation. Additionally, more real-world examples of AI applications would enhance the article’s relevance. Conclusion : The research article effectively showcases AI’s transformative potential in healthcare, though it could be strengthened by a deeper exploration of ethical issues and more practical examples.

Review of “The Psychological Effects of Social Media Use on Adolescents”

Title : The Psychological Effects of Social Media Use on Adolescents: A Research-Based Review Introduction : This review evaluates the research article’s examination of how social media affects adolescents’ mental health, focusing on anxiety, depression, and self-esteem. Summary : The article presents data from longitudinal studies and surveys to show the correlation between social media use and various psychological issues. It discusses the impact of online interactions, cyberbullying, and the pressure to conform to social norms. Critique : The research is detailed and presents significant findings. However, it could benefit from a more balanced view that includes positive aspects of social media, such as support networks and educational content. Additionally, the sample sizes in some studies are limited, which may affect the generalizability of the results. Conclusion : The research article provides a comprehensive overview of the negative psychological effects of social media on adolescents, though it would be improved by a more balanced perspective and larger sample sizes.

Review of “The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Programs”

Title : The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Programs: A Research Review Introduction : This review analyzes the research article’s evaluation of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) programs and their impact on mental health and well-being. Summary : The article reviews various studies on MBSR, highlighting its benefits for reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. It includes meta-analyses and randomized controlled trials to provide a robust evidence base. Critique : The research is comprehensive and well-supported by empirical data. However, it could explore more on the long-term benefits and potential limitations of MBSR programs. The article would also benefit from discussing the accessibility and applicability of these programs across different populations. Conclusion : The research article effectively demonstrates the benefits of MBSR programs for mental health, though it could be enhanced by addressing long-term effects and broader applicability.

Journal Article Review Examples

Review of “the impact of social media on academic performance”.

Title : The Impact of Social Media on Academic Performance: A Comprehensive Review Introduction : This review evaluates the journal article’s investigation into the relationship between social media usage and academic performance among students. Summary : The article discusses various studies that explore how social media affects students’ academic outcomes. It highlights both positive effects, such as improved communication and resource sharing, and negative impacts like distraction and reduced study time. Critique : The article is thorough, providing a balanced view supported by empirical data. However, it could benefit from more longitudinal studies to understand long-term effects. Additionally, the article does not address differences in impact based on the type of social media platform used. Conclusion : The journal article effectively highlights the dual impact of social media on academic performance. To strengthen the research, including more long-term studies and platform-specific analyses would be beneficial.

Review of “Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Areas”

Title : Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Areas: An Analytical Review Introduction : This review analyzes the journal article’s discussion on how urban areas are adapting to climate change, focusing on infrastructure and policy changes. Summary : The article examines various adaptation strategies employed by cities worldwide, such as green infrastructure, zoning laws, and disaster preparedness programs. It presents case studies from different regions to illustrate successful adaptation efforts. Critique : The article is well-researched and provides a comprehensive overview of adaptation strategies. However, it could include more data on the effectiveness of these strategies over time. Additionally, the article would benefit from a discussion on the socio-economic challenges that hinder adaptation in less developed areas. Conclusion : The journal article provides valuable insights into urban climate change adaptation strategies. It would be strengthened by including long-term effectiveness data and addressing socio-economic barriers.

Review of “The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Personalized Medicine”

Title : The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Personalized Medicine: A Detailed Review Introduction : This review evaluates the journal article’s exploration of AI applications in personalized medicine, including diagnostics and treatment plans. Summary : The article discusses how AI technologies, such as machine learning and data analytics, are revolutionizing personalized medicine. It highlights examples where AI has improved diagnostic accuracy and tailored treatment plans to individual patient needs. Critique : The article is insightful and well-supported by clinical data. However, it could delve deeper into the ethical considerations and potential biases in AI algorithms. Additionally, more real-world examples of AI implementation in diverse healthcare settings would enhance the article’s applicability. Conclusion : The journal article effectively demonstrates the transformative potential of AI in personalized medicine. To improve, it should include a more detailed discussion on ethics and practical applications across different healthcare systems.

Review of “The Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Workers”

Title : The Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Workers: A Research Review Introduction : This review analyzes the journal article’s investigation into the mental health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare workers. Summary : The article presents data from surveys and interviews with healthcare professionals, highlighting increased levels of stress, anxiety, and burnout due to the pandemic. It discusses the factors contributing to these psychological impacts, such as workload, exposure risk, and lack of support. Critique : The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the psychological challenges faced by healthcare workers during the pandemic. However, it could benefit from more longitudinal studies to understand long-term mental health outcomes. Additionally, the article would be improved by offering more detailed recommendations for institutional support and intervention strategies. Conclusion : The journal article effectively sheds light on the mental health struggles of healthcare workers during COVID-19. To strengthen the research, including long-term studies and detailed support recommendations would be beneficial.

Review of “Sustainable Agriculture Practices and Food Security”

Title : Sustainable Agriculture Practices and Food Security: An In-Depth Review Introduction : This review evaluates the journal article’s discussion on the role of sustainable agriculture practices in enhancing food security. Summary : The article explores various sustainable agriculture techniques, such as crop rotation, organic farming, and agroforestry, and their impact on food security. It presents case studies demonstrating how these practices can increase crop yields and improve resilience to climate change. Critique : The article is well-researched and provides a detailed analysis of sustainable agriculture practices. However, it could include more quantitative data on the economic viability of these practices for small-scale farmers. Additionally, the article would benefit from discussing the policy frameworks needed to support widespread adoption of sustainable agriculture. Conclusion : The journal article effectively highlights the importance of sustainable agriculture for food security. It would be enhanced by including more economic data and policy recommendations to support these practices.

College Article Review Examples

Review of “the effects of sleep deprivation on academic performance”.

Title : The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Academic Performance: A Detailed Review Introduction : This review assesses the article’s exploration of how sleep deprivation impacts college students’ academic performance, focusing on cognitive functions and overall well-being. Summary : The article examines studies showing that insufficient sleep negatively affects memory, concentration, and problem-solving skills, leading to lower grades and academic achievement. It also discusses the role of stress and lifestyle factors contributing to sleep deprivation. Critique : The article provides a thorough analysis supported by empirical data. However, it could benefit from a broader range of studies, including different demographic groups. Additionally, practical solutions for improving sleep habits among students are not adequately addressed. Conclusion : The article effectively highlights the critical relationship between sleep and academic performance but would be strengthened by more diverse studies and practical recommendations for students.

Review of “The Impact of Technology on Modern Education”

Title : The Impact of Technology on Modern Education: A Comprehensive Review Introduction : This review evaluates the article’s discussion on the integration of technology in higher education and its effects on teaching and learning processes. Summary : The article explores various technological tools used in education, such as online learning platforms, interactive simulations, and digital resources. It discusses the benefits, including increased accessibility and personalized learning, as well as challenges like digital divide and technological distractions. Critique : The article is well-researched and balanced, highlighting both positive and negative aspects of technology in education. However, it could include more recent data and specific examples of successful technology implementations in colleges. Additionally, the article should address potential long-term impacts on traditional teaching methods. Conclusion : The article provides valuable insights into the role of technology in education, though it would be enhanced by including more up-to-date examples and long-term impact analysis.

Review of “Mental Health Awareness Among College Students”

Title : Mental Health Awareness Among College Students: An Analytical Review Introduction : This review analyzes the article’s exploration of mental health awareness programs in colleges and their effectiveness in addressing student mental health issues. Summary : The article examines various initiatives aimed at improving mental health awareness, such as workshops, counseling services, and peer support groups. It highlights the importance of early intervention and the role of campus resources in supporting student well-being. Critique : The article provides a comprehensive overview of mental health awareness programs and their benefits. However, it could benefit from more quantitative data on program effectiveness and student outcomes. Additionally, the article should discuss the barriers to accessing mental health services, such as stigma and resource limitations. Conclusion : The article effectively underscores the significance of mental health awareness in colleges, but it would be improved by including more data on program effectiveness and addressing access barriers.

Review of “The Role of Extracurricular Activities in Student Development”

Title : The Role of Extracurricular Activities in Student Development: A Detailed Review Introduction : This review evaluates the article’s discussion on how participation in extracurricular activities impacts college students’ personal and academic development. Summary : The article explores various benefits of extracurricular activities, such as improved social skills, leadership development, and enhanced academic performance. It includes case studies and survey data to support its findings. Critique : The article is well-rounded and provides clear evidence of the positive impacts of extracurricular activities. However, it could include more diverse examples from different types of colleges and regions. Additionally, the article should address potential negative aspects, such as time management challenges and academic pressure. Conclusion : The article effectively highlights the importance of extracurricular activities in student development, though it would benefit from a more diverse range of examples and a balanced discussion of potential drawbacks.

Review of “The Influence of Social Media on College Students’ Mental Health”

Title : The Influence of Social Media on College Students’ Mental Health: A Research Review Introduction : This review analyzes the article’s investigation into how social media usage affects the mental health of college students, focusing on both positive and negative impacts. Summary : The article discusses various studies showing that social media can lead to increased anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation among students. It also highlights positive aspects, such as enhanced communication, social support, and access to mental health resources. Critique : The article provides a balanced view, supported by empirical data and real-world examples. However, it could benefit from more recent studies and a deeper exploration of how different social media platforms uniquely impact mental health. Additionally, the article should include practical advice for students on managing social media use. Conclusion : The article effectively addresses the complex relationship between social media and mental health among college students, but it would be strengthened by including more recent research and practical recommendations.

Scientific Article Review Examples

Review of “the effects of microplastics on marine life”.

Title : The Effects of Microplastics on Marine Life: A Comprehensive Review Introduction : This review assesses the scientific article’s investigation into the impact of microplastics on marine organisms, focusing on ingestion, toxicity, and ecological consequences. Summary : The article presents various studies showing that microplastics are ingested by a wide range of marine species, leading to physical harm and chemical toxicity. It discusses how microplastics affect growth, reproduction, and survival rates of marine life. Critique : The article is well-researched, providing detailed evidence of the harmful effects of microplastics. However, it could benefit from a broader geographic scope, including more diverse marine environments. Additionally, the article lacks a discussion on potential mitigation strategies to reduce microplastic pollution. Conclusion : The article effectively highlights the detrimental impact of microplastics on marine life, but it would be strengthened by including a wider range of environments and discussing mitigation measures.

Review of “The Role of CRISPR-Cas9 in Gene Editing”

Title : The Role of CRISPR-Cas9 in Gene Editing: A Detailed Review Introduction : This review evaluates the scientific article’s exploration of the CRISPR-Cas9 technology and its applications in gene editing, focusing on its potential and ethical considerations. Summary : The article discusses the mechanism of CRISPR-Cas9 and its use in various fields such as medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology. It highlights successful case studies, including the treatment of genetic disorders and the development of disease-resistant crops. Critique : The article is insightful and provides a comprehensive overview of CRISPR-Cas9. However, it could delve deeper into the ethical issues and potential unintended consequences of gene editing. Additionally, the article would benefit from more recent examples of CRISPR applications. Conclusion : The article effectively demonstrates the potential of CRISPR-Cas9 in gene editing, though it could be enhanced by addressing ethical considerations and providing more up-to-date examples.

Review of “Climate Change and Its Impact on Global Food Security”

Title : Climate Change and Its Impact on Global Food Security: An Analytical Review Introduction : This review analyzes the scientific article’s examination of how climate change affects global food security, focusing on crop yields, food supply, and nutrition. Summary : The article explores various factors influenced by climate change, including temperature changes, altered precipitation patterns, and increased frequency of extreme weather events. It discusses how these factors affect agricultural productivity and food availability. Critique : The article is thorough and supported by extensive data. However, it could include more case studies from different regions to provide a global perspective. Additionally, the article would benefit from discussing adaptation strategies and policy recommendations to mitigate the impact of climate change on food security. Conclusion : The article provides valuable insights into the effects of climate change on food security, but it would be improved by including more regional case studies and discussing mitigation strategies.

Review of “The Advancements in Renewable Energy Technologies”

Title : The Advancements in Renewable Energy Technologies: A Research Review Introduction : This review evaluates the scientific article’s discussion on the latest advancements in renewable energy technologies, including solar, wind, and bioenergy. Summary : The article highlights recent innovations in renewable energy, such as improved solar panel efficiency, advanced wind turbine designs, and sustainable bioenergy production methods. It presents data on the cost-effectiveness and environmental benefits of these technologies. Critique : The article is well-researched and presents a clear overview of advancements in renewable energy. However, it could benefit from a more detailed analysis of the challenges and limitations associated with each technology. Additionally, the article should include projections on the future adoption of these technologies. Conclusion : The article effectively showcases the progress in renewable energy technologies, though it would be enhanced by addressing challenges and providing future adoption projections.

Review of “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare”

Title : The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare: A Comprehensive Review Introduction : This review analyzes the scientific article’s exploration of AI’s impact on healthcare, focusing on diagnostic tools, patient care, and administrative efficiency. Summary : The article discusses various AI applications in healthcare, such as machine learning algorithms for disease diagnosis, robotic surgeries, and AI-driven patient management systems. It highlights the potential benefits and challenges of AI integration in healthcare. Critique : The article is insightful and supported by clinical data. However, it could delve deeper into the ethical considerations and data privacy issues associated with AI in healthcare. Additionally, more real-world examples and case studies would enhance the article’s relevance. Conclusion : The article effectively demonstrates AI’s transformative potential in healthcare, but it would be strengthened by addressing ethical concerns and including more practical examples.

Examples of Article Review for Psychology

Review of “the influence of parenting styles on child development”.

Title : The Influence of Parenting Styles on Child Development: A Comprehensive Review Introduction : This review evaluates the article’s investigation into how different parenting styles affect children’s psychological and emotional development. Summary : The article explores various parenting styles—authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and neglectful—and their impacts on children’s behavior, self-esteem, academic performance, and social skills. It presents data from longitudinal studies and surveys. Critique : The article is thorough and well-supported by empirical data. However, it could benefit from more recent studies and a broader demographic scope. Additionally, practical recommendations for parents based on the findings are not adequately addressed. Conclusion : The article effectively highlights the significant role of parenting styles in child development. It would be strengthened by including more up-to-date research and practical advice for parents.

Review of “The Effects of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health”

Title : The Effects of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health: A Detailed Review Introduction : This review analyzes the article’s exploration of the psychological effects of social media use on adolescents, focusing on issues like anxiety, depression, and self-esteem. Summary : The article discusses various studies that show a correlation between social media use and increased rates of mental health issues among adolescents. It examines factors such as cyberbullying, social comparison, and screen time. Critique : The article provides a balanced view supported by empirical data. However, it could include more recent studies and a deeper exploration of positive aspects of social media, such as support networks and educational content. Additionally, practical strategies for managing social media use are not sufficiently addressed. Conclusion : The article effectively discusses the negative impacts of social media on adolescent mental health but would benefit from more recent research and practical recommendations.

Review of “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Treating Depression”

Title : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Treating Depression: An Analytical Review Introduction : This review evaluates the article’s discussion on the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in treating depression, focusing on clinical outcomes and patient experiences. Summary : The article reviews various studies demonstrating CBT’s effectiveness in reducing depressive symptoms and preventing relapse. It discusses CBT’s core components, including cognitive restructuring and behavioral activation. Critique : The article is well-researched and provides a comprehensive overview of CBT’s effectiveness. However, it could benefit from more detailed comparisons with other therapeutic approaches and a discussion on the accessibility and scalability of CBT. Additionally, the article should address potential limitations and criticisms of CBT. Conclusion : The article effectively showcases CBT’s effectiveness in treating depression, though it would be enhanced by including comparisons with other therapies and addressing accessibility issues.

Review of “The Role of Mindfulness Meditation in Stress Reduction”

Title : The Role of Mindfulness Meditation in Stress Reduction: A Research Review Introduction : This review analyzes the article’s examination of mindfulness meditation as a technique for reducing stress and improving mental health. Summary : The article discusses various studies that show how mindfulness meditation can reduce stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms. It explains the underlying mechanisms, such as increased self-awareness and emotional regulation. Critique : The article is insightful and supported by empirical data. However, it could include more longitudinal studies to understand the long-term effects of mindfulness meditation. Additionally, the article should address potential barriers to practicing mindfulness, such as time constraints and individual differences in response to meditation. Conclusion : The article effectively highlights the benefits of mindfulness meditation for stress reduction but would be improved by including long-term studies and discussing barriers to practice.

Review of “The Impact of Sleep on Cognitive Function”

Title : The Impact of Sleep on Cognitive Function: A Comprehensive Review Introduction : This review evaluates the article’s investigation into the relationship between sleep and cognitive function, focusing on memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. Summary : The article presents various studies demonstrating that adequate sleep is crucial for optimal cognitive performance. It discusses how sleep deprivation negatively affects cognitive functions and the underlying biological mechanisms involved. Critique : The article is thorough and well-supported by empirical data. However, it could benefit from a more detailed exploration of the differences in sleep needs across different age groups and a discussion on strategies to improve sleep quality. Additionally, practical recommendations for individuals suffering from sleep disorders are not adequately addressed. Conclusion : The article effectively highlights the critical role of sleep in cognitive function but would be strengthened by including more age-specific research and practical advice for improving sleep quality.

Types of Article Reviews

Article reviews are critical assessments of scholarly articles, often used to evaluate the quality, relevance, and significance of the research. Understanding the different types of article reviews helps in identifying the purpose and approach suitable for various academic and professional needs. Here are the main types of article reviews:

1. Narrative Review

A narrative review provides a comprehensive summary of literature on a specific topic. It focuses on discussing the findings of the research studies and offers a narrative explanation of the trends and themes.


  • Summarizes and synthesizes a body of literature.
  • Identifies gaps in current research.
  • Provides a background for understanding the topic.
  • Less structured compared to systematic reviews.

Example: Reviewing literature on the impact of social media on mental health.

2. Systematic Review

A systematic review is a methodical and comprehensive literature review that aims to answer a specific research question. It uses systematic methods to collect secondary data, critically appraise research studies, and synthesize findings.

  • Uses explicit, systematic methods.
  • Pre-defined criteria for selecting studies.
  • Often includes meta-analysis.
  • Highly structured and replicable.

Example: Evaluating the effectiveness of different interventions for reducing hypertension.

3. Meta-Analysis

A meta-analysis is a statistical technique that combines the results of multiple studies to identify overall trends and determine the effectiveness of interventions.

  • Integrates quantitative data from multiple studies.
  • Provides a higher statistical power.
  • Often included in systematic reviews.
  • Focuses on effect sizes and statistical significance.

Example: Combining data from various studies on the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety.

4. Critical Review

A critical review evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of a scholarly article. It involves analyzing the methodology, arguments, evidence, and contributions of the article.

  • In-depth critique of a single article.
  • Focuses on the validity and reliability of the research.
  • Discusses the implications and limitations.
  • Offers suggestions for improvement.

Example: Critiquing the research design and conclusions of a study on climate change impacts on agriculture.

5. Literature Review

A literature review surveys books, scholarly articles, and other sources relevant to a particular issue, area of research, or theory, providing a description, summary, and critical evaluation of these works.

  • Broad overview of existing research.
  • Identifies patterns and trends.
  • Highlights gaps in current knowledge.
  • Provides a foundation for new research.

Example: Reviewing literature on renewable energy sources and their environmental impacts.

6. Scoping Review

A scoping review maps the key concepts underpinning a research area and the main sources and types of evidence available. It aims to provide an overview of the range of research activity.

  • Identifies the scope of literature on a topic.
  • Useful for emerging areas of research.
  • Highlights areas for future research.
  • Less detailed than systematic reviews.

Example: Exploring the range of studies on artificial intelligence applications in healthcare.

7. Integrative Review

An integrative review synthesizes theoretical and empirical literature to provide a more comprehensive understanding of a specific phenomenon or healthcare problem.

  • Combines qualitative and quantitative research.
  • Generates new frameworks and perspectives.
  • Addresses mature topics with substantial research.
  • Useful for policy and practice implications.

Example: Integrating research on patient-centered care models in nursing.

8. Conceptual Review

A conceptual review focuses on theories and concepts in a particular field. It examines how these concepts are defined, measured, and applied in the literature.

  • Emphasizes theoretical frameworks.
  • Analyzes the development of concepts over time.
  • Identifies theoretical gaps.
  • Proposes new conceptual models.

Example: Reviewing the evolution of the concept of resilience in psycholog

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Format for Review Article

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Scientific Article Review

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Review of Research Articles

Components of Article Review

Components of Article Review

An article review involves evaluating and summarizing a scholarly article, presenting critical insights, and reflecting on its implications. Understanding the essential components helps in crafting a thorough and insightful review. Here are the key components:

  • Clearly indicates the focus of the review.
  • Should include the article’s title and author(s).

Example: “Review of ‘The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health’ by John Smith”

2. Introduction

  • Provides context for the review.
  • Introduces the article’s main topic and objectives.
  • States the purpose of the review.

The article “The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health” by John Smith explores the relationship between social media usage and mental health outcomes. This review aims to critically evaluate the article’s findings and discuss its implications for future research.

3. Summary of the Article

  • Concisely summarizes the article’s main points.
  • Includes the research question, methodology, findings, and conclusions.

The article investigates both positive and negative effects of social media on mental health. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study finds that while social media can enhance social support and community building, it also contributes to anxiety, depression, and cyberbullying.

4. Critical Analysis

  • Evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the article.
  • Discusses the validity and reliability of the research.
  • Analyzes the methodologies used and the evidence provided.
  • Considers the implications of the findings.

The article provides a balanced view of social media’s impact, effectively synthesizing current research. However, it lacks in-depth analysis of the methodologies used, which could affect the validity of the findings. Future research should include longitudinal studies to better understand causal relationships.

5. Conclusion

  • Summarizes the key points of the review.
  • Restates the significance of the article.
  • Provides final thoughts and suggestions for future research.

In conclusion, Smith’s article offers valuable insights into the complex relationship between social media and mental health. While the study is comprehensive, addressing methodological limitations in future research would enhance our understanding of this important issue.

6. Personal Reflection

  • Discusses the reviewer’s personal perspective on the article.
  • Explains how the article’s findings relate to the reviewer’s own experiences or studies.
  • Offers insights on how the article influenced their understanding of the topic.

As a student, I find the article’s discussion on the negative impacts of social media particularly relevant. It underscores the importance of mindful social media use to maintain mental well-being. This review has deepened my understanding of the subject and will inform my future research.

7. References

  • Lists all the sources cited in the review.
  • Follows a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).

Example: Smith, J. (2023). The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health. Journal of Psychological Studies, 45(2), 123-145.

How to write an Article Review?

Writing an article review involves summarizing and critically evaluating a scholarly article. This process helps in understanding the article’s contributions and limitations, and it enhances critical thinking skills. Follow these steps to write an effective article review:

1. Read and Understand the Article

  • Read the Article Thoroughly : Start with a quick overview to understand the main idea, then read in detail.
  • Identify Key Points : Note the research question, methodology, findings, and conclusions.
  • Understand the Context : Research the background information and the article’s significance in its field.

2. Plan Your Review

  • Outline the Structure : Plan the sections of your review: Introduction, Summary, Critical Analysis, Conclusion, Personal Reflection, and References.
  • Determine the Focus : Decide what aspects of the article you will highlight and critique.

3. Write the Introduction

  • Provide Context : Introduce the topic of the article and its relevance.
  • State the Purpose : Explain the purpose of your review.
  • Mention the Article : Include the title of the article and the author’s name.

The article “The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health” by John Smith explores the relationship between social media usage and mental health outcomes. This review aims to critically evaluate Smith’s findings and discuss their implications for future research.

4. Summarize the Article

  • Concise Summary : Summarize the main points of the article without inserting personal opinions.
  • Include Key Elements : Mention the research question, methodology, findings, and conclusions.

Smith’s article investigates both positive and negative effects of social media on mental health. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study finds that social media can enhance social support and community building but also contributes to anxiety, depression, and cyberbullying.

5. Critical Analysis

  • Evaluate Strengths and Weaknesses : Discuss the strengths of the article, such as comprehensive literature review or innovative methodology. Point out weaknesses, such as limited sample size or potential biases.
  • Analyze Methodology and Evidence : Critically assess the research methods and the evidence provided.
  • Discuss Implications : Consider the significance of the findings and how they contribute to the field.

The article provides a balanced view of social media’s impact, effectively synthesizing current research. However, it lacks an in-depth analysis of the methodologies used, which could affect the validity of the findings. Future research should include longitudinal studies to better understand causal relationships.

6. Write the Conclusion

  • Summarize Key Points : Briefly restate the main points of your review.
  • Restate the Article’s Significance : Emphasize the importance of the article’s contributions.
  • Provide Final Thoughts : Offer any concluding thoughts and suggestions for future research.

7. Personal Reflection

  • Discuss Personal Insights : Share how the article relates to your own experiences or studies.
  • Explain Impact on Understanding : Describe how the article influenced your understanding of the topic.

8. Include References

  • Cite the Article : Include a full citation of the article you reviewed.
  • Follow Citation Style : Use the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).

Smith, J. (2023). The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health. Journal of Psychological Studies, 45(2), 123-145.

How do I start an article review?

Begin with a brief introduction that provides context, states the purpose of your review, and mentions the article’s title and author.

What should be included in the summary?

Summarize the main points of the article, including the research question, methodology, findings, and conclusions without inserting personal opinions.

How do I write a critical analysis?

Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the article, analyze the methodology and evidence, and discuss the significance and implications of the findings.

How long should an article review be?

The length varies, but typically an article review is 2-4 pages, balancing summary, critical analysis, and personal reflection.

How do I conclude an article review?

Summarize the key points of your review, restate the article’s significance, and provide final thoughts and suggestions for future research.

What is the difference between a summary and a critique?

A summary restates the article’s main points objectively, while a critique evaluates the article’s strengths, weaknesses, and overall contribution.

How do I incorporate personal reflection?

Discuss how the article relates to your own experiences or studies and describe how it influenced your understanding of the topic.

Should I include direct quotes from the article?

Use direct quotes sparingly, only when they enhance your analysis. Always explain their relevance to your critique.

How do I properly cite the article in my review?

Follow the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA) to include a full citation of the article at the end of your review.

Can I express my opinion in an article review?

Yes, but primarily in the critical analysis and personal reflection sections. Ensure your opinions are supported by evidence from the article.


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How to Write an Article Review: Practical Tips and Examples

Sarina Jones

Table of contents

  • 1 What Is an Article Review?
  • 2 Different Types of Article Review
  • 3.1 Critical review
  • 3.2 Literature review
  • 3.3 Mapping review/systematic map
  • 3.4 Meta-analysis
  • 3.5 Overview
  • 3.6 Qualitative Systematic Review/Qualitative Evidence Synthesis
  • 3.7 Rapid review
  • 3.8 Scoping review
  • 3.9 Systematic review
  • 3.10 Umbrella review
  • 4 Formatting
  • 5 How To Write An Article Review
  • 6 Article Review Outline
  • 7 10 Tips for Writing an Article Review
  • 8 An Article Review Example

What Is an Article Review?

Before you get started, learn what an article review is. It can be defined as a work that combines elements of summary and critical analysis. If you are writing an article review, you should take a close look at another author’s work. Many experts regularly practice evaluating the work of others. The purpose of this is to improve writing skills.

This kind of work belongs to professional pieces of writing because the process of crafting this paper requires reviewing, summarizing, and understanding the topic. Only experts are able to compose really good reviews containing a logical evaluation of a paper as well as a critique.

Your task is not to provide new information. You should process what you have in a certain publication.

Different Types of Article Review

In academic writing, the landscape of article reviews is diverse and nuanced, encompassing a variety of formats that cater to different research purposes and methodologies. Among these, three main types of article reviews stand out due to their distinct approaches and applications:

  • Narrative. The basic focus here is the author’s personal experience. Judgments are presented through the prism of experiences and subsequent realizations. Besides, the use of emotional recollections is acceptable.
  • Evidence. There is a significant difference from the narrative review. An in-depth study of the subject is assumed, and conclusions are built on arguments. The author may consider theories or concrete facts to support that.
  • Systematic. The structure of the piece explains the approach to writing. The answer to what’s a systematic review lies on the surface. The writer should pay special attention to the chronology and logic of the narrative.

Understanding 10 Common Types

Don`t rush looking at meta-analysis vs. systematic review. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with other formats and topics of texts. This will allow you to understand the types of essays better and select them based on your request. For this purpose, we`ll discuss the typology of reviews below.

Critical review

The critical review definition says that the author must be objective and have arguments for each thought. Sometimes, amateur authors believe that they should “criticize” something. However, it is important to understand the difference since objectivity and the absence of emotional judgments are prioritized. The structure of this type of review article is as follows:

  • Introduction;
  • Conclusion.

“Stuffing” of the text is based on such elements as methodology, argumentation, evidence, and theory base. The subject of study is stated at the beginning of the material. Then follows the transition to the main part (facts). The final word summarizes all the information voiced earlier.

It is a mistake to believe that critical reviews are devoid of evaluation. The author’s art lies in maneuvering between facts. Smooth transition from one argument to another and lays out the conclusions in the reader. That is why such texts are used in science. The critical reviews meaning is especially tangible in medical topics.

Literature review

Literature is the basis for this type of work ─ books, essays, and articles become a source of information. Thus, the author should rethink the voiced information. After that, it is possible to proceed to conclusions. The methodology aims to find interconnections, repetitions, and even “gaps” in the literature. One important item is the referencing of sources. Footnotes are possible in the work itself or the list of resources used.

These types of research reviews often explore myths since there are often inconsistencies in mythology. Sometimes, there is contrary information. In this case, the author has to gather all existing theories. The essence does not always lie in the confirmation of facts. There are other different types of reviews for this purpose. In literary reviews, the object of study may be characters or traditions. This is where the author’s space for discovery opens up. Inconsistencies in the data can tell important details about particular periods or cultures. At the same time, patterns reveal well-established facts. Make sure to outline your work before you write. This will help you with essay writing .

Mapping review/systematic map

A mapping review, also known as a systematic map, is a unique approach to surveying and organizing existing literature, providing a panoramic view of the research landscape. This paper systematically categorizes and maps out the available literature on a particular topic, emphasizing breadth over depth. Its primary goal is to present a comprehensive visual representation of the research distribution, offering insights into the overall scope of a subject.

One of the strengths of systematic reviews is that they deeply focus on a research question with detailed analysis and synthesis, while mapping review prioritizes breadth. It identifies and categorizes a broad range of studies without necessarily providing in-depth critique or content synthesis. This approach allows for a broader understanding of the field, making it especially useful in the early stages of research. Mapping reviews excel in identifying gaps in the existing body of literature.

By systematically mapping the distribution of research, researchers can pinpoint areas where studies are scarce or nonexistent, helping to guide future research directions. This makes mapping reviews a valuable tool for researchers seeking to contribute meaningfully to a field by addressing unexplored or underexplored areas.


Meta-analysis is a powerful statistical technique. It systematically combines the results of multiple studies to derive comprehensive and nuanced insights. This method goes beyond the limitations of individual studies, offering a more robust understanding of a particular phenomenon by synthesizing data from diverse sources.

Meta-analysis employs a rigorous methodology. It involves the systematic collection and statistical integration of data from multiple studies. This methodological rigor ensures a standardized and unbiased approach to data synthesis. It is applied across various disciplines, from medicine and psychology to social sciences, providing a quantitative assessment of the overall effect of an intervention or the strength of an association.

In evidence-based fields, where informed decision-making relies on a thorough understanding of existing research, meta-analysis plays a pivotal role. It offers a quantitative overview of the collective evidence, helping researchers, policymakers, and practitioners make more informed decisions. By synthesizing results from diverse studies, meta-analysis contributes to the establishment of robust evidence-based practices, enhancing the reliability and credibility of findings in various fields. To present your research findings in the most readable way possible, learn how to write a summary of article .

If the key purpose of systematic review is to maximize the disclosure of facts, the opposite is true here. Imagine a video shot by a quadcopter from an altitude. The viewer sees a vast area of terrain without focusing on individual details. Overviews follow the same principle. The author gives a general picture of the events or objects described.

These types of reviews often seem simple. However, the role of the researcher becomes a very demanding one. The point is not just to list facts. Here, the search for information comes to the fore. After all, it is such reports that, in the future, will provide the basis for researching issues more narrowly. In essence, you yourself create a new source of information ─ students who worry that somebody may critique the author’s article love this type of material. However, there are no questions for the author; they just set the stage for discussions in different fields.

An example of this type of report would be a collection of research results from scientists. For example, statistics on the treatment of patients with certain diseases. In such a case, reference is made to scientific articles and doctrines. Based on this information, readers can speak about the effectiveness of certain treatment methods.

Qualitative Systematic Review/Qualitative Evidence Synthesis

One of the next types of review articles represents a meticulous effort to synthesize and analyze qualitative studies within a specific research domain.

The focus is synthesizing qualitative studies, employing a systematic and rigorous approach to extract meaningful insights. Its significance lies in its ability to provide a nuanced understanding of complex phenomena, offering a qualitative lens to complement quantitative analyses. Researchers can uncover patterns, themes, and contextual nuances that may elude traditional quantitative approaches by systematically reviewing and synthesizing qualitative data.

Often, you may meet discussion: is a systematic review quantitative or qualitative? The application of qualitative systematic reviews extends across diverse research domains, from healthcare and social sciences to education and psychology. For example, this approach can offer a comprehensive understanding of patient experiences and preferences in healthcare. In social sciences, it can illuminate cultural or societal dynamics. Its versatility makes it a valuable tool for researchers exploring, interpreting, and integrating qualitative findings to enrich their understanding of complex phenomena within their respective fields.

Rapid review

If you don’t know how to write an article review , try starting with this format. It is the complete opposite of everything we talked about above. The key advantage and feature is speed. Quick overviews are used when time is limited. The focus can go to individual details (key). Often, the focus is still on the principal points.

Often, these types of review papers are critically needed in politics. This method helps to communicate important information to the reader quickly. An example can be a comparison of the election programs of two politicians. The author can show the key differences. Or it can make an overview based on the theses of the opponents’ proposals on different topics.

Seeming simplicity becomes power. Such texts allow the reader to make a quick decision. The author’s task is to understand potential interests and needs. Then, highlight and present the most important data as concisely as possible. In addition to politics, such reports are often used in communications, advertising, and marketing. Experienced writers mention the one-minute principle. This means you can count on 60 seconds of the reader’s attention. If you managed to hook them ─ bravo, you have done the job!

Scoping review

If you read the official scoping review definition, you may find similarities with the systematic type of review. However, recall is a sequential and logical study in the second case. It’s like you stack things on a shelf by color, size, and texture.

This type of review can be more difficult to understand. The basic concept is to explore what is called the field of subjects. This means, on the one hand, exploring a particular topic through the existing data about it. The author tries to find gaps or patterns by drawing on sources of information.

Another good comparison between systematic and this type of review is imagining as if drawing a picture. In the first case, you will think through every nuance and detail, why it is there, and how it “moves the story.” In the second case, it is as if you are painting a picture with “broad strokes.” In doing so, you can explain your motives for choosing the primary color. For example: “I chose the emerald color because all the cultural publications say it’s a trend”. The same goes for texts.

Systematic review

Sometimes, you may encounter a battle: narrative review vs. systematic review. The point is not to compare but to understand the different types of papers. Once you understand their purpose, you can present your data better and choose a more readable format. The systematic approach can be called the most scientific. Such a review relies on the following steps:

  • Literature search;
  • Evaluating the information;
  • Data processing;
  • Careful analysis of the material.

It is the fourth point that is key. The writer should carefully process the information before using it. However, 80% of your work’s result depends on this stage’s seriousness.

A rigorous approach to data selection produces an array of factual data. That is why this method is so often used in science, education, and social fields. Where accuracy is important. At the same time, the popularity of this approach is growing in other directions.

Systematic reviews allow for using different data and methodologies,, but with one important caveat ─ if the author manages to keep the narrative structured and explain the reason for certain methods. It is not about rigor. The task of this type of review is to preserve the facts, which dictates consistency and rationality.

Umbrella review

An umbrella review is a distinctive approach that involves the review of existing reviews, providing a comprehensive synthesis of evidence on a specific topic. The methodology of an umbrella review entails systematically examining and summarizing findings from multiple systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

This method ensures a rigorous and consolidated analysis of the existing evidence. The application of an umbrella review is broad, spanning various fields such as medicine, public health, and social sciences. It is particularly useful when a substantial body of systematic reviews exists, allowing researchers to draw overarching conclusions from the collective findings.

It allows the summarization of existing reviews and provides a new perspective on individual subtopics of the main object of study. In the context of the umbrella method, the comparison “bird’s eye view” is often cited. A bird in flight can see the whole panorama and shift its gaze to specific objects simultaneously. What becomes relevant at a particular moment? The author will face the same task.

On the one hand, you must delve into the offshoots of the researched topic. On the other hand, focus on the topic or object of study as a whole. Such a concept allows you to open up new perspectives and thoughts.


Different types of formatting styles are used for article review writing. It mainly depends on the guidelines that are provided by the instructor, sometimes, professors even provide an article review template that needs to be followed.

Here are some common types of formatting styles that you should be aware of when you start writing an article review:

  • APA (American Psychological Association) – An APA format article review is commonly used for social sciences. It has guidelines for formatting the title, abstract, body paragraphs, and references. For example, the title of an article in APA format is in sentence case, whereas the publication title is in title case.
  • MLA (Modern Language Association): This is a formatting style often used in humanities, such as language studies and literature. There are specific guidelines for the formatting of the title page, header, footer, and citation style.
  • Chicago Manual of Style: This is one of the most commonly used formatting styles. It is often used for subjects in humanities and social sciences, but also commonly found in a newspaper title. This includes guidelines for formatting the title page, end notes, footnotes, publication title, article citation, and bibliography.
  • Harvard Style: Harvard style is commonly used for social sciences and provides specific guidelines for formatting different sections of the pages, including publication title, summary page, website publisher, and more.

To ensure that your article review paper is properly formatted and meets the requirements, it is crucial to adhere to the specific guidelines for the formatting style you are using. This helps you write a good article review.

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How To Write An Article Review

There are several steps that must be followed when you are starting to review articles. You need to follow these to make sure that your thoughts are organized properly. In this way, you can present your ideas in a more concise and clear manner. Here are some tips on how to start an article review and how to cater to each writing stage.

  • Read the Article Closely: Even before you start to write an article review, it’s important to make sure that you have read the specific article thoroughly. Write down the central points and all the supporting ideas. It’s important also to note any questions or comments that you have about the content.
  • Identify the Thesis: Make sure that you understand the author’s main points, and identify the main thesis of the article. This will help you focus on your review and ensure that you are addressing all of the key points.
  • Formulate an Introduction: The piece should start with an introduction that has all the necessary background information, possibly in the first paragraph or in the first few paragraphs. This can include a brief summary of the important points or an explanation of the importance.
  • Summarize the Article : Summarize the main points when you review the article, and make sure that you include all supporting elements of the author’s thesis.
  • Start with Personal Critique : Now is the time to include a personal opinion on the research article or the journal article review. Start with evaluating all the strengths and weaknesses of the reviewed article. Discuss all of the flaws that you found in the author’s evidence and reasoning. Also, point out whether the conclusion provided by the author was well presented or not.
  • Add Personal Perspective: Offer your perspective on the original article, do you agree or disagree with the ideas that the article supports or not. Your critical review, in your own words, is an essential part of a good review. Make sure you address all unanswered questions in your review.
  • Conclude the Article Review : In this section of the writing process, you need to be very careful and wrap up the whole discussion in a coherent manner. This is should summarize all the main points and offer an overall assessment.

Make sure to stay impartial and provide proof to back up your assessment. By adhering to these guidelines, you can create a reflective and well-structured article review.

Article Review Outline

Here is a basic, detailed outline for an article review you should be aware of as a pre-writing process if you are wondering how to write an article review.


  • Introduce the article that you are reviewing (author name, publication date, title, etc.) Now provide an overview of the article’s main topic

Summary section

  • Summarize the key points in the article as well as any arguments Identify the findings and conclusion

Critical Review

  • Assess and evaluate the positive aspects and the drawbacks
  • Discuss if the authors arguments were verified by the evidence of the article
  • Identify if the text provides substantial information for any future paper or further research
  • Assess any gaps in the arguments
  • Restate the thesis statement
  • Provide a summary for all sections
  • Write any recommendations and thoughts that you have on the article
  • Never forget to add and cite any references that you used in your article

10 Tips for Writing an Article Review

Have you ever written such an assignment? If not, study the helpful tips for composing a paper. If you follow the recommendations provided here, the process of writing a summary of the article won’t be so time-consuming, and you will be able to write an article in the most effective manner.

The guidelines below will help to make the process of preparing a paper much more productive. Let’s get started!

  • Check what kind of information your work should contain. After answering the key question “What is an article review?” you should learn how to structure it the right way. To succeed, you need to know what your work should be based on. An analysis with insightful observations is a must for your piece of writing.
  • Identify the central idea: In your first reading, focus on the overall impression. Gather ideas about what the writer wants to tell, and consider whether he or she managed to achieve it.
  • Look up unfamiliar terms. Don’t know what certain words and expressions mean? Highlight them, and don’t forget to check what they mean with a reliable source of information.
  • Highlight the most important ideas. If you are reading it a second time, use a highlighter to highlight the points that are most important to understanding the passage.
  • Write an outline. A well-written outline will make your life a lot easier. All your thoughts will be grouped. Detailed planning helps not to miss anything important. Think about the questions you should answer when writing.
  • Brainstorm headline ideas. When choosing a project, remember: it should reflect the main idea. Make it bold and concise.
  • Check an article review format example. You should check that you know how to cite an article properly. Note that citation rules are different in APA and MLA formats. Ask your teacher which one to prioritize.
  • Write a good introduction. Use only one short paragraph to state the central idea of ​​the work. Emphasize the author’s key concepts and arguments. Add the thesis at the end of the Introduction.
  • Write in a formal style. Use the third person, remembering that this assignment should be written in a formal academic writing style.
  • Wrap up, offer your critique, and close. Give your opinion on whether the author achieved his goals. Mention the shortcomings of the job, if any, and highlight its strengths.

If you have checked the tips and you still doubt whether you have all the necessary skills and time to prepare this kind of educational work, follow one more tip that guarantees 100% success- ask for professional assistance by asking the custom writing service PapersOwl to craft your paper instead of you. Just submit an order online and get the paper completed by experts.


An Article Review Example

If you have a task to prepare an analysis of a certain piece of literature, have a look at the article review sample. There is an article review example for you to have a clear picture of what it must look like.

Journal Article on Ayn Rand’s Works Review Example

“The purpose of the article is to consider the features of the poetics of Ayn Rand’s novels “Atlas Shrugged,” “We the living,” and “The Fountainhead.” In the analysis of the novels, the structural-semantic and the method of comparative analysis were used.

With the help of these methods, genre features of the novels were revealed, and a single conflict and a cyclic hero were identified.

In-depth reading allows us to more fully reveal the worldview of the author reflected in the novels. It becomes easier to understand the essence of the author’s ideas about the connection between being and consciousness, embodied in cyclic ideas and images of plot twists and heroes. The author did a good job highlighting the strong points of the works and mentioning the reasons for the obvious success of Ayn Rand.“

You can also search for other relevant article review examples before you start.

In conclusion, article reviews play an important role in evaluating and analyzing different scholarly articles. Writing a review requires critical thinking skills and a deep understanding of the article’s content, style, and structure. It is crucial to identify the type of article review and follow the specific guidelines for formatting style provided by the instructor or professor.

The process of writing an article review requires several steps, such as reading the article attentively, identifying the thesis, and formulating an introduction. By following the tips and examples provided in this article, students can write a worthy review that demonstrates their ability to evaluate and critique another writer’s work.

Learning how to write an article review is a critical skill for students and professionals alike. Before diving into the nitty-gritty of reviewing an article, it’s important to understand what an article review is and the elements it should include. An article review is an assessment of a piece of writing that summarizes and evaluates a work. To complete a quality article review, the author should consider the text’s purpose and content, its organization, the author’s style, and how the article fits into a larger conversation. But if you don’t have the time to do all of this work, you can always purchase a literature review from Papers Owl .

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how to start an article review example

How to Write an Article Review: Examples and Tips

article review

In today's information-rich world, mastering the skill of discerning valuable insights from the overwhelming noise is a game-changer. Whether you're a student striving for success or a professional aiming to stay sharp, knowing how to critique an article is your key.

Our article review writing service explains the intricacies of writing an article review, categorizes different types and shares insights into impactful formatting. It's not just theory – we'll guide you step by step, from pre-writing to a tangible review article example, and refine your abilities with essential proofreading tips.

What Is an Article Review?

An article review is more than a mere summary; it is a thoughtful analysis and critique that goes beyond the surface of the title. It's an intellectual exercise that challenges you to engage deeply with the author's ideas, question their methodology, and evaluate the significance of their findings.

Consider it as a journey through the landscape of someone else's thoughts. It's not just about where the writer takes you; it's about the path they choose, the landmarks they highlight, and the potential detours they overlook. An effective examination is a conversation with the author, a dialogue where you appreciate their insights, challenge assumptions, and perhaps even find alternative routes through the intellectual terrain they've explored.

As you start to understand how to review the article, encourage thought by asking questions.

  • What assumptions underlie the author's arguments? 
  • Are there alternative perspectives that could enrich the discussion?
  • How does the author's methodology shape their conclusions, and are there potential biases to consider?
  • How does the title contribute to the clarity and coherence of the author's arguments?
  • In what ways does the title influence the reader's perception of the author's

At EssayHub, our book review writing service experts believe an article review is an opportunity not just to absorb information but to actively engage with it, to question, to ponder, and to contribute your own insights to the scholarly conversation.

Types of Review

When tackling article reviews, there isn't a one-size-fits-all approach; it's a task that allows for versatile strategies. Think of understanding the different types of reviews as having a multifaceted toolkit ready for use. In this part, we'll guide you through the varied types of a review article, each showing a unique viewpoint and serving a specific purpose. Whether you're analyzing a scholarly piece on your own or asking someone to 'write an article review for me,' you'll get valuable insights.

article review types

Journal Article Review

A journal article review involves critically evaluating and analyzing scholarly pieces published in an academic journal. It requires a thorough understanding of the author's research, methodology, results, and conclusions. The reviewer assesses the journal's contributions to the field, its theoretical framework, and the validity of the research methods employed. The goal is to provide a comprehensive summary and critique that highlights both the strengths and limitations of the piece.

Research Article Review

A research article review focuses on the evaluation of a scientific or academic research paper. This type of examination involves examining the research question, experimental design, data collection methods, statistical analysis, and the interpretation of findings. For example, it can be research on teen vaping statistics , which includes all of above. The reviewer assesses the reliability and validity of the research, considers the implications of the study, and offers insights into its potential impact on the broader academic community.

Science Article Review

A science article review encompasses a critical analysis of a piece in the field of science, covering disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology, or any other scientific domain. This review type involves assessing the clarity of scientific concepts presented, the validity of experimental procedures, and the significance of the study's findings. According to our literature review writing service , reviewers may also consider the article's potential contributions to advancing scientific knowledge and its relevance to current scientific debates or issues.

how to start an article review example

Article Review Format

Ensuring the proper formatting of an article examination is crucial, and it should consistently align with the citation style specified by your instructor. If you're uncertain, don't hesitate to ask us - write my article review for me , along with additional guidelines to effectively structure your piece.

Meanwhile, here are some questions to consider:

  • What citation style (MLA, APA, ASA, Chicago, etc.) should you employ?
  • What is the recommended length for your article review?
  • Should your assignment encompass a summary, critique, or include personal opinions?
  • Is it necessary to highlight a theme or central idea from the articles?
  • Does your instructor expect background information to be incorporated?

APA Format Article Review

An APA review sticks to the rules of the American Psychological Association. When unsure how to write an article review in APA format, remember that it carefully cites the article, using a title page, intro, summary, critique, conclusion, and references. Citations follow the author-date format, focusing on being clear and objective. The review digs into the article's methods, results, and overall impact.

When you write an article review in APA, your in-text citation might read: (Anderson & Ramirez, 2019)

The corresponding entry in the reference list would be: Anderson, L., & Ramirez, C. (2019). Unveiling the Dynamics of Urban Green Spaces. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 25(3), 112-128.

MLA Format Article Review

For an MLA writing review, it follows the Modern Language Association's style. It's important to know how sources are cited in the text and in the Works Cited page. The structure usually has an intro, summary, critique, and conclusion. MLA citations often have the author's last name and page number in brackets in the text. This review might highlight the document's literary or humanities aspects, such as style, language, and cultural context.

In an MLA format publication, the citation within the text could look like: (Anderson and Ramirez 112)

The Works Cited entry for this publication: Anderson, Laura, and Carlos Ramirez. 'Exploring the Impact of Urban Green Spaces on Well-being.' Journal of Environmental Psychology, vol. 25, no. 3, 2019, pp. 112-128.

Review Article Outline

As you read your writing piece, organize your thoughts into sections in an outline. Note down key facts, contributions, and any contradictions. Identify strengths and weaknesses, and start mapping your outline.

If your professor doesn't want a summary or personal critique, skip those parts. Like other assignments, your examination needs an introduction, body, and conclusion. Consider dividing your outline accordingly, with subheadings in the body. If you need help starting, find a sample outline.

Your article assessment should have the following:

Writing an Article Review in 7 Steps

Use our essay writing service or move on to understanding how to write a review paper covering everything from creating the title to summarizing key points. This step-by-step guide breaks it down into seven simple steps, making the entire process more manageable.

Step 1: Create the Title

The very first question you might have is how to start an article review. It's crucial to develop a title that not only captures the essence of the publication but also reflects your perspective. For instance, consider the title: ' Decoding Data: A Critical Exploration of Privacy Concerns in Online Health Platforms. ' This title not only introduces the main theme but also hints at the critical evaluation that will unfold in the writing. It sets the tone for your analysis and sparks interest from the outset.

Step 2: Reference the Article

In the second step, it's essential to ensure accurate citation by providing specific details. Take a look at this example:

  • Author: Rodriguez, M., & Chen, L.
  • Title: 'Privacy Matters: Analyzing the Impact of Health Apps on User Data'
  • Publication Date: 2023
  • Source: Journal of Digital Ethics, 8(2), 87-105.

By including these details, you not only acknowledge the authors and the publication but also provide your readers with the necessary information to locate and verify the article. This step lays the foundation for a credible and well-referenced examination.

Step 3: Article Identification

Identify key elements of the publication, such as the writer's main argument, methodology, and key findings. Pinpoint any theoretical frameworks or models used in the title.

For example: The writing by Garcia and Kim examines the correlation between social media usage and mental health outcomes among adolescents. The authors employ a longitudinal study approach, utilizing surveys and interviews to gather data.

Step 4: Make an Introduction

In your introduction, provide a brief overview of the title's subject and purpose. Capture the reader's attention and clearly state your thesis or main point related to the title. For instance, you might start your article review template like this.

In the digital age, the impact of social media on mental health has become a topic of increasing concern. Garcia and Kim's recent study delves into this issue, aiming to uncover the nuanced relationship between social media engagement and the psychological well-being of adolescents. This writing piece critically analyzes the methodology, findings, and implications of their research.

Step 5: Summarize the Article

Summarize the main points of your assessment, highlighting key arguments, evidence, and results. Offer a concise overview without adding personal opinions.

Example: Garcia and Kim's study reveals a significant positive association between increased social media use and heightened levels of anxiety and depression among the adolescent population. The longitudinal study tracked participants over a two-year period, employing both quantitative and qualitative measures to assess mental health outcomes.

Step 6: Provide Critique

Critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of the writing. Well, how to critique an article , you might wonder. Discuss aspects such as methodology, data interpretation, and potential biases.

Example: While the study offers valuable insights, the reliance on self-reported data may introduce response bias. Additionally, the research predominantly focuses on mainstream social media platforms, potentially overlooking the impact of emerging platforms. Despite these limitations, the study's comprehensive approach contributes to the ongoing discourse surrounding the intersection of social media and mental health.

Step 7: Conclude

In the conclusion, summarize your overall assessment of the article and restate your main points. Offer insights into the broader implications of the research and suggest areas for future exploration. 

For example: To conclude, Garcia and Kim's study sheds light on the complex relationship between social media use and adolescent mental health. Despite certain methodological limitations, the research underscores the need for continued investigation in this field. As we navigate the digital landscape, understanding these dynamics becomes crucial for devising effective interventions and support systems for the well-being of our youth.

Example of an Article Review

Why are we taking the time to discuss article review examples in this article? It might not be immediately apparent, but exploring a well-crafted article review sample is a vital step in the writing process for the following reasons:

  • Introduction to Key Works: Helps you to familiarize yourself with the important works of experts in your field.
  • Identification of Key Figures: You can recognize key figures contributing to a specific scientific field.
  • Understanding Field Advancements: Helps you define significant discoveries and advances made in your area of study.
  • Identification of Knowledge Gaps: You can uncover major gaps in existing knowledge, contributing to the formulation of fresh solutions.
  • Reference and Argumentation Resources: You discover solid references and arguments that can enhance your own writing.
  • Idea Generation: Helps you generate ideas for potential future research directions.
  • Becoming an Expert: Assists in gaining a deeper understanding of the subject area, moving towards expertise.
  • Writing Guidance: You acquire a clear idea of how to craft a well-structured review.

how to start an article review example

Article Review Examples and Samples

Reviewing an article is not as easy as it sounds: it requires a critical mind and doing some extra research. Check out our article review samples to gain a better understanding of how to review articles yourself.

How to Write an Article Review: A Comprehensive Guide

Writing an article review can be a complex task. It requires a careful summary of the writer’s article, a thorough evaluation of its key arguments, and a clear understanding of the subject area or discipline. This guide provides guidelines and tips for preparing and writing an effective article review.

Understanding an Article Review

An article review is a critique or assessment of another’s work, typically written by experts in the field. It involves summarizing the writer’s piece, evaluating its main points, and providing an analysis of the content. A review article isn’t just a simple summary; it’s a critical assessment that reflects your understanding and interpretation of the writer’s work.

Preparing for an Article Review

Before you start writing, you need to spend time preparing. This involves getting familiar with the author’s work, conducting research, and identifying the main points or central ideas in the text. It’s crucial to understand the subject area or discipline the writer’s article falls under to provide a comprehensive review.

Writing the Summary

The first part of your article review should provide a summary of the writer’s article. This isn’t a simple recounting of the article; it’s an overview or summation that highlights the key arguments and central ideas. It should give the reader a clear understanding of the writer’s main points and the overall structure of the article.

Evaluating the Article

The evaluation or assessment is the heart of your article review. Here, you analyze the writer’s piece, critique their main points, and assess the validity of their arguments. This evaluation should be based on your research and your understanding of the subject area. It’s important to be critical, but fair in your assessment.

Consulting Experts

Consulting experts or professionals in the field can be a valuable part of writing an article review. They can provide insights, add depth to your critique, and validate your evaluation. Remember, an article review is not just about your opinion, but also about how the writer’s piece is perceived by experts in the field.

Writing the Review

Now that you have your summary and evaluation, it’s time to start writing your review. Begin with an introduction that provides a brief overview of the writer’s article and your intended critique. The body of your review should contain your detailed summary and evaluation. Finally, conclude your review by summarizing your critique and providing your final thoughts on the writer’s piece.

Following Guidelines

While writing your article review, it’s important to adhere to the guidelines provided by your instructor or the journal you’re writing for. These recommendations often include specific formatting and structure requirements, as well as suggestions on the tone and style of your review.

Revisiting the Writer’s Article

As you work on your article review, don’t forget to revisit the writer’s article from time to time. This allows you to maintain a fresh perspective on the writer’s piece and ensures that your evaluation is accurate and comprehensive. The ability to relate to the author’s work is crucial in writing an effective critique.

Highlighting the Main Points

The main points or key arguments of the writer’s article should be at the forefront of your review. These central ideas form the crux of the author’s work and are, therefore, essential to your summary and evaluation. Be sure to clearly identify these points and discuss their significance and impact in the context of the field.

Engaging with the Field

An article review isn’t just about the writer’s article – it’s also about the broader subject area or discipline. Engage with the field by discussing relevant research, theories, and debates. This not only adds depth to your review but also positions the writer’s piece within a larger academic conversation.

Incorporating Expert Opinions

Incorporating the opinions of experts or authorities in the field strengthens your review. Experts can provide valuable insights, challenge your assumptions, and help you see the writer’s article from different perspectives. They can also validate your evaluation and lend credibility to your review.

The Role of Research in Your Review

Research plays a vital role in crafting an article review. It informs your understanding of the writer’s article, the main points, and the field. It also provides the necessary context for your evaluation. Be sure to conduct thorough research and incorporate relevant studies and investigations into your review.

Finalizing Your Review

Before submitting your review, take some time to revise and refine your writing. Check for clarity, coherence, and conciseness. Ensure your summary accurately represents the writer’s article and that your evaluation is thorough and fair. Adhere to the guidelines and recommendations provided by your instructor or the journal. If you need to add citations and reference page – don’t forget to include those. You can refer to one of our tools like ACM reference generator to help you do everything correctly

In summary, writing an article review is a meticulous process that requires a detailed summary of the writer’s piece, a comprehensive evaluation of its main points, and a deep engagement with the field. By preparing adequately, consulting experts, and conducting thorough research, you can write a critique that is insightful, informed, and impactful.

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Article Review: Student Guidelines for an A+ Paper

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  • Icon Calendar 31 July 2024
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This guideline is about how to write an article review, pointing out what students should do to produce high-standard texts, such as preparing themselves, setting a particular stage, and perfecting documents by revising and editing words, sentences, and paragraphs to eliminate grammatical and formatting flaws and logical inconsistencies. Basically, an article review presents a constructive analysis of a specific literature. In this case, scholars use summary, classification, investigation, and appraisal when reviewing scholarly sources. Moreover, such papers help people to identify knowledge gaps in a source and recommend new research areas. In turn, target groups are experts in specific fields, novice researchers, and decision-makers. Other vital information includes a sample outline and an example of an article review paper, some dos and don’ts, and essential tips for writing this type of text. Therefore, reading this guideline prepares one to write an outstanding article review paper that meets unique instructor’s expectations and satisfies standard rules of academic writing.

General Aspects

Students are individually responsible for excellent academic performance. Anyone in college must develop a mindset that promotes this noble goal. Writing is an activity that helps individuals in a learning institution to convert ideas into text, enhancing intellectual creativity. There are various types of papers that students write as part of ongoing or end-year assessments. Writing different types of essays also requires people to review and apply what they have learned in class or private study to produce a logical document. Therefore, individuals must always endeavor to learn more because no one knows when such knowledge may prove valuable. As such, this article outlines essential details that college students need read, comprehend, and utilize when writing an article review paper. As a result, reading this guideline equips one with valid knowledge that proves fundamental when writing this type of academic text.

How to Write an Article Review: Tips, Outline, Format, & Examples

What Is an Article Review and Its Purpose

According to its definition, an article review is a document that examines a specific literary or scholarly text and summarizes it by addressing the most critical elements, such as a particular topic, its background, and its relevance. Ideally, scholars review articles to address specific issues that stand out, such as author’s controversial or erroneous arguments (Deetjen, 2020). In this case, the main purpose of writing an article review is to assess an overall validity, quality, and significance of a source’s content, including its methodology, arguments, and conclusions. Further on, students may need to start writing this type of paper to demonstrate critical thinking because such a task requires one to state what is in an observed text and evaluate it and its significance. Therefore, when reviewing an article, it means one must use intellectual creativity to interrogate author’s ideas and presume a primary intention (Hopkins & Reid, 2024). However, an article review differs from academic texts, like argumentative essays, research proposals or papers, and reports, because students use an author’s content as subject material. In terms of pages and words, the length of an article review depends on academic levels and specific requirements, while general writing guidelines are:

High School

  • Length: 1-3 pages
  • Word Count: 250-750 words
  • Length: 2-4 pages
  • Word Count: 500-1,000 words

University (Undergraduate)

  • Length: 4-6 pages
  • Word Count: 1,000-1,500 words


  • Length: 6-8 pages
  • Word Count: 1,500-2,000 words
  • Length: 8-12+ pages
  • Word Count: 2,000-3,000+ words

Choose Wr1ter Team for reliable, plagiarism-free papers that meet your specific requirements.

Note: Some sections of an article review can be added, deleted, or combined with each other, and their lengths depend on specific assignment guidelines or instructor requirements. For example, a basic structure of a review article typically includes an introduction, a summary of a reading being reviewed, an analysis and evaluation of its content, and a conclusion (Balon, 2022). As such, an article review includes a summary of a specific source’s content along with a critical analysis and evaluation, while a summary only provides a concise overview of main points. Moreover, an article review critically evaluates and analyzes an existing piece of writing, while research involves conducting original studies to generate new knowledge or insights. In turn, to start an article review, people begin by introducing a unique source’s title, author, and a brief overview of its main purpose or thesis (Deetjen, 2020). While anyone with sufficient knowledge of a subject matter can write an article review, it is best to rely on someone with expertise in a field to ensure a thorough and accurate critique. Thus, writing an article review is worth it as this exercise enhances critical thinking, deepens understanding of a subject matter, and contributes to academic and professional discourse.

Structure Features

One reason why an article review differs from other scholarly texts is its set of unique features. Basically, to write an article review, people summarize a specific source’s key points, critically analyze its content, and evaluate its significance and contributions to a particular field while providing evidence and examples (Erol, 2021). As such, the first feature is that it is based on an existing document. While scholars begin other academic texts, like essays from scratch, students start writing their papers by reviewing an assigned source, or they search for it on their own. Then, the second feature is a summary since writers focus on reading an assigned reading and highlighting essential details, like its topic, thesis statement, and central ideas (Hopkins & Reid, 2024). The third unique feature is evaluation, while a primary purpose of an article review is not to report what an entire text says but to evaluate its content from a writer’s perspective. In this case, people must know a specific topical area to assess a given source for analysis. The fourth and most critical feature is significance because such a paper must communicate an actual relevance of a whole text. In turn, students must incorporate all these four elements when writing such a paper.

An excellent article review must have a unique title. For example, an essay title should be informative, while its heading must include essential terms and indicate that an assigned text is under evaluation (Hopkins & Reid, 2024). In writing, a particular title of any paper should influence an intended audience to read a whole text. Besides, a compelling title must include a message about review materials, and readers need to understand an author’s goal. Thus, an article review must have a clear and relevant title.

🔹 Overview Paragraph or Introduction

A first paragraph of an article review must provide valid background information on a specific source under investigation, like any college essay introduction presents a brief overview of an an entire paper. In writing, an introductory section should include a unique title of an assigned source under analysis and its authors, following a title case rule (Booth et al., 2022). Then, an introduction paragraph must describe a central focus of a given source, develop a knowledge question, and clarify a unique organization of a text under evaluation. Along these lines, this paragraph must have a narrow focus on a relevant source. Therefore, an overview paragraph section must provide appropriate background information on a corresponding source and develop a research question. In turn, some examples of sentence starters for beginning an article review are:

  • In a scholarly article titled “Title,” an author explores a complex relationship between [variable 1] and [variable 2], providing a detailed analysis of [topic].
  • A central theme of “Title” by [author] is a particular impact of [subject] on [theme], which is thoroughly examined through various case studies and examples.
  • This critical review examines key points and arguments presented in “Title,” where authors discuss an actual significance of [topic] in a context of [context].
  • A primary purpose of “Title” is to shed light on emerging trends in [topic], offering insights into how these trends influence [subject 1] and [subject 2].
  • In “Title,” an author provides a comprehensive analysis of [topic], highlighting main factors that contribute to [field of study] and their broader implications.
  • An observed reading “Title” aims to address potential challenges associated with [subject], proposing innovative solutions to overcome these obstacles and improve [field of analysis].
  • A main argument presented in “Title” is that [argument], which is supported by extensive research and data on [topic].
  • In their work, “Title, authors discuss a historical development of [topic], emphasizing key milestones and their impacts on [field of study].
  • A central focus of “Title” is on a particular role of [theme] in [field of study], examining how various elements interact to shape an overall outcome.
  • A peer-reviewed article “Title” by [author] focuses on a specific topic of [topic], exploring underlying causes and offering a critical perspective on [subject].

🔹 Body or Its Content

A body section of an article review must be relevant to an assigned source. For example, paragraph writing should present a material and method used in a source under consideration (Deetjen, 2020). In this case, some sections that people may consider when writing their papers reveal data sources, research strategies, and selection criteria. Besides, material and method sections must entail a particular number of studies included and statistical approaches used to analyze data. Thus, body paragraphs should cover key strategies used to gather and analyze data in a given source under analysis.

🔹 Conclusion or Final Paragraph

Being a last section of an article review, a conclusion paragraph should answer a research question presented in an introductory paragraph and what an author intends to share. For instance, a conclusion part must reveal some implications of the findings (Booth et al., 2022). Besides, this writing part of a standard paper should identify possible interpretations by an author and unresolved knowledge questions. Thus, an ending paragraph must justify a research question identified in an introduction section.

🔹 Reference List and Illustrations (Optional)

An excellent article review should contain a reference list to avoid plagiarism and illustrations that are optional. For example, a reference list must include the full bibliographic information of evaluated sources to acknowledge credible articles (Hopkins & Reid, 2024). In turn, illustrations may help students to visualize analyzed sources. Moreover, a compelling paper may include concept maps. In turn, this writing method may help to show a clear relationship between perceptions and theories used by authors. Thus, this type of paper should acknowledge reliable sources and may include illustrations to enhance a better understanding of central concepts.

Formatting Examples of Sources

Because an article review is a scholarly document, students must incorporate citations to indicate ideas they have borrowed from other scholars. There are four primary formatting styles: APA, MLA, Harvard, and Chicago/Turabian (Pears & Shields, 2022). Each style has unique features that make it distinct, although some of them have several similarities. When writing such a paper, students have to adopt a particular style their instructor explicitly specified. However, without such specifications, one needs to choose a style they have used before because they grasp unique elements that a given text should emphasize (Hopkins & Reid, 2024). These elements must appear in all formatting styles and include an author’s name, a source’s title, a date or year of publication, and a publisher’s name. All headings are in a title case for level one, two, and three headings across all the styles.

📕 APA (American Psychological Association) Formatting Style

APA format is among the most common formatting styles for most academic texts. When using this style, students should focus on three aspects: an outline, in-text citations, and References. In this case, a particular outline is an overall appearance of a document. Although most academic texts have a three-part outline (introduction, body, conclusion), writers use headings and subheadings to organize their work logically. Rules for APA headings require students to bold and center first-level headings, bold and flush left second-level headings, and bold, italicize, and flush left third-level headings (American Psychological Association, 2019). In-text citations must capture an author’s surname, year of publication, and paragraph or page number. Essential writing details for entries in a References page are an author’s surname, publication year in brackets, source’s title italicized in sentence case, and a publisher. The following examples for a review show APA References entries and corresponding in-text citations:

Web article ‘References’ entry:

Paluch, J., & Herrera, J. (2023, February 21). Homeless populations are rising around California . Public Policy Institute of California.

In-text citation at the end of a sentence:

(Paluch & Herrera, 2023, para. 2).

Scholarly or scientific article under review:

Somerville, P. (2013). Understanding homelessness. Housing, Theory, and Society , 30 (4), 384-415.

News article under review:

Kang, J. C. (2023, July 2). What does California’s homeless population actually look like. The New Yorker .

📕 MLA (Modern Language Association) Formatting Style

Students should focus on the most critical features when adopting MLA format to write an article review. They are an outline, in-text citations, and Works Cited. Concerning MLA format heading, writers ensure a first level is in a title case, bolded, and flushed left; a second heading is in a title case, bolded, italicized, and flushed left; and a third heading is bolded and centered in a title case (Modern Language Association of America, 2021). For in-text citations, students need to capture an author’s name and a paragraph or page number. However, for entries on a Works Cited page, one should provide more writing details, including an author’s name, an source’s title in a title case, a publisher in italics, and a publication year. The following examples for a review show Works Cited entries for various sources:

Web article ‘Works Cited’ entry:

Paluch, Jennifer, and Joseph Herrera. “Homeless Populations Are Rising Around California.” Public Policy Institute of California , 2023,

(Paluch and Herrera para. 2).

Somerville, Peter. “Understanding Homelessness.” Housing, Theory, and Society, vol. 30, no. 4, 2013, pp. 384-415,

Kang, Jay Caspian. “What Does California’s Homeless Population Actually Look Like.” The New Yorker , 2023.

📕 Harvard Formatting Style

Harvard format resembles APA style rules in some aspects. When using this style, people should focus on an outline, in-text citations, and a References List. Regarding an outline, writers bold and center first-level headings and write it in a title case. They need to equally bold second-level headings and write them in a title case but flush it left (Pears & Shields, 2022). Lastly, students need to indent and bold third-level headings but write them in sentence case. Moreover, they must begin writing after a period. In-text citations should have a name of an author, a publication year, and a page or paragraph number. Finally, essential details for entries in a References List are an author’s name, a publication year, a source, and a publisher. Such entries for a paper should appear differently for various sources as follows:

Web article ‘References List’ entry:

Paluch, J and Herrera, J 2023, ‘Homeless populations are rising around California,’ Public Policy Institute of California . Available from: <>. [13 August 2023].

(Paluch & Herrera 2023, para. 2).

Somerville, P 2013, ‘Understanding homelessness,’ Housing, Theory, and Society , vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 384-415.

Kang, JC 2023, ‘What does California’s homeless population actually look like,’ The New Yorker . Available from: <>. [13 August 2023].

📕 Chicago/Turabian Formatting Style

Chicago/Turabian format is similar to MLA style in some aspects. When writing an article review, students should focus on an outline, in-text citations, and a Bibliography. Regarding an outline, they must center and bold first-level headings and write them in a title case. They also center and write second-level headings in a title case without a boldface format (The University of Chicago Press, 2017). Finally, writers bold and flush left third-level headings and ensure they are in a title case. In-text citations must appear in footnotes, while the most critical writing elements for Bibliography entries are an author’s name, a source’s title, a publisher, and a publication year. These entries for a paper should read as follows for various sources:

Web article ‘Bibliography’ entry:

Paluch, Jennifer, and Joseph Herrera. “Homeless Populations Are Rising Around California.” Public Policy Institute of California , 2023,

In-text citation appears in the footnote as:

Jennifer Paluch and Joseph Herrera, “Homeless Populations Increasing in California,” Public Policy Institute of California , 2023, par. 6,

Kang, Jay Caspian. “What Does California’s Homeless Population Actually Look Like.” The New Yorker , 2023.

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Article reviews come in different forms precisely because different sources are emerging across multiple platforms daily. Basically, these common platforms include the Web, online publications, news outlets, and online databases. Moreover, the three main types of review articles are narrative reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses (Deetjen, 2020). Therefore, when evaluating an article, students should consider a specific platform upon which this piece of writing exists because such details must appear when formatting an entire paper.

The Web is the most robust platform for scholarly and other types of documents. Ideally, anyone who writes a paper can post it on this platform because of fewer rules or limitations, such as a particular need for a standard text. As such, students can access all types of documents on the Web, including articles addressing various societal issues like homelessness (Deetjen, 2020). Bloggers view the Web environment as an ideal place to spread ideas because of an enormous traffic of people that visit it daily. When reviewing articles from the Web, students should understand that such documents can be academically valid or invalid depending on a particular author. The best way to determine an article’s intellectual validity is to consider author’s credentials. What they write must be valid if they are scholars, such as architects, physicians, or software engineers.

Online Publications

Online publications for a review include journals and magazines that provide professionals with a good place to share ideas and review them. Almost every profession has an online journal or magazine where individuals in the trade and those interested in it can exchange thoughts regarding various issues. Basically, a scientific community has New Scientist , Architectural Digest , and Tech Briefs , which are online magazines where people interested in essay topics in science, architecture, and engineering can find intellectually nourishing articles (Deetjen, 2020). As such, writings on these online platforms are academically valid because authors are professionals with experience in diverse fields. When reviewing such articles, students should not be casual but intellectually alert because those who consume their work may want to know how they appraise or critique a text by a professional.

Online News Outlets

With the Internet becoming the most accessible educational platform in a contemporary world, news organizations have developed online outlets to keep a public informed at all times. A main advantage of these outlets for writing an entire evaluation is that a particular public can read about breaking news before a mainstream broadcast and print media can communicate. Although news articles are not scholarly, they are academically valid because they undergo editing by professional journalists (Hopkins & Reid, 2024). Generally, these reading materials are about emerging issues across diverse fields, including politics, economy, society, and international relations. Therefore, when reviewing news articles, students should consider their topical area and mention how an author addresses or fails to include the most critical details, such as some pressing needs of a general public if a given source is about politics.

Online Databases

Online databases are primary reservoirs of research knowledge because they hold various research studies and credible sources. Like online publications that are professionally based, these platforms are discipline-based. In other words, each online database is unique because it contains reliable articles within a specific field of study, such as anthropology, psychology, sociology, political science, law, and linguistics (Booth et al., 2022). Therefore, when reviewing research articles, students should find a specific database they belong. However, since most researches exist in different databases, writers need to focus on a particular journal that publishes an observed article. As previously stated, a journal’s name should appear in a citation at the end of an entire document. Examples of online databases where students can access research articles for a review include JSTOR, EBSCO, PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, and others. Since most of these databases require students to have access credentials, most scholars use Google Scholar to find specific articles for writing their reviews.

Topic Examples

Based on the preceding sections, students can review articles from various platforms. The most important thing to note is that each platform specializes in a particular discipline, such as sociology or political science. Typically, instructors specify an assigned article students should review (Hopkins & Reid, 2024). However, they may sometimes choose reading materials themselves. The following are possible examples of topics for writing an article review paper that students can choose because they are based on articles.

  • Review a research article, “Sex Differences Across Developmental Domains in Children With a Familial Risk of Severe Mental Disorders,” authored by Birgitte Klee Burton and colleagues, and explain an actual significance of a life continuum.
  • What does Daniel Warton see as a real problem in American Politics in “‘Ripe for Political Violence’: US Election Officials Are Quitting at an Alarming Rate.”
  • What does Chika Anekwe prescribe for physical fitness in “Can Fitness Counter Fatness.”
  • What is Medha Mehta’s main message in “Hard Work Is the Key to Success…Or Is It Not.”
  • Write an article review for “Administrators and Accountability: The Plurality of Value Systems in the Public Domain” by Udo Pesch.

Outline Template

I. Introduction Section

  • Introduce a specific article and rationale for a particular review. Students should state why a reading’s topic is essential, such as addressing a social issue.
  • Clearly define what a presented review will discuss. Writers outline a specific order in which they will review each aspect of a source, such as its title, author, content, and significance.
  • State a thesis. People communicate their main focus in reviewing an assigned article, such as critiquing it.

II. Body Paragraphs Section

For each of the body paragraphs, students should incorporate:

  • A topic sentence: A student communicates an idea that supports a thesis.
  • Evidence: A student includes quotes or paraphrases information in a chosen text, following referencing rules.
  • Evaluation: A student evaluates the information from an assigned source to make an argument, such as critiquing an author.
  • A concluding sentence: It is a statement that summarizes a student’s thinking about a reading.
  • Transition: This sentence concludes a paragraph with a statement establishing a logical flow to a next paragraph or section.

III. Conclusion Section

  • Remind a reader of a specific purpose of a presented review by rewording a thesis statement.
  • Briefly mention main points as they appear in body paragraphs, following their order.
  • Make a final remark about an article under evaluation that is intellectually stimulating.

Article Review Example

Topic: Write an article review for “Administrators and Accountability: The Plurality of Value Systems in the Public Domain” by Udo Pesch

I. Introduction

Udo Pesch’s article, “Administrators and Accountability: The Plurality of Value Systems in the Public Domain,” emphasizes an actual significance of a particular interplay between accountability and value systems in public administrators’ decision-making process. A researcher’s primary focus is whether society should hold public administrators accountable and responsible for their decisions. In this respect, Pesch’s article considers various influences that impact public administrators’ decisions.

II. First Body Paragraph

From the start, Pesch points out that accountability in decision-making is a challenging matter in public administration. Basically, an author clarifies that codes of ethics are essential accountability systems in organizations because they define expected behaviors. As such, these explicit ethical systems influence people’s actions in the workplace and even elsewhere. However, an author cautions that differences between one’s moral values and terms of ethical codes can trigger conflict often characterized by a blatant failure to follow policies. In turn, public administrators’ motivations and inability to perceive adverse consequences of their decisions are primary factors that complicate accountability.

III. Second Body Paragraph

A particular social context is another factor influencing public administrators’ sense of accountability. According to Pesch, diverse ethical domains in the social environment prescribe “their own standards of good and bad behavior.” In this respect, individuals operate in a social setting without clearly understanding what attitudes, behaviors, and actions they should demonstrate. This lack of clarity about ethical standards explains why many administrators make bad decisions or refuse to submit to accountability frameworks for reviewing them. Ideally, people feel trapped in a system that demands more without moral support. For example, while top leadership understands what they must do to be accountable, those at lower levels do not. This gap occurs because organizations invest heavily in top leadership, such as training seminars, but view lower cadre employees as a support base.

IV. Third Body Paragraph

In commenting about a specific context that makes accountability a complicated matter in public administration, Pesch blames a lack of universal moral codes as why this is a today’s norm. According to the arguments of an author, public administrators often violate codes of ethics because they do not believe a universal moral code demands civil servants “to live up to integrity standards.” For most administrators, laws and organizational procedures are perfect for holding individuals accountable. An author argues that acknowledging that civil servants have a sense of responsibility is the most effective approach in designing accountability frameworks like codes of ethics. However, this is not a case in most contexts because these accountability systems do not address potential differences between authorized rules and universal principles of good behavior.

V. Conclusion

Overall, Pesch’s article systematically addresses critical issues that complicate a real sense of accountability in public administration. A given source identifies people’s moral values, ethical codes, and social environments as principal factors influencing civil servants’ sense of accountability. Pesch is adamant that codes of ethics are insufficient to motivate civil servants to be accountable and responsible because there is no universal understanding of ethical or moral behavior.

Steps on How to Write an Article Review Paper

Academic activities can be time-consuming and mentally challenging. While the former is easy to manage because one can be flexible, the latter is complicated and has little room for maneuver. Writing falls in this latter category because producing an appraisal paper is a complex process requiring students to grasp technical details. For example, to write an article review from the beginning, people start by thoroughly reading an assigned text, taking detailed notes, and then drafting an introduction that presents a source’s title, author, and main thesis (Deetjen, 2020). Notably, from times when an instructor tells students they need to write this type of text to when they submit completed work, several things must happen to ensure a final product is of high standard. Some technical details one should focus on fall within four stages of writing: preparation, stage set-up, actual writing, and wrap-up. While some steps are simple, others are complex and require students’ utmost focus.

Step 1: Preparation

Like any vital activity or process, writing an article review should begin with preparation. In this initial step of writing, students should choose their article to review if an instructor has not explicitly specified what a given class should use. One needs to select a good source from an online database if a requirement is to review a research article (Hopkins & Reid, 2024). A next task is to generate ideas through brainstorming sessions with classmates or peers. This activity should happen with a target audience of an assigned source in mind. Writers need to review an article in a manner that makes sense to those who will consume their work. As such, students need to produce an intellectually stimulating document. When writing such a paper, people should know why they are writing it: appraise, critique, or summarize.

Step 2: Stage Set-Up

A next step of writing an article review paper is to set up a particular stage, meaning making necessary arrangements to initiate an entire writing process. Students should search for a good source on a relevant platform. In writing, one should use a source’s title as a keyword to browse the Web or search online databases. However, if students choose their sources, they need to use a study area, such as sociology or psychology, as their keywords (Hopkins & Reid, 2024). A next activity is to read texts available online while noting essential information, such as an author’s name and credentials, a topical area, a thesis, key concepts, and central arguments. Students also should create a clear essay outline comprising three main sections: introduction, body, and conclusion. Lastly, they should undertake expanded research to critique a chosen article under review.

Step 3: Writing Process

A third step is to initiate an actual writing of an article review, where one puts ideas into paper. In this stage, people should focus on producing an initial draft by translating all the ideas they have generated into text. For example, a proper article review format includes an introduction, a summary of a text, a critical analysis, an evaluation of its contributions and limitations, and a conclusion (Deetjen, 2020). Since some ideas may need to be more for a good length of an appraisal paper, students should search for more sources to generate additional points of discussion or analysis. However, deleting some sources may be necessary if some ideas are too many for a single reading. Students can also replace sources if they find new ones with better, convincing content. A possible outcome of adding or deleting sources is the alteration of the outline. In turn, one may add new body paragraphs to accommodate more ideas. Students need to focus on their outlines when writing a first draft because it determines whether a document meets essential requirements.

Writing an Introduction

An introduction paragraph is a first part of an article review. When writing this section, students should focus on three things: introducing a title and author(s), clarifying a primary focus of an entire evaluation, and creating a clear thesis (Hopkins & Reid, 2024). A first element concerns a source’s title under apprisal and who wrote it, while a second one concerns what an entire text is about, such as appraising, critiquing, or summarizing its content. A third element is where students state their focus emphatically to establish a particular ground for some ideas in body paragraphs. As a result, when writing an introduction paragraph of their paper, students should know their goal is to analyze an existing text and inform readers how they intend to accomplish this task.

Writing Body Paragraphs

A body part of an article review paper is the most comprehensive section because it comprises key ideas that writers use to analyze an existing document. In this respect, its main feature is body paragraphs, which may be two or more depending on specific requirements of a paper’s length (Booth et al., 2022). While all body paragraphs capture different content, they have a uniform outline. A first element is a topic sentence, which means words that students use to open an entire section. This sentence must emphasize a central idea that reminds readers about a central thesis. A next element is evidence from a given source, such as a quote, since people need to include author’s statements, arguments, or other evidence for writing an analysis part (Dhillon, 2022). A third element is an entire evaluation of the evidence, which is a particular point at which students review articles. Final elements are a concluding sentence and a transition, and they help readers to connect to a next paragraph or section.

Writing a Conclusion

Every academic text must have a final paragraph, a particular stage at which writers complete a writing process. In this stage, people should summarize their work by restating a central thesis using different words and emphasizing main points provided in body paragraphs (Deetjen, 2020). A last element is a final remark that allows writers to judge the chosen reading material using their own words. Students need to understand that they must refrain from introducing new ideas at this stage. Therefore, when writing this part, one should focus on reminding readers of what they have read, emphasizing the most critical aspects of a given text.

Step 4: Wrap Up

A last activity in writing any document is to wrap it up by ensuring its content follows a logical order. Students should wrap up article review papers by perfecting initial drafts. For example, a primary focus at this stage is eliminating all flaws that might affect an overall paper’s quality, such as missing citations and punctuation or inconsistent arguments and ideas (Hopkins & Reid, 2024). Ideally, students perfect their documents by revising sections that seem illogical and editing sections to ensure they align with an initial outline. In turn, a greatest focus should be on body paragraphs because that is where students execute their writing objectives. Some details one should confirm include topic sentences, correct citing, concluding sentences, transition, and formatting. Formatting is critical because citations are a crucial feature of body paragraphs. In turn, students have to cite all information from the source and other documents, following APA, MLA, Harvard, or Chicago/Turabian paper formats.

Based on the preceding sections, writing an article review paper is complex and technical. As such, students need to learn how to simplify an entire process because writing this type of text is a norm in college education (Hopkins & Reid, 2024). Generally, students should choose a source of interest that is less complicated in terms of language, identify and summarize central ideas of a text, appraise and critique its content, and comment on a reading’s significance for a specific area of study.

10 Things to Do

  • choose a well-defined topic,
  • thoroughly search existing literature to find a right article,
  • create an outline,
  • develop a thesis,
  • formulate topic sentences,
  • extract information (evidence) from a text (quotes),
  • evaluate obtained information,
  • write a first draft,
  • perfect a draft to create a final paper,
  • proofread a final document.

10 Not to Do Things

  • do not choose an easy topic,
  • do not pick readings that are not academically stimulating,
  • do not skip writing an outline,
  • do not generate ideas not backed by evidence,
  • do not assume what an author says,
  • do not be rigid in accommodating new ideas,
  • do not consider sources that are not scholarly,
  • do not simply summarize an article,
  • do not ignore formatting rules,
  • do not write using informal language.

What to Include

Common Mistakes

  • Lack of Summary: Failing to provide a concise summary of an article under review can leave readers unclear about its content.
  • Biased Evaluation: Allowing personal opinions to overgeneralize an objective analysis can compromise a review’s credibility.
  • Ignoring an Author’s Intent: Misunderstanding or ignoring an author’s main argument or purpose can lead to writing an inaccurate critique.
  • Insufficient Evidence: Not supporting criticisms or praises with specific examples from a reading can weaken a review’s validity.
  • Overlooking Structure: Neglecting to follow a clear, logical structure can make a paper difficult to follow.
  • Lack of Depth: Providing an overgeneralized analysis without mentioning content’s complexities can result in writing an empty review.
  • Overemphasis on Negatives: Focusing only on author’s flaws without acknowledging its strengths can result in a one-sided perspective.
  • Poor Grammar and Style: Using incorrect grammar or a disorganized writing style can detract from a review’s professionalism and readability.
  • Inadequate Conclusion: Failing to summarize key points and provide final thoughts can make an overall review incomplete.
  • Ignoring Context: Not considering a unique article’s context within its field can lead to a narrow or misinformed critique.

An article review analyzes specific literature and targets experts in particular fields, novice researchers, and decision-makers. Basically, such papers should have a unique writing structure that helps to communicate important concepts. In this case, an acceptable structure of article reviews contains a compelling title, introduction, relevant body paragraphs, conclusion, and references. As a result, students should learn essential tips for producing a high-standard paper:

  • A first tip is to choose a unique topic one has studied in class or private study. Doing so helps in idea generation because students have previous knowledge in their heads.
  • A second tip is to choose a specific reading one can support using scholarly sources. In writing, the best approach is to focus on online publications and databases because they contain scholarly articles.
  • A third tip is to follow a standard outline: introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • A fourth tip is to generate ideas using evidence from a source under examination. One must understand that an article review can be done without creating new knowledge.
  • A fifth tip is to consult widely through research to ensure a particular content is intellectually engaging.
  • Other tips include incorporating expert opinion into body paragraphs, creating logical sentences, correcting grammatical and formatting errors, and eliminating an illogical flow of ideas and thoughts.

American Psychological Association. (2019). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).

Balon, R. (2022). What is a review article and what are its purpose, attributes, and goal(s). Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics , 91 (3), 152–155.

Booth, A., Sutton, A., Clowes, M., & Martyn-St James, M. (2022). Systematic approaches to a successful literature review . SAGE Publications.

Deetjen, T. A. (2020). Published: A guide to literature review, outlining, experimenting, visualization, writing, editing, and peer review for your first scientific journal article . Productive Academic.

Dhillon, P. (2022). How to write a good scientific review article. The FEBS Journal , 289 (13), 3592–3602.

Erol, A. (2021). Basics of writing review articles. Archives of Neuropsychiatry , 1–2.

Hopkins, D., & Reid, T. (2024). The academic skills handbook: Your guide to success in writing, thinking and communicating at university . SAGE Publications.

Modern Language Association of America. (2021). MLA Handbook (9th ed.).

Pears, R., & Shields, G. J. (2022). Cite them right: The essential referencing guide (12th ed.). A&C Black.

The University of Chicago Press. (2017). The Chicago manual of style (18th ed.).

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How to Write a Review of an Article

An article review aims to critically assess the information presented in an academic or journalistic paper. The task is somewhat subjective as you can judge an article’s contents. While an article review shares similarities with a response paper, they have differences as well.

In this guide, our experts describe the main differences between the two and explain how to read, summarize, and evaluate an article for your review. We’ve included a template and an example to illustrate the process of crafting a skillful article review.

💭 Article Review Definition

  • 👀 How to Write a Review

📐 Article Review Outline

  • 📜 How to Cite an Article

🔗 References

First, let’s figure out the exact definition of an article review and highlight its differences from a response paper.

An article review is a formal and specialized analysis of a scholarly article that follows strict requirements. To write an article review, you must present an in-depth analysis of the source’s main arguments, constructively evaluate the literature in the related field, and critically reflect on the paper.

In contrast, a response or reaction paper is an informal and creative analysis of a popular article. Such a piece has fewer rules and a looser structure, offering a personal opinion on the given text. Both paper types commence with a summary of the source, but what follows diverges. An article review presents a critical evaluation , while a response paper offers a subjective reaction.

What Are Good Articles for a Review

Students are usually assigned to review a scientific article; we want to describe these types of articles comprehensively below. To make it more clear, we contrasted scholarly articles with popular ones. The latter are rarely a good idea for a scientific article review and are more appropriate for a reaction paper.

👀 How to Write a Review of an Article

The guide below applies to critical review or the analysis of a scholarly article only. If you are curious about other forms of literary analysis, check out the guide on writing book reviews and literary analysis .

Step 1: Carefully Read the Article

Before starting to write a review, it’s essential to read the article to understand the text fully.

Ask the following questions while reading the text:

  • What’s the topic discussed?
  • What is the type of the article?
  • What are the author’s main ideas?
  • How do they prove their ideas?

Step 2: Create a Summary of an Article

To summarize a text, first, it’s necessary to highlight its main ideas. It’s best to do it during the second reading while taking notes. Sectioning the text and paying attention to headings, thesis statement , conclusion, and keywords will be helpful.

What did the author want to say in each paragraph? Write your interpretation in short phrases to use them later. Then, summarize each section in one sentence and find the evidence that supports the main ideas. Try to express each section in one sentence.

Step 3: Reflect on the Article

How you evaluate the text depends on the topic and the type of article. Here are some of the questions that can help you with this task.

Purpose and Argument Assessment

  • Is the article’s purpose clear from the thesis statement?
  • Does the abstract summarize the key points and argument?
  • Does the objective of the article introduce anything new to the field?
  • Is the argument discussed throughout the main body?
  • Is this discussion cohesive?

Presentation and Organization Assessment

  • Is the title clear and appropriate?
  • Does any place of the article require elaboration?
  • Does any idea seem out of place?
  • Are the author’s statements clear and reader-friendly?
  • How does any ambiguity in the text affect its credibility?
  • Does the author remain objective?
  • Does the overall structure of the article fit its purpose?

Methods Assessment

  • Are the methods and design appropriate for this study?
  • Is the description of the technique sufficient?
  • Have any critical aspects been left out?

Data Assessment

  • Did the author use relevant and credible data ?
  • Are there any things that could be improved in the calculations?
  • Is any content duplicated without a good reason?
  • Are there any factual or interpretation errors? (Compare the article with the references cited).
  • Did the author use proper literature?

Step 4: Write a Review of the Article

An article review comprises several parts: introduction, summary, review, and conclusion. If you follow this simple structure, you’ll be safe. It’s also important to remember the rules of academic writing. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

The picture provides a brief description of an article review outline.

We have already stated that it is essential to maintain an objective tone and academic language, but what about the components? Use this structured outline to create a comprehensive and well-organized article review.

  • Briefly introduce the article, its title, author, publication date, and publication source.
  • Overview the article’s main topic, thesis , and purpose.
  • Include a thesis statement or the main point you will address in your review.
  • Provide a comprehensive summary of the content.
  • Summarize the main arguments, key findings, evidence, and the author’s methodology.
  • Don’t express your opinion in this section; present the article’s content objectively .
  • Introduce the author, their contributions, and expertise relevant to the topic.
  • Explain why the author’s background makes them a credible source in the field.
  • Assess the strength of the author’s arguments, evaluating their logic and persuasiveness.
  • Discuss the quality of the evidence presented – whether it is relevant and reliable.
  • Identify any logical fallacies or biases in the author’s reasoning.
  • Discuss how the article fits within the broader scholarly discussion.
  • Mention other works that have a similar or contrasting viewpoints.
  • Evaluate how the article contributes to the existing literature.
  • Analyze the research methods , data collection, and analysis techniques used in the article.
  • Consider whether the methodology is appropriate in addressing the research questions.
  • Express your opinion on the article’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Address issues like the clarity of the writing, organization, and structure.
  • Highlight any limitations of the article or areas where further research is needed.
  • Summarize your key points, reiterating your overall assessment of the article.
  • Restate your thesis and discuss whether the article achieves its intended purpose.
  • Offer recommendations for how the paper could be improved.
  • Include a list of references and citations used in your review.

📜 How to Cite a Reviewed Article

To cite a reviewed article, students are typically asked to follow APA, MLA, or Chicago citing style. The exact citation style may vary depending on your academic institution’s requirements. Use these rules to cite a reviewed article:

For more details and instruction, refer to official guidelines on how to cite in different styles:

  • APA | Style and Grammar Guidelines
  • Citations by Format | MLA Style Center

📝 Article Review Sample

The best explanation is demonstration! Look at these article review examples that we’ve gathered for you. Pay attention to the structures, language choice, citations, and other elements required for this format.

📌 Culturally Tailored Education for African Americans with Type 2 Diabetes – Article by Carter et al.

In this review of the article “Culturally Tailored Education for African Americans with Type 2 Diabetes” by Berkley Carter and others, you will find a discussion about the significance of culturally relevant self-care plans for patients with type 2 diabetes. The authors emphasize the importance of considering the patients’ cultural backgrounds and social contexts in healthcare planning. However, the reviewer also focuses on specific challenges like dietary habits and safety concerns. In the end, the reader might discover the recommendations to involve the patient’s social network to enhance the effectiveness of self-care plans.

❓ Article Review FAQ

What’s the main purpose of an article review.

It depends on whether you do it as an assignment or as a new publication for a research journal. In the former case, you should demonstrate your understanding of the source material. In the second, your analytical skills are more critical. But in both cases, you should evaluate how the author addresses the topic.

What Makes a Good Article Review?

A good article review summarizes the main ideas of the source text and analyzes them, depending on the requirements. Despite subjectivity, it follows a logical structure and is grounded in the original source.

How Do You Write a Critical Review of a Journal Article?

Identify the parameters to be reviewed: purpose and argument, presentation and organization, methods, and data. Read the article, paying particular attention to the chosen parameters. Write a summary of the article. Outline your article review, listing the main drawbacks you spotted while reading. Start writing.

How to Create an Article Review in APA Format?

You should follow the basic APA requirements if you write an article in this format. Pay special attention to in-text citations and bibliography. You may also need to consult your teacher to learn if there are any special requirements.

  • Thesis | Harvard College Writing Center
  • Paragraph Structure: How to Write Strong Paragraphs | Grammarly
  • Paragraphs: The Writing Center – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • General Format – Purdue OWL® – Purdue University
  • Article Review – University of South Australia


  1. Article Summary Example

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  2. How To Write Summary Of Article : What this handout is about

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  4. (PDF) Writing a review article in 7 steps

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  5. (PDF) Article review writing format, steps, examples and illustration PDF Compiled by Mohammed

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  6. Reflective Essay: How to write an article review paper

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  1. How to Write an Article Review (With Samples) - wikiHow

    Aug 26, 2024 · Identify the article. Start your review by referring to the title and author of the article, the title of the journal, and the year of publication in the first paragraph. For example: The article, "Condom use will increase the spread of AIDS," was written by Anthony Zimmerman, a Catholic priest.

  2. How to Write an Article Review (with Sample Reviews)

    A well-written review not only benefits the author of the article under scrutiny but also serves as a valuable resource for fellow researchers and scholars. Follow these steps to create an effective and informative article review: 1. Understand the purpose: Before diving into the article, it is important to understand the intent of writing a ...

  3. How to Write an Article Review: Types, Format, & Examples

    Crafting an effective article review involves a combination of critical analysis, clarity, and structure. Here are some valuable tips to guide you through the process: Start with a Clear Introduction; Kick off your article review by introducing the article's main points and mentioning the publication date, which you can find on the re-title page.

  4. How to Write an Article Review: Tips and Examples - EssayPro

    Apr 7, 2020 · To write an article review, start by reading the article carefully to understand its main arguments and findings. Take notes on key points, strengths, and weaknesses. Then, organize your review by summarizing the article's main points, evaluating its strengths and weaknesses, and providing your own critical analysis and interpretation.

  5. Article Review - 30+ Examples, Types, How to write, PDF

    Sep 3, 2024 · How to write an Article Review? Writing an article review involves summarizing and critically evaluating a scholarly article. This process helps in understanding the article’s contributions and limitations, and it enhances critical thinking skills. Follow these steps to write an effective article review: 1. Read and Understand the Article

  6. How to Write an Article Review [Practical Tips + Examples]

    Sep 4, 2021 · If you have a task to prepare an analysis of a certain piece of literature, have a look at the article review sample. There is an article review example for you to have a clear picture of what it must look like. Journal Article on Ayn Rand’s Works Review Example “The purpose of the article is to consider the features of the poetics of Ayn ...

  7. How to Write an Article Review: Examples and Tips - EssayHub

    Nov 15, 2024 · For instance, you might start your article review template like this. In the digital age, the impact of social media on mental health has become a topic of increasing concern. Garcia and Kim's recent study delves into this issue, aiming to uncover the nuanced relationship between social media engagement and the psychological well-being of ...

  8. Article Review Examples and Samples -

    An article review is a critique or assessment of another’s work, typically written by experts in the field. It involves summarizing the writer’s piece, evaluating its main points, and providing an analysis of the content. A review article isn’t just a simple summary; it’s a critical assessment that reflects your understanding and ...

  9. How to Write an Article Review: Tips, Outline, Format ...

    Jul 31, 2024 · For example, to write an article review from the beginning, people start by thoroughly reading an assigned text, taking detailed notes, and then drafting an introduction that presents a source’s title, author, and main thesis (Deetjen, 2020).

  10. How to Write a Review of an Article – Outline, Examples ...

    📝 Article Review Sample. The best explanation is demonstration! Look at these article review examples that we’ve gathered for you. Pay attention to the structures, language choice, citations, and other elements required for this format. 📌 Culturally Tailored Education for African Americans with Type 2 Diabetes – Article by Carter et al.